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Dems, Media Losing Their Minds Over Trump Sitting Back and Watching Them Implode Post-Debate Debacle

Dems, Media Losing Their Minds Over Trump Sitting Back and Watching Them Implode Post-Debate Debacle

“BREAKING: Donald Trump has now been missing for 11 days. Will the media please do a wellness check on him?”

One oft-repeated criticism of former President Donald Trump from his critics on the left and even some on the right is that he doesn’t have a filter, and doesn’t know when to leave well enough alone and to keep quiet.

“Will you shut up, man?” then-Democratic nominee Joe Biden once demanded during the first of their two highly contentious 2020 presidential debates.

But while Trump hasn’t exactly been quiet in the aftermath of President Biden’s disastrous debate performance last month, he’s surprisingly taken a somewhat muted stance so far – standing back and watching from afar as the “Dems in disarray” narrative takes shape in living color, threatening to derail the Democratic Party’s hopes of keeping Trump from winning another term in office.

Predictably, Trump’s strategy is raising some eyebrows and causing some fretting on the left and in the MSM, as first indicated by the New York Times seemingly trying to draw him out for comment earlier this month:

From that write-up:

His decision to cede the spotlight to a rival, even temporarily, is a seldom-seen strategy from the attention-driven former president, who has spent a lifetime bending news coverage to his benefit in real estate, on reality television and in national politics.


There was no concrete plan for the former president to announce his pick either last week or this week. But Mr. Biden’s fumbling performance left Mr. Trump in the aftermath with little choice but to further linger over his decision, according to two people familiar with the former president’s thinking. Naming a running mate now would risk stepping on the controversy swirling around his opponent, which has included calls from within the Democratic Party and from liberal news media figures for Mr. Biden to step aside.

The “Biden’s Wins” Twitter/X account, which bills itself as “The largest online community of President Biden’s supporters,” also appears to be trying to goad Trump to come out and play:

… as did CNN political commentator Bakari Sellers, the South Carolina state co-chairman of then-Sen. Kamala Harris’ failed 2020 presidential campaign:

DNC strategist Simon Rosenberg also took up the talking point:

Trump is of course not missing and has not gone into hiding. He’s been active on his social media platform, Truth Social, since the debate, and on Monday called in to Fox News for an interview with Sean Hannity. And as I write this, he’s preparing for a campaign event set to take place at his Doral, Florida golf resort Tuesday night.

While the presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee has taken a few (mostly) light jabs at Biden’s debate performance and the fallout that erupted from it, sources with his campaign have confirmed that their strategy of grabbing the popcorn and watching the Democrats implode has been deliberate:

The Trump campaign doesn’t want to “get in the way” of Democrats “shooting at each other” over President Biden’s re-election chances, with a source telling Fox News Digital that the former president prefers to focus on campaigning and the upcoming Republican National Convention instead of on his rival’s implosion.

Other than challenging Biden to a second debate – one that he proposes occur without any moderators – former President Trump has been measured in his attacks on Biden. When asked about the strategy, a Trump campaign source said Trump is, instead, focused on his campaign and winning.

“Democrats are in disarray,” the Trump campaign source told Fox News Digital. “Why get in the way of them shooting at each other?”

One Trump supporter put it another way:

I’ve got to admit, I didn’t see it coming, but it’s been pretty impressive so far. As for how long it will last, I’ll leave that to Legal Insurrection commenters to speculate on.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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The Democrats are so very out of touch. So much that their attempts come off as juvenile, idiotic, inauthentic. Keep up the good work. Let the people see, once and for all, how bad for the country you are, and how dishonest un untrustworthy you have been for much too long.

    Ghostrider in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | July 10, 2024 at 7:31 am

    Excuse me, but I’m confused – why is there so much Democrat infighting, and why is there a need for double-secret, closed-door meetings to determine Joe’s election fate?

    I thought Traitor Joe just had a “cold” and a “bad night”?

