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Biden Interview: “I just had a bad night” – Refuses Neurological and Cognitive Evaluation

Biden Interview: “I just had a bad night” – Refuses Neurological and Cognitive Evaluation

“Bad episode” and “bad night” is the line he’s sticking to.

It’s President Joe Biden’s first interview after his awful debate performance. The pre-taped interview airs starting at 8:30 p.m. Eastern. ABC News promises to release an unedited transcript of the interview.

Some excerpts were released in advance. “Bad episode” and “bad night” is the line he’s sticking to.



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Watching it, Stuffy hitting him with health situation

    Tiki in reply to Skip. | July 5, 2024 at 9:40 pm

    Providing the test questions prior to the test is what we in the industry call a stage play.

      Dimsdale in reply to Tiki. | July 5, 2024 at 11:59 pm

      It was so obvious. He could never come up with those answers spontaneously.

      Let him do the one hour interview with Dr. Phil.

      MAJack in reply to Tiki. | July 6, 2024 at 8:15 am

      Poor poor Jonathan Karl, a Democrat hack of the first order, looked almost in tears. Sad.

        TargaGTS in reply to MAJack. | July 6, 2024 at 8:22 am

        He might be the worst of all of them…which is really saying something because he works with Stephanopoulos & Raddatz.

        JohnSmith100 in reply to MAJack. | July 6, 2024 at 11:10 am

        Who else is looking forward Dems in tears, sitting behind bars?

Seeing comments elsewhere Sundowner is having a medical emergency as this is being played


Medical emergency is false report

Even if Trump “lied 28 times”, Biden saying he got no soldier killed on his watch is one lie too many for me. How many times did he look at his watch as those 13 soldiers’ bodies were being brought home? There is a difference between a harmless exaggeration and a malicious, hurtful lie.

    Crawford in reply to jb4. | July 5, 2024 at 8:50 pm

    Well, Joe was never “on watch”, so technically the statement is true.

    DaveGinOly in reply to jb4. | July 6, 2024 at 2:13 am

    The media has been portraying the debate as “Trump lied, Joe had a bad night.” They’re using Joe’s “bad night” as cover, allowing them to avoid mention of Joe’s lies.

Stuffy was fairly tough on health situations and falling poll numbers

Looked to me that the game plan was to have Biden recite a bunch of the talking points he wasn’t able to recite during the debate, deflect the direct questions about his mental acuity and mental health as much as he can, and deny the polling numbers.

I’m watching it on a delay, and oh look, while saying Trump lies he just lied about Trump (about injecting bleach to cure Covid).

I agree with George: It’s not a good idea for Biden to compare his crowds and crowd enthusiasm with Trump’s. Calling into question the kind of people who attend Trump’s rallies will turn into a Trump campaign ad in no time.

    henrybowman in reply to p. | July 5, 2024 at 9:41 pm

    The timing of the Snopes debunking of “fine people on both sides” is more and more looking every bit as coincidental as Merriam-Webster’s instant online redefinition of “sexual preference” as a genderphobic slur.

and folks this was TAPED.
Lord knows what they had to do
for the full interview ….
I so want him to stay in the race …
please …

    PrincetonAl in reply to jqusnr. | July 6, 2024 at 3:50 am

    Yes, please do an interview during the day fake until nominated.

    It will be a landslide loss.

    Everyone saying invoke the 25th amendment … why? We have been this way for a year.

    It’s just being covered by the MSM that’s all.

    Please send the potato against Trump.

    Paula in reply to jqusnr. | July 6, 2024 at 9:11 am

    It was edited, sanitized, shortened, reviewed by top brass and yet they still couldn’t help but reveal Biden’s lack of mental acuity—he’s too far gone to salvage.

nordic prince | July 5, 2024 at 9:01 pm

“I had a bad night…”

“You had a rough month….”

Excuses, excuses.

Oh FFS – if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Interesting. Not too bad, frankly.

I am fascinated by the idea that Joe has enough power to defy the Democratic Party and the Liberal Press. Somehow I just can’t believe that.

I can’t shake the idea that there is a preplanned switchero coming.

    nordic prince in reply to Hodge. | July 5, 2024 at 9:13 pm

    (Accidental down vote)

    Check his itinerary and see if he’s scheduled for any trips to Dallas in an uncovered limo….

I believe George was a successful hit-man, and Joe is history in the very short term.
Next week, he will be in the rear-view mirror.

KJP lied about him NOT seeing a doctor.

BIDEN: Because I was sick. I was feeling terrible. Matter of fact, the docs with me, I asked, they did a COVID test to try to figure out what was wrong. They did a test to see whether or not I had some kind of infection, a virus. I didn’t. I just had a really bad cold.

