President Joe Biden’s latest seven-figure campaign ad attacks the Supreme Court because that’s totally normal.
The campaign sent the ad to ESPN, TNT, Bravo, FX, Freeform, and Comedy Central.
Three branches make up the federal government: legislative, executive, and judicial.
The branches work together but also represent a separation of power. Checks and balances.
Basic civics.
I understand a branch criticizing another branch, but the Biden ad targets the conservative judges.
The ad narration:
Nearly 250 years ago, America was founded in defiance of a king under a belief that no one is above the law, not even the president. Until now. The same Trump Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade ruled that the president can ignore the law even to commit a crime because Donald Trump asked them to. He’s already led an insurrection and threatened to be a dictator on day one. Donald Trump can never hold this office again.
I’m Joe Biden and I approve of this message.
So many lies.
- It’s not a Trump Supreme Court. He only nominated three justices.
- Trump did not ask him to grant him immunity.
- Trump did not lead an insurrection. Trump did not threaten to become a dictator.
SCOTUS ruled that a president has absolute immunity when carrying out “core constitutional powers” as found in Article II.
SCOTUS ruled a president has presumptive immunity for all official acts.
Here’s the part the left and media conveniently “forget.” SCOTUS remanded it and sent it back to the lower courts to determine whether the actions were official or personal.
Chief Justice John Roberts ended the majority opinion:
The President is not above the law. But under our system of separated powers, the President may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for his official acts. That immunity applies equally to all occupants of the Oval Office.
But back to the ad. It reeks of desperation.
I mean, the Democrats want to pack the court. The Democrats want to make the court worth nothing. They’re the ones who pushed out Justice Breyer so Biden could secure his spot with a leftist.
It’s not the first time Biden has tried to delegitimize SCOTUS.
Karen Townsend at Hot Air pointed out that Biden loves to brag about defying SCOTUS and student loans.
For the record, Biden doesn’t defy SCOTUS. His administration found a way around the order through established “federal student loan forgiveness programs.”
But Biden loves to lie and make it sound like he’s actually “doing” something. You know, like how his latest actions on the border are nothing but hot air.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Expect worse
Will Biden and the Democrats accept the results if they lose and peacefully turn over power?
I don’t even need a Magic 8 Ball to tell me No
They did not peacefully turn over power the first time Trump won. Remember the riots?
The riots didn’t affect the transfer of power, which was indeed peaceful. As was the transfer in 2021.
They literally rioted during the transfer of power. How on earth is that a peaceful transfer of power?
By any chance, is your job writing chyrons for CNN?
Yes, they literally rioted during the transfer. And that did not affect the transfer in any way. They were not involved in the transfer, and they did not even hope to prevent it; they were just spectators who decided to hold a riot at the same time, to express their disapproval of it. The transfer went ahead regardless of them, and it was entirely peaceful .
So was the transfer in 2021. Trump left the White House on time and without any fuss; the Secret Service did not have to drag him out, and he didn’t mobilize his supporters to surround the White House and prevent the transfer from happening. Nor did he subvert some of the Secret Service or the military to keep him in office. That would not be a peaceful transfer of power; but it didn’t happen, and there was no prospect of it happening.
No, they will want to fight, and the learn that conservatives have more guns and more important, that they are proficient. I hope it doesn’t come to that.
I’m getting to the point where I don’t hope it doesn’t come to that anymore.
Some brave reporter (who is willing to be fired and blacklisted) should ask Biden that question, the same question that was asked of Trump.
It isn’t just former Presidents with constitution protection.
If the President is now king Joe try it out?
“I’m Joe Biden and I approve of this message.”
Joe Biden isn’t even AWARE of this message.
“I’m Joe Biden and I can read from a teleprompter.”
Can’t carry on a conversation, can’t think, can’t make decisions, but he can read from a teleprompter.
Joe Biden’s campaign slogan:
“I’m only senile part of the time.”
“I’m Joe Biden and I can read from a teleprompter.”
Barely yesterday.
Worse today.
Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring.
Prior to clicking on the link for this article, my thinking was, “A new low.”
If this administration goes any lower, it will be in China!
Oh, wait . . .
So… they are on the record arguing that the executive should not have immunity from actions made while at work.
How do they feel about Legislative immunity? As I understand it, and I’m a public school guy so I COULD be wrong… but the Legislators cannot even be CHARGED with crimes if they were committed while doing their job. Is everybody against that?
Somebody should ask the Pelosis and the Jeffries that question. For extra credit, ask the President or his spokesperson. On Video. Live.
I took the ruling as clarifying the principles informing past and what should be current practice in this area of law – not creating a whole new privilege.
