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Netanyahu: “Four Months Ago, There Was a Dramatic Decrease in Munitions Coming to Israel From The U.S.” 

Netanyahu: “Four Months Ago, There Was a Dramatic Decrease in Munitions Coming to Israel From The U.S.” 

Israeli prime minister: “We did this time and again. We did so at the highest levels, and at all levels, and I want to emphasize – we did so behind closed doors.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday released a statement suggesting that the Biden White House was withholding critical weapons and ammunition amid Israel’s ongoing war with the terror group Hamas.

While thanking the United States for its support following October 7 terrorist attack, the Israeli prime minister said that “four months ago, there was a dramatic decrease in the munitions coming to Israel from the US. For long weeks, we turned to our American friends and requested that the shipments be expedited.”

“We did this time and again. We did so at the highest levels, and at all levels, and I want to emphasize – we did so behind closed doors,” Netanyahu added.

The Biden administration has been holding back much-need ammunition as Israeli ground offensive against terrorists in Gaza continues for more than eight months.

“We received all sorts of explanations, but one thing we did not receive; the basic situation did not change,” the Israeli leader disclosed. “Certain items arrived sporadically but the munitions at large remained behind.”

The IDF faces a urban battlefield infested with fortified terror tunnels and underground bases, built by Hamas using billions of dollars diverted from foreign humanitarian aid.

The Israeli news website YNET published the excerpts of Netanyahu’s statement:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said again on Sunday that weapon shipments from the U.S. have been held back despite U.S. claims his accusations were incorrect.

“There was a dramatic drop in the supply of munitions coming from the United States to Israel over the past four months. We reached out to our American friends for weeks, requesting to expedite the shipments,” Netanyahu said to cameras, at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting.

“We did this repeatedly, at the highest levels and I want to make things clear — we did this behind closed doors. We received various explanations, but the basic situation has not changed. Certain shipments trickled in, but the bulk of the munitions was left behind,” he said.

“After months during which the situation was static, I decided to make it public,” Netanyahu said. “I did this based on years of experience and knowing this step was essential to release the bottleneck. I anticipated it would involve personal attacks against me both from within and without,” Netanyahu said. “I’m willing to endure personal attacks for the sake of Israel’s security,” he added.

On Tuesday, Netanyahu angered the Biden White House by suggesting that “the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel” in the middle of the war. The Biden administration ‘strongly denied’ the Israeli prime minister’s claim. “We genuinely do not know what he’s talking about,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declared Wednesday.

The damning revelation comes as Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group has intensified cross-border rocket attacks and threatens to launch an all-out war on Israel’s northern border.

Report: Hezbollah using Lebanon’s main airport for storing missiles, explosives

Nearly four years after a massive explosion in Hezbollah weapons depot in Beirut port killed hundreds of Lebanese civilians and wounded thousand others, Iran-backed terrorist group is using country’s main airport for hoard weapons and explosives.

Hezbollah was using the Beirut international airport as a weapons dump, the British newspaper Telegraph reported, citing local whistleblowers. “Hezbollah is storing huge quantities of Iranian weapons, missiles, and explosives in Beirut’s main civilian airport, according to airport whistleblowers,” the daily reported.

Lebanese airport officials were reportedly turning a blind eye to Hezbollah terrorists bringing in Iranian-made weaponry. “Terrorists pass through ‘bribed’ customs officers unchallenged with large amounts of Iranian weaponry, the Telegraph added.

The reports on Hezbollah’s use of Beirut’s main airport for terrorist activities are not new. In December 2022, the Legal Insurrection noted that Iran-backed terrorist group was “hiding underground precision missile production facilities close to Beirut’s international airport.”

The Telegraph reports:

The cache allegedly includes Iranian-made Falaq unguided artillery rockets, Fateh-110 short-range missiles, road-mobile ballistic missiles and M-600 missiles with ranges of over 150 to 200 miles.

Also at the airport is the AT-14 Kornet, laser-guided anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM), huge quantities of Burkan short-range ballistic missile and explosive RDX, a toxic white powder also known as cyclonite or hexagon.

The disclosures will raise fears that the Rafic Hariri airport, just four miles from the city centre, could become a major military target.

One airport worker, speaking to The Telegraph on condition of anonymity, said: “This is extremely serious, mysterious large boxes arriving on direct flights from Iran are a sign that things got worse.

“When they started to come through the airport, my friends and I were scared because we knew that there was something strange going on.”

