This Is How It’s Done: Ted Cruz Drops Truth Bombs On Eco-Fascists Disrupting His Speech
“He’s literally protesting about climate, and he can’t tell you who the biggest polluter on planet Earth is.”
I have missed the feisty firebrand Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) circa 2010, so I was thrilled to see him completely humiliate uninformed climate “protesters.” This is the fiery, take no prisoners Cruz of yore.
Climate protesters disrupted Sen. Cruz's speech tonight. He flipped the script and put them on the spot. "Which country is the biggest climate polluter on Planet Earth? You have no idea!"
The obvious well-known answer is Communist China. They wouldn't say or they don't know.…
— Darin Miller (@DarinBMiller) July 12, 2024
The full tweet reads:
Climate protesters disrupted Sen. Cruz’s speech tonight. He flipped the script and put them on the spot. “Which country is the biggest climate polluter on Planet Earth? You have no idea!”
The obvious well-known answer is Communist China. They wouldn’t say or they don’t know.
These radicals are not not pro-environment they’re just anti-American.
He’s not wrong. Every protest since the ’60s (then going back to the ’30s) has been anti-American at its root. Every single one, up to and including Occupy, BLM, antifa, and now the pro-Hamas hoardes. They are all the same, no matter their script or stated cause, the true goal is the destruction of America. Or as Obama liked to say, its “fundamental transformation.”
And we know this is true because, in this case and as an example, the protesters seem to believe that the United States is the “biggest polluter,” which is, of course, untrue as Cruz explains. But even these fake climate protesters (really just the useful idiots of the destroy America club) don’t care when they are told the truth.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz beefed with several climate activists who interrupted his remarks at a Thursday night event.
The protesters interrupted the Texas Republican by sitting on the stage next to him and chanting slogans to highlight climate change and protest his energy policies. Rather than backing down, Cruz engaged with the activists using the microphone, challenging them on their understanding of basic climate and energy facts. Grainy footage of the incident, posted on social media, captures Cruz’s interaction with the protesters.
“Hold on, hold on, which country is the biggest climate polluter on planet Earth?” Cruz asked the protesters. “You have no idea. You’re a protester and you’re utterly ignorant about what you’re protesting about. What’s the answer?”
“OK, so you have none,” Cruz said a few seconds later. “He’s literally protesting about climate, and he can’t tell you who the biggest polluter on planet Earth is. And he won’t.”
One of the activists retorted at Cruz with a response that is mostly inaudible in the footage.
“What country is the largest polluter on planet Earth today?” Cruz said, before one of the protesters responded that it is the United States.
“OK, so this young lady has no clue, she said ‘the United States of America,” Cruz said. “She is protesting, and she has literally no idea. By the way, the answer is Communist China. Which country leads the world in reduction of carbon emissions? Are you gonna know the answer to that? I’ll give you a hint, it was the wrong answer you gave before: it’s the United States of America.”
That led the crowd to applaud Cruz.
“Do you know why?” Cruz continued. “The reason is because of the thing you’re protesting against: fossil fuels. No, no, you’re so ignorant, you don’t know. So if you’re going to protest, confront some facts.”
Here’s some inconvenient facts they refuse to confront:
China has 3200 coal fired power plants, United States has 200.
— Dan Laughlin (@VoteLaughlin) July 12, 2024
They sure aren’t going to China to protest to save the planet blah blah. And we all know why.
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It would have helped a lot if he’d pointed out why CO2 isn’t a pollutant, but you take what you can get.
This wouldn’t have made any difference to these intellectual pygmies what so ever. They dont care about facts. Their ignorance wont allow them to care about facts.
You understand that he’s not really talking to them, but to the audience, right? Anyway, as I said, “you take what you can get”.
Reminds of the pro terrorist gaza crowd chanting “from the river to the sea” and when asked what river and what sea they have no idea.
That’s not the type of discussion you’re going to be able to have impromptu in front of a bunch of novices. Heck, you can’t have that discussion in front of a bunch of people that do atmospheric science and biology.
How many students today are beyond belief IGNORANT of the most basic facts on Government, Society, History and Commerce.
They can’t name basics like how many states, the make up of our government, dates of significant events, not just our first President but even times of our current one !
And the worse is they claim to have graduated H.S. and some claim college. Whoa is our country. Time to do away with Federal Depart. of Education and give it back to the states and go so far as to the local counties within the states where charter schools will have opportunity to grow and become the norm.