That isn’t quite true, otherwise a member of Congress couldn’t be charged with a crime for accepting bribes to vote a certain way.
Accepting bribes is not part of a congressman’s job, so he can be charged with that. But voting is part of his job, so even if you can prove beyond any doubt whatsoever that he voted a certain way because he was paid to, you can’t do anything to him. He’s absolutely immune for it.
Ditto for presidents selling pardons. If you can prove the sale happened you can charge him with that, because that’s not any part of his job description. But the pardon remains valid and you can’t charge him with it.
Yes, there is a long series of Trumpisms that are distorted and embellished by the progressives which usually further alienate voters who might otherwise finally hold their nose and vote D. Such as 90s and early 2000s classical liberals. Just like “fine people”, this has few legs. All a thinking person has to do is look up one rebuttal, and feel, “I’m being gaslighted AGAIN!” It’s not hard to decide who they are targeting with such antics.
Huh? Was that attached to the wrong comment?
Biden is just encouraging domestic terrorism at this point.
Maybe Billy Ayers will resume his bomb-building day camp for the morally impaired.
Campaign ads are not an official duty of the president, and this is libellous, or possibly defamatory, depending whether the offending content is written andor spoken .
Could SCOTUS, or Trump, thus take legal action?
Nope. Not only because of Sullivan, but also because it doesn’t make any false factual claims, just gives opinions and interpretation.
Trump did literally say he would act as a dictator on his first day in office; it was obvious what he meant by it, and the Dems understand that perfectly, but they’re entitled to put out their misleading interpretation of it.
Far less so than Joe in 2021.
A bit off topic, but I’ve been curious why Sullivan didn’t seem to apply to Trumps comments concerning E. Jean Carroll. Any insight.
1. She’s not a public figure.
2. If his claim about her was false, he damn well knew it was false. It’s not possible for him to have inadvertently told such a falsehood. So Sullivan wouldn’t apply even if she were a public figure.
She is a public figure.
Maybe. She did come to his attention through her public statements; he’d probably never heard of her before. But in any case it’s irrelevant, since what he said about her was either (1) true, or (2) a deliberate lie; there are no other options, so Sullivan doesn’t even arise.
The increased desperation suggests they aren’t trying to persuade those who weren’t exactly in the camp recently, but they are worried and aggressively throwing everything into not loosing any or many more of those who WERE in their camp.
This ad is outrageous. One may not agree with all of the Supreme Court’s rulings but this misrepresentation of one ruling is so far removed from reality that it can only be characterized as an attack ad. It is in my mind completely beyond the pale.
Well, well. I suppose Justice Roberts is gonna need to at least reconsider his position about whether members of the Judiciary are ‘Obama Judges’ or ‘Trump Judges’. He can keep whistling past the graveyard if he chooses, and probably will, but his insistence that donning Judicial robes transforms one from a fallible human being subject to all the same petty human emotions, prejudices and partisanship into a totes neutral arbiter is not realistic. Federal Judges are appointed via nomination by one politician subject to approval by 51 additional politicians and those politicians at least try to find/approve Judges who agree with their own political/cultural worldview and not those of their political opponents. Not always successful in that attempt though.
There are only two conservatives on the court, Alito and Thomas. The other non-crazies are semi-reliable wankers.
So it was Trump who appointed the wankers, since he never appointed Alito and Thomas?
Speaking of wankers, here you are.
I see your TDS still has you by the sack.
It seems that this whole problem comes down to the fact that a Democrat appointed Attorney General can be the President’s wingman; however, if a Republican tries to replace U.S. Attorneys (GWB), or doesn’t allow the DOJ to be “independent,” (Trump and Mueller) then he may find himself prosecuted for obstruction of justice.
Biden is clearly taking the low road, and I think we can expect to see a lot more. Biden doesn’t have a record of accomplishment that has positively impacted the lives of regular citizens. Therefore, he has to focus on throwing mud and baiting DJT. The MSM won’t be able to resist the opportunities to repeat and amplify Biden’s attacks, and tar DJT. The MSM is a skilled and experienced low-road dance partner.
Biden wont even turn over power to his own party ( yet) as he has put the nations best interest,,once again,,submissive to his own thirst for power
It is rumored that fjb says he WILL STEP ASIDE as long as Hunter is allowed to take his place
fjb explained
hunter being the smartest man I know,,and a man,,is the most qualified to run this country as he did Burisma
Harris (basically) called me a racist which is impossible since I had befriended PopCorns and took out of context my reference to “a jungle”
in which I was saying that trump is living in a racist jungle b/c I knew Trump back then and used to ride the Amtrak with him