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Sen. Barrasso: Crooks Identified as ‘Suspicious’ an Hour Before He Shot Trump

Sen. Barrasso: Crooks Identified as ‘Suspicious’ an Hour Before He Shot Trump

I also saw 10 minutes and 19 minutes.

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) said the Secret Service learned about a suspicious person an hour before the shooting:

“He was identified as a character of suspicion because [he had] a rangefinder as well as a backpack. And this was over an hour before the shooting actually occurred,” Barrasso said. “So, you would think over the course of that hour, you shouldn’t lose sight of the individual. Somebody ought to be following up on those sorts of things. No evidence of that happening at all.”

Fox News was told that the Secret Service was aware of the threat before Trump walked on stage and narrowly survived an assassination attempt.

A Secret Service agent in charge of security for the event was on the phone with local and state police about the threat while the shooting took place, Barrasso said.

Barrasso said there was no talk of reports that local officers engaged with the shooter before he opened fire.

“They shut it after just a couple of questions and didn’t get to any of the meat of the matter,” Barrasso said.

Barrasso called for U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to resign.

“The American people shouldn’t feel comfortable with this,” Barrasso said. “This is a total failure [on behalf of] the Secret Service. We need replacement at the top.”

I also saw 10 minutes and 19 minutes.

Either way…this is BAD.

The Secret Service trains for 100% accuracy to 900 meters.


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TrickyRicky | July 17, 2024 at 4:59 pm

And the director STILL hasn’t resigned?

And they put him behind the podium anyway. It’s seeming more deliberate with each day’s news.

Seems to me the reason they didn’t stop him is because they put him there…

texansamurai | July 17, 2024 at 5:11 pm

If this is in fact true then the treasury boys and girls have no excuse—period

    TrickyRicky in reply to texansamurai. | July 17, 2024 at 5:38 pm

    USSS hasn’t been part of Treasury for over 20 years.
    Homeland Security, on the other hand, has a hell of a lot to answer for, even before last Saturday.

      texansamurai in reply to TrickyRicky. | July 17, 2024 at 8:33 pm

      relax tricky—have known / know several folks who have worked for them over the last several decades and they typically refer to one another as “ treasury hands “ as in a response to “ what do you do for a living ? “—“ I’m just a treasury hand “ similar to the state boys who guard the governor/governor’s residences (including a couple that were the shooters on his personal detail—“well, we’re not really cops we’re just state hands is all “ something of a tradition with them

“If true …” (as the Liberal Press loves to say) quite a number of people may have been playing with fire and risk getting burned. This isn’t a game. Heck, there’s already one dead man and two injured besides President Trump.

    mailman in reply to WestRock. | July 17, 2024 at 5:32 pm

    The true tragedy is that because of neglectful incompetence a father is dead and people absolutely must pay a price for that poor man’s utterly avoidable death!

    He didn’t have to die. All that had to happen was people in positions of responsibility be somewhat competent at what they do.

“Secret Service alerted to threat 10 minutes before Trump took the stage”

Then they shouldn’t have allowed him to take the stage.

    CommoChief in reply to Paula. | July 17, 2024 at 5:21 pm

    Exactly. Every other dumbass decision in the parade of unforced errors leading up to the attempted assassination of DJT would have been stopped by keeping Trump off the podium until they had this guy wandering around with a range finder, backpack and a rifle on an unsecured rooftop with direct observation and a clear field of fire less than 200 yards away from the podium.

FNC is reporting SAIC was on the phone with DC when the shooting started.

USSS: Secretary, we’ve identified a credible threat to Trump at this rally. What should we do?

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS: Absolutely nothing, just as we discussed.

USSS: Yes, Lord Mayorkas.


There is so much info coming out and put most of it together, and it becomes more and more obvious that this had as much corruption as JFK’s assassination.

This was planned by the demonrat party at it’s highest levels, along with the shadow government we’ve had since The Fed was put together in the middle of the night. If not for a slight turn of his head, DJT would be gone. Could they have been more obvious as desperation spread like wildfire

Without principles, ethics, morals or honour, and always playing dirty, I long suspected this would happen. Everyone who had a hand in this horrific act and all the people who fired up their weak headed voters to violence (and the list is long) has to pay the price of their psychopathy if America is to survive.

If this was truly an assassination attempt, then all involved need to be publicly executed.

destroycommunism | July 17, 2024 at 5:53 pm


the agenda is dei

trump is pro meritocracy which is anti dei agenda

do the math

President Biden has been remarkably unwilling to fire anyone – expect those border patrol agents that he thought were whipping the illegal immigrants. This is his opportunity to show Americans that he is not going to put up with incompetence. But don’t hold your breath.

Sen. Mike Lee on this afternoon’s ‘briefing.’

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle needs to step down immediately. Today’s (mostly) information-free briefing only confirmed that. What little information she gave us was at once deeply troubling and glaringly incomplete. At least three of us — Senator Blackburn, Senator Cruz, and me — had sought recognition to ask questions and were in the cue when they arbitrarily cut the call short. Never — in my 13 years in the Senate — have I seen a briefing end after answering only four questions. If I’m not mistaken, three of the four questions allowed were asked by Democrats.

So fail.
Much bad.
Big ugly.

Why are the heads of Mayorkas and Cheatle not on pikes?

nordic prince | July 18, 2024 at 12:44 am

The Keystone Cops are a thousand times more competent than Secret Service Director Cheatle. That bitch needs to go, and be charged with manslaughter, attempted murder, and treason. For starters.