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After FBI Dir. Wray Fueled BlueAnon Claims Trump Was Not Shot, FBI Admits He Was Struck by Bullet

After FBI Dir. Wray Fueled BlueAnon Claims Trump Was Not Shot, FBI Admits He Was Struck by Bullet

“What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle”

Just days ago, we pointed out how Trump assassination trutherism has become a thing on the political left. That was fueled in part by comments from FBI director Christopher Wray, who stupidly speculated that Trump’s ear could have been hit by ‘shrapnel’ rather than a bullet.

The FBI has clarified this with a statement, now that the damage is done.

NBC News reports:

FBI confirms that a bullet struck Trump’s ear during assassination attempt

The FBI said Friday that a bullet or fragments of it struck Donald Trump’s ear during an assassination attempt on the former president this month at a campaign rally.

“What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle,” the FBI said in a statement.

The statement comes two days after FBI Director Christopher Wray, whom Trump nominated to his post in 2017, told House lawmakers that “there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that, you know, hit his ear.”

Wray had testified about the FBI’s ongoing probe into the assassination attempt. A gunman identified as Thomas Crooks, 20, was shot and killed after opening fire from an elevated post not far from Trump’s July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, that left one spectator dead and two others critically injured.

It’s so obvious why this happened.

Tyrus of the Greg Gutfeld show on FOX News made an outstanding point about this on Friday night. I have searched high and low for the clip, but it’s not available anywhere so I’ll just tell you about it.

Tyrus suggested that all we have to do is ask Christopher Wray if Corey Comperatore, the firefighter father who was shot and killed at the Trump rally while shielding his family, was also killed by shrapnel.

Just hold up a picture of Comperatore, and ask Wray to comment. Sir, was this man killed by shrapnel?


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How much power does the President wield over the FBI (and the Secret Service, for that matter)?

It seems rather obvious that a reinvention of both would be advisable.

The CIA I suspect (heh – because I suspect them too) are too powerful to take on. .

    Oracle in reply to Hodge. | July 27, 2024 at 10:49 am

    Get rid of the FBI- they have always been corrupt and political.

    retiredcantbefired in reply to Hodge. | July 27, 2024 at 11:05 am

    If the CIA is too powerful to take on, the Deep State will rule over us forever.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Hodge. | July 27, 2024 at 11:18 am

    Truman disbanded the OSS by Executive Order, mainly because many of them were “Oh So Social,” a collection of the rich kids who wanted to play but didn’t want to be infantry troops. They got too big for their britches.

    While he understood the need for an Intelligence Service, he just gave the mission over to the War Department.

    No organization is too big to be disbanded.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Hodge. | July 27, 2024 at 2:05 pm

    The fact that Wray is still director under Biden tells us all we need to know, he is swamp and should eventually pay for that.

thalesofmiletus | July 27, 2024 at 10:31 am

It’s not a lie if YOU believe it!

He’s just giving us the middle finger.

Don’t get mad – register voters and beat them in November.

Wipe the smug smile off their faces.

Wrey needs to go, jail preferably for the Coup d’etat

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | July 27, 2024 at 11:23 am

Why do we even believe ANYTHING that comes from the FBLie?

The entire bunch needs to be unemployed.

I don’t accept the clown from Fox News who keeps telling us that “there are good people in the FBI.”

No there aren’t. There are bad people in the FBI and there are people in the FBI who know who is bad, and won’t say anything just to keep their paychecks.

Thus, there are NO good people in the FBI.

That Wray is a sniveling little weasel that refuses to communicate honestly with Congress or the pubic is beyond question. And this could be said about every virtually all administrative heads. One can only hope a new Trump administration will remove from authority most or all of these clowns as soon as possible.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Concise. | July 27, 2024 at 2:01 pm

    I would be happy if every SES, GS-14, and GS-13 all lost their jobs once Trump becomes president.

    They should be given an option. Those eligible for retirement will have 60 days to retire. After that, terminations across the board.

    All Democrat Party holdovers regardless of pay level between the time Obama was president, through Trump 45, through Biden Disaster, into Trump 47 need to be Gone, Gone, Gone.

    Anyone who violates the Hatch Act or does anything to undermine the President, automatic termination. Let them spend years fighting at their own expense.

“Diversity Hires” aren’t the only folks who are ruining this nation’s government and businesses. “The Effability Factor” is just as bad if not worse.

Wray, Newsome, AOC, and others are appointed/elected or climb the ladder because most people are stuck in puberty and still thinking of Teen Beat magazine. Men and women who look a certain way are destined for success regardless of what’s between their ears (and even if they are psychopaths, sociopaths, or narcissists).

Wray may have some level of intelligence, but that doesn’t prevent him from being biased or corrupt or just plain sadistic or evil.

Until Americans stop voting and promoting people who are Effable, we are going to continue to flounder if not just decay and collapse.

The “Trump faked his assassination” hoax is just warming up.

texansamurai | July 27, 2024 at 1:13 pm

wray and numerous ” politicians ” and talking heads make me yearn for the days when dueling was legal–his (and other’s) deceit and treason would come to an abrupt end

karma is an interesting notion and who knows?– those days may yet return

An utter leftist scumbag.

He knew goddamn well it was a complete lie.

The ONLY purpose of his crap was to give them a video clip they could splash all over the fake news networks to fuel their conspiracy theory, knowing that they would scatter his BS on all the networks, and then when the FBI quietly ‘admits’ that he was lying, absolutely nobody on the left will amplify the truth.

He’s a leftist scumbag and always has been. He knows there’s no point to his ‘non-partisan’ charade anymore, thin as it was, so now he’s just going full mask-off and is all-in on stopping Trump.

And never forget just how many alleged ‘conservative’ clowns insisted this jackass was ‘non-partisan’ when Biitch McConnell and Barr forced him down Trump’s throat as the price of getting rid of the even bigger leftist blowhard Comey

Wray is a manifestly corrupt, biased, subversive and contemptible Deep State apparatchik.

To me, nothing screams glaring political bias/infiltration/corruption as much as the Secret Service’s utterly stupid, arrogant and boneheaded “advice” to President Trump, urging him to refrain from holding outdoor rallies.

Has the SS ever issued a similar statement, to narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, crime boss/dotard, Biden, crone-harlot, Kamala, or, any other prominent Dhimmi-crat? No. Only the GOP candidate for President and front-runner is issued a thinly-veiled threat regarding SS’s supposed inability to protect him; a warning that is clearly calculated to effectively undermine and hobble his campaign strategy and his personal outreach style.

Amazing how Obama, Biden and Harris could/can hold all the rallies they want, wherever and whenever, without restrictions and without a hitch.

Wray, Gina Haspel at CIA, and, probably 75% of the top brass at FBI, CIA, DoD and the State Department need to be fired, posthaste, on Day One of a second Trump presidency. A purge of the subversive, lawless and totalitarian Deep State is long overdue.

destroycommunism | July 27, 2024 at 2:10 pm


the left wants to stop elections so they dont have to pay for their sins

and just imprison all those who get in their way

if they havent m urdered them first

think about ashli babbit she was murdered for the lefty cause and the gop HELPED cover up as much as they could


Attempted theft of valor, such as it was.

2smartforlibs | July 27, 2024 at 4:24 pm

The left is terrified of Qanon but Blueanon is gospel to them. Pull until you hear a pop leftist.

Wray is busy undermining whatever authority the FBI may still have. He only has until the end of January next year to finish the job. Starting with Ruby Ridge, the FBI has been a huge disappointment at best; a disgrace at worst.