    Another cycle of Dem party/media thrombosis over Biden’s mental/physical condition is sure to be triggered by the NYT editorial today taking the whip hand to the donkey to remove the doddering old fool. Now look for more media interviews and shouted questions at Dem politicians producing yet more bashing of teeth as the public more and more realizes that they as a party are capable of sticking their collective heads in the sand and allow an actual national security crisis fester.

Clinton used to call it “triangulating,” but in this case, it is two camps of Dems fighting over what needs to be done about Biden.

“What about Biden?” has the ring of a great sitcom.

They created this mess, now they can lie in it. No matter what Pres. Trump does, it will be criticized, so why waste the money and energy?

    MarkS in reply to Dimsdale. | July 9, 2024 at 8:34 pm

    If the dems hadn’t stolen the 2020 election, Trump would be trailing off into the sunset, Joe would not have set the party back at least two election cycles and life would now be good for the jackass party, but oh no, they had to get greedy

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to MarkS. | July 9, 2024 at 8:51 pm

      I am utterly amazed at how so many Dem voters are totally bent out of shape at the prospect of Trump’s return. 4 years of Dementia Joe has not dissipated the TDS mental disease one bit. It is as strong as ever.

        Valerie in reply to The_Mew_Cat. | July 9, 2024 at 10:11 pm

        I’ve concluded there are no intelligent people left in the Democrat Party. Today I read from one lauding RFK, Jr. for being the first person to lead away from the warmongering of both parties. So this person had not one clue about North Korea, or the Abraham Accords, or setting up a reasonable withdrawal from Afghanistan before Biden f**ked it up, or questioning our role in NATO.

        I like RFK, Jr., and I’d love to see him in a Trump Cabinet, preferably with the mission to straighten out the FDA. But, he is clearly not the first peace candidate in recent memory.

          maxmillion in reply to Valerie. | July 10, 2024 at 2:12 pm

          RFK jr is a heroin addict and an ongoing trainwreck. Yes, like a broke down clock, he’s right twice a day.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Best kind of advertising is:
1. Effective
2. Free

President Trump checks both boxes.

Sun Tzu would approve. President Donald J. Trump is a student of “The Art of War”.

Hopefully he has learned not to be center of attention always, especially if Democrats crap is hitting the fan

    Concise in reply to Skip. | July 10, 2024 at 10:05 am

    Hopefully someday you’ll mature intellectually and not adopt the insulting media caricature of President Trump as reality. But I doubt it.

I think he’s afraid that if he pushes it will actually get Biden out of the race, and he WANTS to go up against the demented puppet.

Trump is one of the very few that fills the news by doing nothing.

The Donald is playing them like like Doc Watson played that Martin guitar.

Maybe Trump doesn’t announce a VP at the RNC convention.

Trump announcing a VP pick prior to the democrat convention just gives his enemies extra time to ensnare and hammer on his campaign partner.

Because the democrat party palace coup happens at the convention.

The_Mew_Cat | July 9, 2024 at 8:45 pm

Trump is enjoying the show right now. The Democrats have only 2 choices – Stick with Biden or nominate Harris. Either way has pitfalls. If Biden stays in, he could deteriorate at an accelerated rate and not be able to even read a teleprompter 2 months from now. If they go with Harris she could totally blow it – they obviously have no confidence in her. The best thing for the Democrats might be to concentrate on Congressional contests, and that could mean stick with Biden, and if Biden decomposes further, steer Dem voters to RFK before voting starts. RFK voters are going to vote Dem for Congress and Senate, so even if Trump wins, the Congress is fully under their control.

The Deep State probably has a Plan C in the works – a new Pandemic. BirdFlu isn’t likely to evolve naturally to be human transmissible for a host of scientific reasons, but that can be done very easily in a lab. Then Biden dies, Kamala Harris takes office with a ready-made national emergency, and she doesn’t have to do anything to win other than do as she is told.

    scooterjay in reply to The_Mew_Cat. | July 9, 2024 at 11:45 pm

    Avian-Human jump does not occur in nature for a host of reasons, two of which are time and distance. When it occurs it will be due to Human intervention and will require meddling every cycle to maintain transmissibility.