    Is a cold a virus???

      korp in reply to snowshooze. | July 5, 2024 at 9:54 pm

      Before 2020, the “common cold” was a rhinovirus about 80% of the time, and a coronavirus the other 20%. Of course they changed when a specific coronavirus became the biggest health emergency ever, requiring us to shut down everything and all vote by mail.

Only saw a clip or two, but “I’m the guy” sounded like Biden bragging of his academic and civil rights prowess, which were zilch.

All of the talk about “panic” among Communist Party leaders was a lot of horse-puckey. There was no panic: what happened was that Biden* had such a complete and total meltdown on national TV that other Communist Party satraps who have their eyes on the White House saw this as a golden opportunity to dump Biden*.

But it has not worked since there was no agreed upon replacement, and in any even the Communists fashioned the primary in a way to insure Biden* was able to “win” without having to do much. Since Frau Doktor Jill Biden will not give up the Presidency the only way to get rid of Biden* now is (1) 25th Amendment, or (2) he dies.

His refusal to take a neurological/cognitive test is like a sign in Times Square flashing, “Joe Biden fails the test.” literally, no one in their right mind would refuse to take such a test in his precarious political situation.

    henrybowman in reply to jb4. | July 5, 2024 at 9:54 pm

    Biden: “No, no one said I had to. No one said — they said I’m good.”

    Where “they” is his wife, Jill, and the Easter Bunny, also Jill.

    alaskabob in reply to jb4. | July 5, 2024 at 10:29 pm

    He is taking the 5th in a way……..

    Paula in reply to jb4. | July 6, 2024 at 12:36 am

    I believe he been tested, they know what’s wrong with him and he’s taking medicine for it. It’s almost certain he’s taking some kind of medication (sometimes too much, sometimes too little). If he’s taking medication, he must have been diagnosed for some condition, otherwise they wouldn’t know what to give him.

      henrybowman in reply to Paula. | July 6, 2024 at 2:53 pm

      Well, that might stymie the doctors, but not Hunter.

      Paula in reply to Paula. | July 6, 2024 at 3:20 pm

      White house visitor logs show that a Parkinson’s disease specialist, Dr. Kevin R. Cannard visited the white house at least nine times in the past 12 months.

      “The logs show Dr. Cannard traveled to the White House residence medical clinic each time. He met either with the president’s personal physician or the naval nurse who coordinates care for the president..” (quoted)

      Subotai Bahadur in reply to Paula. | July 6, 2024 at 5:48 pm

      Reports coming out today based on [and furnishing copies of] the White House visitors logs indicate that a specialist in early stage Parkinson’s Disease made 9 visits to the Medical Clinic in the White House living quarters between July 28 of last year and March of this year. Probably has made more visits because they release the previous year’s visitors’ logs every April, so there is April- to date of this year to account for.

      I suspect that this may be how they plan to remove him. There is, of course, no clue as to who, what, or under what system of government the replacement will rule.

      Subotai Bahadur

    Arnoldn in reply to jb4. | July 6, 2024 at 12:46 pm

    Where is the WH physician?

Did you notice how Biden was running on his successes?
Me either.

    Paula in reply to snowshooze. | July 6, 2024 at 10:33 am

    Biden doesn’t run. He swings his arms like he’s going to take off running, goes two or three steps, then smiles like Bozo the clown.

Biden and his clan are just the types that will take down the country for personal gain. If he has absolute power over the delegates, then Democrats may be forced to use the 25th Amendment.

The weekend at Bernies is over.
George did his job.

henrybowman | July 5, 2024 at 9:46 pm

“I have a — I get a full neurological test every day with me and I’ve had a full physical. I had — you know, I mean — I’ve — I’ve been at Walter Red for my physicals. I mean — yes. The answer is –”

If this is the sort of stuff that made the 15-minute “greatest hits” video, I can’t imagine how Abe Simpson the stuff they cut must have been.

    alaskabob in reply to henrybowman. | July 5, 2024 at 10:28 pm

    Yes …everyday…..10 AM to 4 PM with a nap in between. Quite the stress test there Joe. For those who cover for him seeing no downside….. well…. you will inherit the outcome.

    DaveGinOly in reply to henrybowman. | July 6, 2024 at 2:19 am

    “…I get a full neurological test every day…”

    No person who is cognitively and/or neurologically normal gets a “full neurological test every day.” Presuming this statement is not true, it becomes just another lie or a (possibly dementia-induced) delusion. None of these options make him look better. He continues to dig his own political grave.

    Arnoldn in reply to henrybowman. | July 6, 2024 at 12:54 pm

    Here I agree with Joe Biden. (He is tested daily (through real life experiences not by some objective medical instrument though). What he left out though is whether or not he passed said daily test. Reports are that he has failed enough of these tests to make us doubt his current presidential leadership capacity much less four and a half years hence – putting aside any judgement of his values.

