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AP: Biden is “Sharp and Focused but Sometimes Confused and Forgetful”

AP: Biden is “Sharp and Focused but Sometimes Confused and Forgetful”

The body of the article practically screams out for invoking the 25th Amendment because a president fading in and out is a national security threat, but that headline is reminiscent of CNN’s “fiery, but mostly peaceful” chyron during the BLM Kenosha riots.

You can’t make this up. The Associated Press ran a story and headline trying to minimize Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline. They couldn’t go full fiction, since we all saw what we saw.

Instead, AP wrote a now classic headline: Biden at 81: Often sharp and focused but sometimes confused and forgetful:

President Joe Biden’s conduct behind closed doors, in the Oval Office, on Air Force One and in meetings around the world is described in the same dual way by those who regularly see him in action.

He is often sharp and focused. But he also has moments, particularly later in the evening, when his thoughts seem jumbled and he trails off mid-sentence or seems confused. Sometimes he doesn’t grasp the finer points of policy details. He occasionally forgets people’s names, stares blankly and moves slowly around the room.

Biden’s occasional struggles with focus may not be unusual for someone his age. But at 81 years old and seeking another four years in the White House, the moments when he’s off his game have taken on a fresh resonance following his disastrous debate performance against Republican Donald Trump. The president appeared pale, gave nonsensical answers, stared blankly and lost his train of thought.

The body of the article practically screams out for invoking the 25th Amendment because a president fading in and out is a national security threat, but that headline is reminiscent of CNN’s “fiery, but mostly peaceful” chyron during the BLM riots in Kenosha, WI, after the Jacob Blake shooting.



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EdisonCarter | July 4, 2024 at 12:07 pm

“The recession will be brief and mild unless it lasts a long time and becomes severe.”

Ok. Then definitely the interview with Georgie needs to be scheduled to take place at 9 pm, if it’s purpose is to assuage concerns about his cognition. The American people need a POTUS who functions cognitively 24/7, not one who sundowns daily.

Paula | July 4, 2024 at 12:12 pm

Tell me a big lie: Sometimes Biden is sharp and focused

Okay, now tell me the truth: Biden’s dementia keeps him confused all the time

    PrincetonAl in reply to Paula. | July 4, 2024 at 1:56 pm

    Let’s hope Biden aces the interview and shuts down his Democrat critics. Because he will lose to Trump. I want him on the ticket and let him fall apart in the fall and lose in a landslide.

    Or Kamala, that works for me. Let him step aside gracefully don’t push him out so he can pick Kamala. She will lose too.

    Otherwise, careful what you wish for. Because Michelle Obama is waiting in the wings.

Being cruel and dishonest remains even if demented, and even if others are used to carry out the cruel and dishonest plans, like a Majorkas.

Peter Moss | July 4, 2024 at 12:14 pm

Sharp and focused?

Are you kidding me?

Joe Biden was *never* sharp or focused.

I’ve met janitors (no disrespect) who were far more intelligent and on point than this dope.

Go watch his questioning of Clarence Thomas in 1991 (lots on YouTube to choose from) at his confirmation hearing and then tell me with a straight face that he has a triple digit IQ.

For that matter, Harris’s “questioning” of Kavanaugh. Words written by some snot nosed kid on her staff read by her obviously for the first time with that stupid smirk on her face was equally ridiculous.

Honestly, what does this say about us that people like Biden and Harris can be elected to *any* office? People like them are the kind that our founders rebelled against.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 4, 2024 at 12:18 pm


Biden was NEVER “sharp and focused”. He has been a retard his entire life. IN the 1970s some magazine ranked the IQs of Senators. They put Biden dead last, which is why he was always challenging people, “I’ll bet my IQ is higher than yours!”

Joe Biden has been a dolt and a joke his entire life. He has also been known as slimy, vindictive prick by anyone who ever dealt with him for more than 30 seconds.

Paula | July 4, 2024 at 12:28 pm

Q: When Joe freezes up, why do they always grab his arm and pull on him to get him moving?

A: When you’re being chased by a pack of taxidermists, the last thing you want to do is play dead.

Victor Davis Hanson – “Hubris really does earn nemesis.”

“Leftists make up things as they go along, as yesterday’s heresies (e.g., Biden seems demented) become today’s orthodoxies (e.g. Biden really is demented)—depending on the current party directive about what is most advantageous.”

[…] Note that there would never have been any presidential immunity suit before the Supreme Court had the Biden administration just not orchestrated local, state, and federal prosecutors to neuter Trump, Joe Biden’s 2024 presidential opponent.

That current lawfare effort marked the third sequential attempt to sabotage a political opponent’s campaign—following Hillary’s 2016 Russian “collusion”/Steele “dossier” scam, and Joe’s 2020 Russian “disinformation”/ “51 intelligence authorities” ruse.

destroycommunism | July 4, 2024 at 1:09 pm

why do they even bother to speak

everyone knows they are lying

they are leftists

Paula | July 4, 2024 at 1:22 pm

Biden blames it on bad debate performance. He said, “I learned from my father that when you get knocked down, you get back up.”

This is all deflection. It’s not about debate performance. It’s the fact that he was on live tv for 90 minutes where his dementia was on display for the whole world to see—his facial expressions, his blank stare, his freezing up, being confused, being unable to remember simple facts he had tried to memorize during a week of debate prep.

It wasn’t jet lag. It wasn’t a cold. It’s dementia! You don’t bounce back from dementia. There’s nothing anyone can do. All the kings horses and all the kings men can’t put him back together again. It’s over. All over.

drednicolson | July 4, 2024 at 1:30 pm

Oh Sussana, don’t you cry…

Valerie | July 4, 2024 at 1:35 pm

Obama was reported to have said “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”

Somebody pulled up a clip of Joe Biden yammering about “natural law” at the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearing. Oboy, Biden has been one of those “never in doubt, and never right” types all of his political life.

Interesting. I went looking for that clip — and it’s been larded up with an endless loop of ads at one place it should have been, and subbed out by an overly-long Cspan intro at another. If I find it, I will post it, because it is illuminating.

E Howard Hunt | July 4, 2024 at 2:07 pm

This reminds me of a famous movie director commenting on fading, alcoholic film star’s, Dana Andrews’s, participation on a months-long movie shoot. “Mr. Andrews’s participation is best characterized by unexpected brief periods of sobriety.”

CommoChief | July 4, 2024 at 2:34 pm

Nice try by some media but no cigar. Y’all knew exactly how bad off Biden was well before last week’s debate. You deliberately chose to help cover it up and deceive the US voters on behalf of your ideological allies the d/prog political party. You elevated the implementation of your policy preferences above honest reporting.

Too late for media, d/prog officials and everyone else who damn well knew Biden’s actual condition but failed to disclose it until it began to appear Biden’s condition would prevent his election. Eff y’all. No one who participated in this should be trusted again. No admittance to WH press pool, no access to interviews, revoke the security clearances of those official who hold them and essentially lock them out of ‘permanent DC’.

Tempted to watch this ” interview ” as it probably is a list of questions from the administration to Stuffy to ask.
There is a chance Stuffy being a Clintonesta it will be sabotaged if Hildabeast thinks she has a chance.

buck61 | July 4, 2024 at 3:38 pm

When did the staff of the Babylon Bee start working for AP

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