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Would Democrats Really Try to Swap Out Joe Biden if He Performs Badly at the Debate?

Would Democrats Really Try to Swap Out Joe Biden if He Performs Badly at the Debate?

“If there is a freezing moment or something very consequential that happens at the debate, the likelihood goes up”

There’s been a lot of speculation about this but I think they’d have to force Biden out. Remember, he thinks he is doing a great job.

Fred Lucas writes at the Daily Signal:

Can Democrats Legally Swap Biden Out for Another Candidate?

If Democrats seek to swap out President Joe Biden for another candidate on the Nov. 5 ballot, they’ll face legal challenges, according to an analysis by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.

That’s because a patchwork of state laws determines what a political party must do to substitute someone else as a presidential nominee.

“If there is a freezing moment or something very consequential that happens at the debate, the likelihood goes up,” Mike Howell, executive director of the Oversight Project, told reporters Tuesday.

CNN will host a 90-minute debate Thursday night between Biden and former President Donald Trump.

“There is not a political exception that if you’ve been trying to cover up the fact that your candidate has been declining rapidly to the extent that you are even invoking executive privilege to hide an audio tape … you just get to supersede all of the election integrity rules that exist in the various states,” Howell told reporters.

Special counsel Rober Hur’s report on Biden’s possession of classified documents from his years as vice president and senator characterized him as “elderly” and “struggling” with memory loss.

The Biden administration invoked executive privilege to block release of audio recordings of his two interviews last fall with the special counsel. The Oversight Project is part of a multiparty lawsuit by CNN and other news outlets, as well as watchdog groups, to access the audio recordings of the Biden interviews.

More recently, Biden had a wandering incident at the G7 summit in Italy and also appeared to freeze onstage at the end of a Los Angeles fundraiser and be physically guided away by former President Barack Obama (who Biden served as vice president for eight years).


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Biden has not even been nominated yet. Formally, he would not even be “replaced” at the state level. The nominee from the Dem convention would just be someone different, and this could hardly generate meaningful legal challenges.

Which raises the question: is Trump trying to lose this election?? Why is he agreeing to a debate now, to help the Dems pick their best candidate? He keeps saying he expects them to change. He’s going along with all CNN’s biased decisions, including no drug test for Biden and gag order on himself. He probably has none of whatever fairness protections might exist for a real general election debate, because neither one of them is formally nominated yet as a major party candidate.

Is Trump trying to rile up his base again, and lose, and see if it pitches them over the edge? J6 on steroids?

Antifundamentalist | June 27, 2024 at 9:37 am

I expect the dems to push him through the next cycle of, what was it Biden called it? “The most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” and then once the election has been secured, announce that he’s had a stroke and put in his VP, assuming they’ve replaced Harris with someone willing to take orders without a fuss.

JackinSilverSpring | June 27, 2024 at 9:52 am

Unfortunately Brandon seems able to perform passably at critical junctures. I suspect that’s because he’s been hopped up with drugs. I would be surprised if he does anything odd this evening.

destroycommunism | June 27, 2024 at 12:53 pm

He has ALREADY been swapped out

he is the pawn so that there can be a “legit” reason to get trump ( more) exposed by lefty as the evil their narrative says he is

this way their real lefty dummy doesnt have to face quite the scrutiny unless that person (say Nusiance) wants to

FJB was the only way the Dems could have Plausible Denialabity in the 2020 Elections

The people they really wanted ( stacy abrams kamala harris etc) in no way could have “received” those 80+ million votes and not had even some Dems question THOSE results

    artichoke in reply to destroycommunism. | June 28, 2024 at 6:51 am

    Biden promised, shortly after the 2020 convention that he would quit if he ever had a disagreement with Kamala. Then they had a disagreement after he started his term, and he didn’t quit. She pushed and he didn’t quit. They tried to assassinate him in Pittsburgh by having the Forbes Ave. bridge fall on him, but Biden’s advance team found out the bridge was rigged and blew it the night before. They’ve been trying to get him swapped out for a long time. He was indeed a placeholder.

    Now they have an excuse to do it according to their rules.

destroycommunism | June 27, 2024 at 12:55 pm

The left has taken the gloves off and are fighting bare knuckles

the gop still wears 16oz mitts ( yeah,,as in romney)

It all depends on when they try to swap him out. Pre-Convention, it is just a matter of nominating someone else. Post-Convention, it gets trickier, and depends on the reason. I think Biden would have to be dead or sufficiently incapacitated for the 25A to be invoked to be swapped out after formal nomination.

    artichoke in reply to The_Mew_Cat. | June 28, 2024 at 6:48 am

    Of course, before / at the convention. The Dems are masters of procedure and maximizing their opportunities. They managed to turn a stupid payoff to a porn “star” into 34 felony convictions.

    And the Reps are the masters of minimizing their opportunities.

See my comment at the top of the comments. What do you think now? Before last night Biden was able to hold on. Now likely the Dems will be able to get enough unanimity to make the switch at the convention, and Trump has to debate someone younger, anyone the Dems strategically pick.

This debate should have been after the convention, not now. Trump would have been entitled to “presidential debates” regardless. He could have overcome moderator bias against him. But now he’ll likely have to overcome a different opponent.