Special thanks to the NT crowd and your return to our precious norms. Hope the hurt feelz were worth it.

Gremlin1974 | July 5, 2024 at 11:09 pm

How can you screw up a pre-taped propaganda message?

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 5, 2024 at 11:09 pm

Jet lag (after 2 weeks) and a cold … LOL.

And the fact that Traitor Joe – one of the biggest liars in Washington – projects so much on Trump is just hysterical. Of course, Stuphaluphagus wouldn’t even try to push back on any of those doozies.

I’m glad that this treasonous retard is digging in and holding on to the end. IT will help to kill the left. Traitor Joe is going to stay in the race even after he collapses into a pile of watery feces at a campaign event mobbed by 12 paid shills and one lunatic tranny.

The GOP has to go all-out on the treasonous, lying left. No holds barred. The left is holding its chin out daring us to nail them. This needs to be a knockout – a death blow. No mercy. Go all-out on each and every one of them. Give them no room to breathe.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 5, 2024 at 11:11 pm

I like where Biden claimed that he runs the world – and that’s a tough job.

Does a vice-president serve at the pleasure of the president so he/she could be removed during the term, or is that person safe by virtue of being elected?

Biden sickens me by starting every excuse with “Look”.

A scripted, taped, and edited interview done between 10 and 4.

This is a good as he gets, Dems, and he’s all yours.

Be serious.
Call a spade a spade.
Joe is toast.

Look, Fat, if Scranton Joe were anywhere in the vicinity of “bright” he would have punched his ticket at Harvard/Yale/Stanford, etc. But he didn’t. He graduated at the bottom of his third tier law school class. That and he was considered the dullest of the dull in the Senate (which is saying something if you’ve met enough Senators). So, on that day when he was at his absolute mental peak he was a dope. Today, he is in the throes of Parkinson’s dementia – a horrible and indigent way to die – and every day that goes by he gets worse, and that decline will only steepen with time. If he should be re-elected, it will be FDR’s 4th term all over again except Heels Up Harris is no Harry S Truman.

“Did you watch the debate”?
“I don’t think I did….he lied 28 times”
If he didn’t watch how does he know that is true or not?
Forget about stepping down, someone needs to talk to him about that spray tan. He looks foolish.

    bev in reply to Skip. | July 6, 2024 at 11:17 am

    Thanks for the link. Just makes what Jill and Hunter are doing so much more cruel. I have no actual sympathy for Joe since he was always such a nasty prick, but the last thing someone in his situation needs is to be put through a rigorous campaign (or presidential) schedule, flying around the country and across time zones. Although I would personally prefer that he remain the Democratic nominee, for the good of the country, as well as for his own wellbeing, he really should resign.

      henrybowman in reply to bev. | July 6, 2024 at 3:09 pm

      As for me, I think it’s an entirely appropriate punishment of Biblical quality to consign Joe to continue to work the exhausting position he abused to gut-shoot America over and over for the last four years.

MoeHowardwasright | July 6, 2024 at 7:05 am

I did not watch it. Why waste the time. He won’t be dropping out. I’m sure Lady McBeth has told him he won’t get ice cream if he drops out. Besides if they invoke the 25th amendment we get cackles. Who wants that? The demonrats have backed themselves into a corner, good. FJB

Tests don’t test what you want to test, so Biden’s got that on his side.

How to explain a difference in male and female voting patterns, if they have the same average IQ? It’s a mystery. What does IQ measure?

One thing it measures is how well you do on men-questions and women-questions, which they balance in IQ tests so that men and women both do as well as the other.

So the IQ test is automatically useless for certain questions.

Biden is not gonna willingly step aside as nominee. The d/prog decided to support Biden in ’24, refused to hold a competitive primary, went out of their way to block Kennedy from the ballot. The rule structure gives Biden tremendous power in the both the DNC and over the committee making convention rules. He controls the votes of the delegates to very large degree.

Is it possible to oust him as the presumptive nominee? Yes but it isn’t a simple process. Doing that opens several cams of worms. First who is the replacement? Harris? Is the party of DEI, that is a coalition of various tribes really gonna bypass Harris (a triple protective class; female, Punjab, ‘Black’ and maybe a fourth as the child of immigrants)? They gonna kick her to the curb for Newsom a straight ‘white’ male who while photogenic has been a disaster as Gov of CA? Who else? Whitmer?

IMO when the d/prog decided not to hold Biden to his soft assurance about being a one term bridge/transition candidate to coalesce behind in ’20 to oust Trump they sealed their fate. How they gonna Kinison k him off the ticket as too ‘out of it’ to run a successful campaign FOR President but then refuse to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove this too ‘out of it’ guy from serving AS our President?