    Concise in reply to The_Mew_Cat. | July 10, 2024 at 10:09 am

    Do not lose track that the democrat candidate robot is really almost irrelevant. The problem is actually having a fair election. The professional democrat fraud machine of mail in ballot harvesters doesn’t give a rat’s ___ about the name on the ballot.

The irony is- they spent all their political capital in the kangaroo courts to silence him.

Only to fail and then have him go into silent mode.


Not that I work for the dems, but if I were them I’d have Rosie Odonell work out some rage to see how long he can stay quiet for.

JR will be along shortly to post that somehow Trump is wrong for remaining silent these last few days.
He will also give himself his usual solitary upvote.

Trump underestimates ballot harvesting and illegals voting at his peril. Polls do not reflect those. I think the two white guys mentioned – Burgum(67) and Vance(39) – won’t get him a single vote. The former is too old (for 2028) and the latter is too young. IMO Rubio(53) or Haley(52) gain votes. The contrast between Haley and Harris would be striking. I do not care about intra-party politics or philosophical BS, but only about winning.

    rebelgirl in reply to jb4. | July 9, 2024 at 9:41 pm


    TargaGTS in reply to jb4. | July 9, 2024 at 9:46 pm

    Bergum is the same guy who said presidents shouldn’t be involved in the culture wars. He’s a a non-starter, IMO. While Vance may have a bright future, he ran appreciably behind every other OH Republican on the statewide ballot in 2022 and behind almost every Republican in the OH Congressional districts. Rubio isn’t going to give Trump anything tangible and neither is Haley as both FL & SC are reliable states right now.

    The only two things ANY VP can really do is deliver a state that may not be in play without them, as LBJ may have done for Kennedy in Texas. VPs can also be helpful in delivering Big Donor money and establishment support, as Bush did for Reagan in 1980. These are things Trump really doesn’t need. So, Trump should look hard at Youngkin, who’s surprisingly popular in VA. If he can win VA, it opens up several Electoral paths that wouldn’t be available to him without VA.

      Jasonn in reply to TargaGTS. | July 9, 2024 at 10:12 pm

      When you’re electing a senior president then it pays to have a younger VP who is capable of filling the POTUS shoes if the worst happens. Also, when that senior president is on his second term, you want a VP who can win the POTUS job after he does his four years as VP. I see Trump looking for a younger man and not a fellow senior like Ben Carson or Doug Burgham. “Red Flag Rubio” would turn off the Second Amendment voters. I think it’s going to be JD Vance, Youngkin or Kari Lake..

      jb4 in reply to TargaGTS. | July 10, 2024 at 12:33 am

      I agree on Youngkin(57) and VA. I do not see why you think Rubio gains no Hispanic voters nationwide or Haley votes from women. Rubio can be portrayed as potentially the first Hispanic President. Why aren’t you wary of “two white guys”?

        henrybowman in reply to jb4. | July 10, 2024 at 3:01 am

        Heavens to Murgatroyd…!
        If Trump picks Rubio, he’s certifiably insane.
        Not unless they want to piss away its electoral votes!

        TargaGTS in reply to jb4. | July 10, 2024 at 7:04 am

        If you’re going to pick someone from Florida – which would force Trump to change his residency to a state where he owns property (like NY or NJ) because of the Constitutional infirmities in the Electoral College voting for president/VP from same state – you might has well pick DeSantis. Why? Because DeSantis did BETTER with Latinos in 2022 than Rubio did.

        Like the Democrats, we often make the mistake that one Demographic group will always be more inclined to vote for a candidate from the same Demographic group. Unfortunately, they often don’t.

    Ghostrider in reply to jb4. | July 10, 2024 at 8:18 am

    With one exception, Gov. Glenn Youngkin and the Commonwealth of Virginia’s electoral college votes.

    I bet Trump will select Youngkin for various reasons, including that he is not a senator, he might deliver VA its 13 electoral votes, and he is a staunch supporter who, by contrast to Trump, has a better temperament.