Agree mostly. But charter schools are run by the same government bureaucracies, so no. We need school choice.
Are they?! My understanding is that charter schools are run by private entities; the whole point of them is that although they’re government schools they’re not run by the government bureaucracies. The government sets objective criteria that the private operators have to satisfy, but how they satisfy them is up to them.
Government in all but name if that is where the bulk of their funding comes from.
On the contrary. They are government schools, so pretty much all their funding comes from the government, but (at least as I understand it) the whole point is that they are not run by the government, so they’re not subject to the bureaucracy, the teachers unions, etc. The government just pays them a fixed amount and expects them to produce results.
true UNTIL THE GOVERNMENT LEANS ON YOU for something they dont agree with
thats the problem with a nazirun economy
they “let” the people run it ( so the government can point the fingers when things go wrong
but in reality the government IS ALWAYSSSS in charge
Around here the charter schools are funded and administrated by the local school district. There may be policy differences, I’m not sure but generally they’re more focused learning environments. That is, they specialize in certain things.
“They sure aren’t going to China to protest to save the planet blah blah. And we all know why.”
Yep, China would be harvesting their organs.
Sounds like a good idea to me.
You can also ask how many politicians, how many J-School grads*, and how many government employees are similarly “beyond belief IGNORANT of the most basic facts on Government, Society, History and Commerce.”
* I refuse to call them reporters, for they are not; I refuse to call them journalists, for they are not; I refuse to call their product news, for it is not.
I want them to go protest at the Politburo.
I’d settle for them shutting their ignorant pie holes.
Back in the 1980s, when I was living in Providence, RI, some ladies from an outfit called “Women for Non-Nuclear Future” came knocking at my door. According to them, the United States was to blame for the nuclear arms race, and posed the greatest threat of world annihilation. After listening for a minute or two, I started asking them technical questions about nuclear weapons and delivery systems, Soviet capabilities, and the strategies behind the US’s nuclear deterrence. Of course, they were entirely ignorant, and I basically told them the same thing Cruz told the climate protestors – educate yourself before being “for” or “against” anything.
Ask them to give up their cell phones and computers. Travel on public transportation. No air conditioning.
Watch the little darlings go spastic.
To paraphrase William Harcourt, “We are all Kardashians now.”
Good job by Senator Cruz. I have been a long time admirer of his adroit debating ability. He could have mentioned that most (if not all) of the clothing worn by the protestors contained synthetic fibers – sourced from petroleum. He could have mentioned that the air conditioning in the forum was powered by electricity generated from petroleum. He could have mentioned that petroleum is a key enabler for much of the foods, food distribution, and food preparation that provided the protestors their daily calories.
I think Cruz would make an outstanding choice for VP, even though he did go to Harvard (after four years slumming at Princeton).
But he was born in Calgary, Alberta, so he can’t be Pres or VP.
That’s unfortunate.
The current consensus of legal authorities seems to be that “natural born citizen” simply means “born with citizenship”, so Cruz is an NBC after all, as was George Romney.
The foundling farters meant born without c-section in a state of union.
As I have been saying for so many years now, Leftist ideology and the Leftist agenda are, and have always been, based on lies, misinformation, and deception. The greatest enemies of the Left are truth, facts, and reality. That is why the “useful idiots” recruited by the Left to do their dirty work, like protest and engage in acts of violence, are completely ignorant of the facts. The Left has an agenda, and they do not let trivialities like truth and facts get in the way.
the nba etc stopped any negative talk about the chinese years back
and americans keep the nba in busine$$
Other fun facts:
Remember the Kyoto Protocols back in 1997? The US never joined them, and the eco-activists freaked out. The Protocols had a by-nation target for CO2 reductions to be achieved by 2017. The US, though not a member, beat the target set at Kyoto and did so in 2013 – four years ahead of the eco-freak demands.
Oh, and there was no other industrial nation which even managed to decrease their CO2 output by 2017. So much for international climate conferences. Grift upon grift upon grift – clerks negotiating shopping trips with each other.
The thing is- most republicans are data driven as well as principled.
by data driven- I mean data which survives scrutiny.
Leftist data never survives scrutiny.
Their data lasts about as long as a snowball in hell. If it didn’t I’d be enjoying my atlantic beach front property in TN right now.
Instead of record-fascists call them enviro mentally ill.