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Biden Tells Democratic Governors He Will Go to Bed at 8 P.M. to Get More Sleep

Biden Tells Democratic Governors He Will Go to Bed at 8 P.M. to Get More Sleep

This only provides more proof the dude isn’t fit for the presidency.

President Joe Biden told Democratic governors he plans to go to bed at 8 PM to get more sleep.

This part of the report caught my eye in The New York Times.

Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, a doctor, asked Biden about his health.

Biden said his health is okay.

It’s just my brain,” said Biden.

Some of the people thought Biden was joking. Others did not.

More from The New York Times:

Mr. Biden’s comments about needing more rest came shortly after The New York Times reported that current and former officials have noticed that the president’s lapses over the past few months have become more frequent and more pronounced.

But Mr. Biden told the governors, some of whom were at the White House while others participated virtually, that he was staying in the race.

He described his extensive foreign travel in the weeks before the debate, something that the White House and his allies have in recent days cited as the reason for his halting performance during the debate. Initially, Mr. Biden’s campaign blamed a cold, putting out word about midway through the debate amid a series of social media posts questioning why Mr. Biden was struggling.

Mr. Biden said that he told his staff he needed to get more sleep, multiple people familiar with what took place in the meeting said. He repeatedly referenced pushing too hard and not listening to his team about his schedule, and said he needed to work fewer hours and avoid events scheduled after 8 p.m., according to one of the people familiar with what took place at the meeting.

This doesn’t help your case, Biden. If anything it makes you look worse. A president should be available at all times.

Weird, the governors who could possibly succeed Biden have no worries. None at all. STRANGE!

A few other governors, on the other hand:

Others who were part of the meeting were pointed in their comments. Speaking toward its end, Gov. Jared Polis of Colorado, who attended virtually, told the president that he had heard a groundswell of wishes from various people that Mr. Biden would end his campaign, according to two people who were briefed on the call.

Two other governors, Janet Mills of Maine and Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico, also voiced concerns. Ms. Mills said that people didn’t think Mr. Biden was up to running, and Ms. Lujan Grisham said she was worried that the president could lose her state, according to two of the people briefed.

Speaking for themselves, some governors have been more vocal. Gov. Maura Healey of Massachusetts, though she did not speak during the Wednesday meeting with Mr. Biden, said during a Monday call with fellow governors about the situation that she had told Jeff Zients, the White House chief of staff, that the president’s political position was “irretrievable” after his disastrous debate performance, according to two people who were on the Monday call.


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thalesofmiletus | July 4, 2024 at 8:20 pm

“It’s just my brain,” said Biden.

Oh, well, that’s OK then. Biden’s not using that thing anyway.

scooterjay | July 4, 2024 at 8:27 pm

I’m seeing more apolitical people fussing about his mental and physical acuity. Joe is done, but defeat isn’t an acceptable outcome for his party.

Go to bed means he will start to stay up until 8pm

Paula | July 4, 2024 at 8:57 pm

“I will go to sleep at 8 pm”

How does that work?

At 8 pm one of his nurses will come into his bedroom and say, “Wake up and go to sleep”

Conservative Beaner | July 4, 2024 at 8:57 pm

Early to bed
Late to rise
This is how Biden will fool all of guys

smooth | July 4, 2024 at 9:07 pm

In his condition he can’t handle stimulants. Even coffee could cause arrythmia. He going to fall asleep standing up?

The man is a mountain.
I can’t believe he could make it to lunchtime.

Arnoldn | July 4, 2024 at 10:21 pm

Given that we have previously been told that Biden is engaged (in the weighty affairs of state) from 10AM to 4 PM, going to bed at 8PM doesn’t really matter. This guy has minimal self awareness and no sense of how far off he is from any reasonable standard of job performance – for a short order cook much less that of POTUS. .

ghost dog | July 4, 2024 at 10:49 pm

“My brain hurts.” I’m sure I saw this movie.

BierceAmbrose | July 4, 2024 at 11:14 pm

Well, no surprise he’s not always there: he’s working with only part brain after two (2) aneurysms. (FWIW, the other name for “intracranial hemorrhage from a cerebral aneurysm” is hemorrhagic stroke.. Once it breaks, it’s a stroke, as in kills off chunks of brain. Quote form 1988 medical assessment, via Snopes.) OTOH, he might not be missing what he wasn’t using.

Politically, I’m so old, I remember when Eagleton’s long-past electroshock was a disqualifying scandal. If Occasional Joe doesn’t remember his condition, we can.

    nordic prince in reply to BierceAmbrose. | July 5, 2024 at 12:08 am

    Politically, I’m so old, I remember when Eagleton’s long-past electroshock was a disqualifying scandal.

    I’m so old, I remember when news of Biden’s plagiarism came out, he was disqualified from running at that time. Funny what a difference a “few” years makes….

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