    Virginia42 in reply to jb4. | July 10, 2024 at 8:21 am

    Haley would be a disaster. She’s not on our side. Proven over and over again.

    WTPuck in reply to jb4. | July 10, 2024 at 11:47 am

    Haley is a dem, for all intents and purposes.

    mrtomsr in reply to jb4. | July 10, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    This is something I have been wondering about; this company, Omega4America has fractal technology that seems pretty powerful. Their website lists a bunch of States they are working with, but no major politician has hooked up with them. It would seem to me that if they can effectively root out 70% of voter fraud prior to the vote by eliminating fraudulent addresses, I would think every political machine that wants free and fair elections would be jumping onboard. Yet none are. Even ones that are pushing the voter fraud angle have not signed on.

    Is this because it sounds good but is a scam to make money, or are all politicians in need of these phantom votes to stay elected?
    It makes me wonder if all of the politicians and their organizations are dirty, maybe not crime family dirty, for not wanting honest elections. Or maybe their product is just too expensive. I just don’t know.

    here is a sample

It sucks more than usual to be a Dimocrat these days.

    henrybowman in reply to Jasonn. | July 10, 2024 at 3:07 am

    I’m jonesing for a rousing rendition of “Happy Days Are Here Again,” how about you?
    It seems like ages since I’ve heard it played… with all the balloons, and the confetti, and the Prom Night Dumpster Baby Dancers…

Mauiobserver | July 9, 2024 at 10:39 pm

Agree that Trump and the RNC need to work on their ground game for ballot harvesting, early voting and election attorneys. All reports indicate that they are doing exactly that. In addition, Bill Barr has signaled that team Bush and their GOPe loyalists should support Trump. Without saying so that also means GOPe judges in rustbelt states that sat on their hands in 2020 and allowed the Dems to get away with numerous violations of election laws and even state constitutions. In addition, Trump is supporting the GOPe senate candidate and team Bush member in PA which further unities the party in that crucial state.

Vance is somewhat unproven but Biden’s strength in 2020 was running as blue-collar Joe from Scranton. The public has seen him govern as a puppet of the radical left. Vance comes from a poor working-class background, served as a marine in Iraq, obtained a law degree from Yale, wrote a bestselling book, and is likely to be seen as a working-class champion in key rust belt states. If Trump wins where he is leading now plus Pennsylvania or Michigan, he is President.

“Silence is racist.”

Just trial-ballooning the Dems’ next slogan.

angrywebmaster | July 10, 2024 at 5:50 am

President Trump and his team have adopted the modern Napoleon Protocol.

“Never interrupt the Democrats when they are making a mistake. Assist them in doing so whenever possible.”

freespeechfanatic | July 10, 2024 at 6:45 am

That Trump “doesn’t have any filter” was a narrative lie to begin with. We finally had a political leader who fought back and those on the Left and many even on the Right simply didn’t like it.

I agree with the many posts above re Trump choosing a period of relative quiet so as to avoid changing the news cycle to a topic other than Biden’s potential future as the nominee and/or serving out his current term. It is a smart and incredibly disciplined approach.

TheHill: Axelrod asks why Trump is ‘uncharacteristically holding fire’ as Biden teeters

“Trump’s not talking much about Biden’s bad debate. Trump’s campaign is not blitzing ads about it. And Lara Trump said last week it would be an affront to democracy if Biden were not the nominee,” Axelrod wrote in a social media post. “Question: Why do you think they are uncharacteristically holding fire?”

Fat_Freddys_Cat | July 10, 2024 at 10:26 am

This highlights how bad the news about Biden is these days, and how he absolutely can’t withstand being directly in the spotlight for any length of time. I mean, Democrats wishing Trump would speak?

It reminds me of that scene in The Running Man where Arnold has the opera singing Stalker at his mercy and the guy screams “Cut to commercial!”

destroycommunism | July 10, 2024 at 12:00 pm

on his worse day trump is smarter than those lunatics