It is transparent what is going on. The d/prog realize they effed up and Biden is likely to lose dragging the down ballot races with him. They are desperate for a lifeline, someway out of the inescapable culdesac they entered. The majority of the public sees this for what it is. We should not be complacent about the outcome, the most dangerous place is between a desperate political party clinging to power and the ballot box. Go vote and bring others with you.

    TargaGTS in reply to CommoChief. | July 6, 2024 at 8:15 am

    I thought this X-thread from WaPo reporter Robert Costa – who’s insufferable but who also has good D-sources – is telling with respect to Harris:

    ‘There is also growing sense VP Harris is nominee if Pres. Biden goes (which he says he won’t do). Why? In order to avoid political war & let fight be over running mate. No one is making any moves, even priv, to prepare to challenge her for nom this summer, in such a scenario.’

    It seems Newsom & Whitmer and others have made the tactical decision that it’s simply best to sit this one out, perhaps because they’ve concluded Trump isn’t beatable in this economic landscape, which might be a sage conclusion.

    I think the inter-party fight about Biden now has far less to do about who controls the White House and far more to do with how Biden will damage the chances of down-ballot Democrats. If House/Senate Democrats can’t get him to withdraw, they’re going to be stuck with him unless he dies or becomes obviously incapacitated (strokes out, heart attack etc.).

      CommoChief in reply to TargaGTS. | July 6, 2024 at 9:56 am

      Yeah. The problem doesn’t end with Harris ….she is polling worse than Biden. No one, other than Jim Clyburn and his faction, want Harris.

      IMO there’s two ways out:
      1. Stick with Biden, hope for a.surge in d/prog enthusiasm and a complacent GoP. Get him across the finish line and past inaugural then invoke the 25th Amendment.
      2. Kick Biden to the curb in favor of Biden both as nominee and as POTUS by using the 25th amendment. This puts Harris on center stage to probably fail but it also takes her off the board in favor of better more appealing candidates in the future.

      They gotta do one or the other can’t just kick Biden off the ballot but not invoke 25th to remove him without lots of pushback and hypocrisy. If he is still POTUS but not the nominee he’s still a visible reminder of d/prog shenanigans putting political power above all else.

      The d/prog should have had this conversation last summer but couldn’t find the stones to do it. Now they are stuck with bad choices.

Four . . . More . . . MONTHS!!

Lucifer Morningstar | July 6, 2024 at 11:03 am

There are no cuts, no edits, we have not touched it.

I’m confused. Stephanopoulos made the above claim at the beginning of the video but in the first two minutes I coounted ten edits cutting back and forth between Stephanopoulos and Biden. So how can Stephanopoulos claim no cuts, no edits, not touched when it apparently has cuts, has been edited and has been touched despite his claim otherwise.

I didn’t watch the whole “interview” but if the first two minutes are representative of , “no cuts, no edits, didn’t touch” then there’s no point in watching the whole thing as there’s no assurance that what we see is actually what originally went onto tape.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to Lucifer Morningstar. | July 6, 2024 at 6:14 pm

    Operating off of memory [which means I may be way out in left field], when this interview was brought up, the announced plan was to tease it for a couple of days on ABC News and run the interview as a long ABC news special on Sunday. Maybe a couple of hours long.

    Shortly afterwards they said they were moving it up to Friday because Biden was in such political trouble, and that it would be a bit over 15 minutes long.

    I am more than passing cynical. Spending a career fighting felons will do that to you. My guess is that after the unmitigated Cluster of the debate, the staff came up with the idea of an interview and began working on that as a contingency which became kinda-sorta the reality.

    While they wanted the long form first mentioned, Biden probably could not do it credibly. Thus the cut in length. And they probably started the “interview” process with rehearsals and teleprompters right after the concept was approved right after the debate. And yes, he was so bad that they had to edit it with a weed whacker and that was the best that they could do.

    Subotai Bahadur

Biden at the WI “rally” where he filled about 1/4 of a middle school gym:

“I’m gonna come in the overflow room”

Hey Joe, don’t ask, don’t tell.

I think many Dems realize they’ve lost this race. Newsom is supporting Joe to show party loyalty hoping to set him up for 2028. Doubtful California has its financial issues resolved by then. Newsom has screwed his state, no way should he be given a chance to ruin the country (more than it already is).

destroycommunism | July 6, 2024 at 1:18 pm

and when asked why he had a bad night fjb replied:


what night?

I’ll take him out back and punch him in the face

destroycommunism | July 6, 2024 at 1:18 pm

2020–election stolen and justified by lefty b/c trump “stole” 2016

thats how they roll


Hey Joe,

You murdered these American . Citizens , you are a treasonous d.i.c.k.

Trump could ride a pretend horsey all around the podiums at the next debate and still win the election at this point.