IDF presses ahead in Rafah terror stronghold; Hamas recruiting new teenage fighters in Gaza

The IDF continued to press ahead in Rafah terrorist stronghold. “IDF troops are continuing intelligence-based, targeted operations in the Rafah area,” the Israeli military said in a press release Sunday. “Over the past day, the troops located weaponry, alongside tunnel shafts and underground terrorist infrastructure in the area.”

The Israeli armed forces were also conducting operations to degrade Hamas’s terrorist capacities in central Gaza. “Over the past day, IDF troops in central Gaza continued to operate against terrorist infrastructure, locate weaponry, and eliminate armed terrorist cells. Moreover, the troops eliminated terrorists in close-quarters combat and through the use of sniper and drone fire,” the press statement said.

The IDF operation coincides with Hamas’s efforts to recruit teenage boys in Gaza to compensate for massive losses suffered by its terrorist fighting force. “Hamas is making a comeback to regain control of Khan Yunis as well as recruiting new fighters from young adolescents in the 18-year-old range both in southern and northern Gaza,” the Jerusalem Post reported. Sunday.

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) conducted strikes against Hamas terror targets across Gaza. “Over the past day, the IAF struck dozens of terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including military structures, terrorists and terrorist infrastructure,” the IDF added.

The IAF also hit a Hezbollah site in response to surging cross-border rocket and drone attacks. On Saturday evening, Israeli “fighter jets struck a Hezbollah military structure and observation post in the area of Kfarkela,” the military said in a separate statement Sunday.


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Yes, please state the case plainly before Congress. Call the retarded grifter pedo out.

E Howard Hunt | June 23, 2024 at 12:56 pm

And there was an uptick of arms in the south side of Chicago.

It is pretty sad when you know the government to believe is the other one, not ours.

    Ghostrider in reply to jb4. | June 23, 2024 at 11:06 pm

    Bibi not playing by the client-state rules must have Blinken and Sullivan saying lots of “NSFW words” in the WH briefing rooms. Bibi is a masterful leader and is taking Joe to the woodshed.
    I like the guy.

it may appear to people other than myself that there is a contract ($$$) between our pResident and the mullahs

There’s now a distinction being made between Gaza “smuggling” tunnels and “not to be confused with Palestinian tunnel warfare in the Gaza Strip.”

“In 2013–2014, Egypt’s military destroyed most of the 1,200 smuggling tunnels.”

“A 2015 report of the United Nations noted that between 2007 and 2013, more than 1,532 tunnels were running under the border.”

“According to Iranian military officer Hassan Hassanzadeh, who commands the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from Tehran, the Gaza Strip’s tunnels run for more than 500 kilometers throughout the territory.”

“Lifshitz described walking for two to three hours through damp tunnels until she and other hostages reached a large hall. Lifshitz told reporters that Hamas has a “huge network” of tunnels that resembled a “spiderweb.”

    healthguyfsu in reply to Tiki. | June 23, 2024 at 9:24 pm

    Has the UN ever been good at watchdogging anything?

    So they report something and do nothing, pretending even that their “reports” are not actionable when legitimate and having wings that outright fabricate propaganda with another arm of their inept bureaucracy.

The fact is the Biden Admin isn’t delivering munitions as fast or in the quantities Israel wants/needs. The WH has admitted this, bragged about it even in their bid to shore up domestic political support in Michigan (among other places with larger than average numbers of Muslim voters and/or anti Israel voters).

Netanyahu has been invited to Speak and he has basically nothing to lose by angering the WH. If the Biden WH overtly increases the flow they PO the anti Israel voters if they overtly decrease the flow they PO the pro Israel voters. The Biden WH tried to find a way to please and hold two d/prog coalition voting blocs together through the election. They don’t seem to have found a way to walk that razors edge successfully.

    Danny in reply to CommoChief. | June 23, 2024 at 3:52 pm

    If they had just stuck to the original position this war would have ended at latest in February and would be yesterdays news with no relevance to the election.

    The pro-Israel voters dwarf the anti-Israel voters in what polling shows as anywhere from 2-1 to 3-1.

    I think undercover video showing what the Biden administration actually thinks shows Biden is just trying to get past the election with minimizing losses to his anti-Israel position so he could finish them off if he wins.

      CommoChief in reply to Danny. | June 23, 2024 at 4:54 pm

      Nationwide that is more than true. However the Biden WH seems to making a calculated risk out of concern over Michigan and the anti Israel voters staying home and thus putting DJT over the top in a State they can’t afford to lose. Probably they have some targeted swing CD/ other swing States where the same scene may play out. The obvious first order risk is PO pro Israel voters and losing their support.

      The ultimate risk is PO both pro Israel and anti Israel voters in a failed effort to walk the razors edge…which seems to be where we are now. I don’t see a way for them to turn it around. Very similar internal d/prog coalition conflicts taking place with illegal immigrants, trans and in general how they gonna split the political spoils between various tribal factions in a way that keeps every tribe satisfied.

        Danny in reply to CommoChief. | June 23, 2024 at 9:45 pm

        I understand what you are saying and there is a lot of wisdom in it.

        I just think you are underestimating the anti-Israel voters.

        They are well aware of what Trump’s position is and his presidential record on Israel. Trump triumphantly returning and giving Netanyahu a call is not something they desire.

      healthguyfsu in reply to Danny. | June 23, 2024 at 9:25 pm

      They can’t let Israel finish the war or there will be too many consequences for Biden’s handler oligarchy pulling his strings.

Gosh, it is almost like Obama accomplished his mission…start WWIII and lay the blame elsewhere.
Such a good Muslim.

Biden is actively trying to topple Netanyahu’s government. It’s past time he was called out for it.

JohnSmith100 | June 23, 2024 at 4:25 pm

We hear about Pale work accidents, what if Iran had a nuke work accident?

destroycommunism | June 23, 2024 at 5:21 pm

fjb explained

look during me and my bro for life obamas first reign of terror

we confiscated as much ammo and military equipment for the parks dept the irs and the postal service so that the future in america would be safe and secure against the soon to be pro american pushback

I’m sure the congress will get right on it. Annnny daaaay now, yepper, annny daaaaay.
Meanwhile in the Bronx where a decent repub is running supporting Israel the rabbis are backing some knucklehead democrat.

Let the appropriate House Oversight Committee investigations begin to probe why the munitions were not sent to Israel and where the money that was appropriated went. It should be entertaining theater and extra added pressure by Trump on FJB right in time for this week’s debate.

MontanaMilitant | June 24, 2024 at 9:18 am

Trump needs to emphasize that Joe Biden released funds to Iran ( just like Hussein Obama did….. that money was diverted to terror organizations including the Houtis. One if the first things Dementia Joe did when he bowled the oval office in 2021 was to force the Saudis from bombing the terrorist Houtis….. Now we have to keep aircraft carriers in the Red Sea so we can bomb them ourselves and the Saudi’s laugh at Joe when he begs them to lower oil prices.

While I generally support Israel, I have a new idea for them. How about building your own arms plant(s) from the billions in aid the U.S. sends you every year?

I’m no expert in such things, however my guess is that it was inconceivable to Israel’s war-planners to imagine that ammunition shipments would be slow walked. In the midst of a serious war for self preservation.

Surely, there must be people who know from past experience what IDF could anticipate receiving.

At the start of Obama’s third term, let’s face it , Hamas supporters were installed in 2021 throughout every branch of decision-making in the US Government.

“We got everything that we wanted” is what Ilhan Omar was quoted as saying at the time.

If you consider the amounts of money that Qatar and Saudi and Iran et al. have to spend, it’s almost a miracle that 100% of all US Government employees are not yet fully sharia-adherent but it does seem kinda evident that that’s where we’ll be soon enough.

Look what they’ve done with colleges and with K-12 schools, etc
Look what they’ve done with BBC AP CNN etc.
Look what they’ve accomplished in France and Ireland and Belgium and Spain and UK etc.
And of course every arm of the UN bureaucracy
And so, they’re doing it with FBI CIA DOD etc
And Hollywood and the courts and state/fed/local prosecutors etc.

In the end, we may not be much interested in the radical transformation of America, but the radical transformation of America is, as it turns out, very interested in us.

Meanwhile, non-Muslims get raped slaughtered kidnapped throughout Asia Africa Europe and Antony Blinken strums Neil Young guitar tunes from the 1970s, and believes that by appeasing those who kill and kidnap Americans … he’s accomplishing something.

It’s almost unbelievable.
It really is almost inconceivable.

And so I can’t really blame IDF for not planning for a betrayal like the one we’re witnessing.

For whatever little that that’s worth : )

Herve Montague | June 25, 2024 at 4:18 am

The Israelis need to consider thinking outside the box.

If the US will not supply munitions for conventional warfare,

then the Israelis must employ tools and tactics that might seem a bit unconventional

Or else Israel will be annihilated. Slowly but surely.

That’s what’s happening, Israel.

With love and admiration, I would urge Israel to

Grow up

Quit whining

Stop trying to be liked

People pleasers please no one.

Get the job done. Jeeez