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Israel Releases Evidence Showing Slain ‘Doctors Without Borders’ Staffer was Islamic Jihad Rocket Maker

Israel Releases Evidence Showing Slain ‘Doctors Without Borders’ Staffer was Islamic Jihad Rocket Maker

IDF: “Fadi Al-Wadiya developed and advanced the terrorist organization’s rocket array and was a central figure in the terrorist organization’s knowledge of electronics and chemistry.” 

The latest elimination of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) operative once again highlights how international organisations and foreign-funded NGOs in Gaza are recruiting from deep within the ranks of Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups.

News reports first surfaced on Tuesday when Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders, announced the death of one of their ‘healthcare’ staffers in an Israeli military strike. The France-based charity claimed that 33-year-old Fadi al-Wadiya was a ‘physiotherapist’ on its payroll since 2018. According to the MSF, he was “on his way to provide vital medical care to wounded victims of the endless massacres across Gaza.”

The lie fell apart within hours after the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed al-Wadiya’s true identity as a key rocket maker for the Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror group. Israeli authorities issued images of the MSF ‘caregiver’ dressed in the PIJ combat uniform (see tweets below).

The IDF also released the aerial footage of the strike, showing al-Wadiya was not involved in any medical mission but was taking part in a terrorist operation when he was killed by an Israeli drone.

On Tuesday, an “aircraft directed by IDF intelligence struck and eliminated the terrorist Fadi Al-Wadiya, who served as a significant operative in the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization,” the military said in a press release.

The slain terrorist was involved in the development and deployment of Islamic Jihad’s rocket capabilities. “As part of his role, Fadi Al-Wadiya developed and advanced the terrorist organization’s rocket array and was a central figure in the terrorist organization’s knowledge of electronics and chemistry,” the IDF disclosed.

The Times of Israel reported:

A Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket expert, named by Doctors Without Borders as a staffer, was killed in an Israeli drone strike in Gaza City on Tuesday, the military said.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders, reported on Tuesday morning that Fadi al-Wadiya was one of its staffers.

The organization said in a post on X that al-Wadiya was killed along with five other people, among them three children, while riding his bicycle to the MSF clinic where he worked.

“Killing a healthcare worker while on his way to provide vital medical care to wounded victims of the endless massacres across Gaza is beyond shocking; it’s cynical and abhorrent,” Caroline Seguin, the organization’s local operations manager, was quoted saying in a statement.

The Israel Defense Forces later in the day confirmed that it had killed al-Wadiya, saying that he was an Islamic Jihad operative involved in developing the terror group’s missiles.

Al-Wadiya was involved in “the development and advancement of the organization’s missile array,” the military said in a statement.

The IDF said he was also a “source of knowledge” within the Islamic Jihad, in the fields of electronics and chemistry.

It published footage of the drone strike in Gaza City.

After MSF on Wednesday issued a denial that al-Wadiya had been a terror operative, the IDF released images showing al-Wadiya wearing a PIJ uniform.

In the past, the Legal Insurrection has extensively reported on ties between the U.S. and European-funded NGOs and various Palestinian terrorist groups. Several convicted and apparently ‘former’ terrorists have been on the payroll of these foreign-funded organisations. The primary culprit in this regard is the United Nations Palestinian aid agency, UNRWA.

Since October 7, the Israeli intelligence services have repeatedly exposed dozens of Gaza-based UNRWA employees who are operatives for Hamas and the PIJ terror groups. “The six-page dossier … alleges that some 190 UNRWA employees, including teachers, have doubled as Hamas or Islamic Jihad militants,” Reuters reported on December 29.

Several UNRWA staffers took an active part in planning and executing the October 7 atrocities. “At least 12 employees of the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees participated in or aided the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel, according to Israeli intelligence dossiers, ” NBC News reported late January.

IDF conducts drills in the north as Hezbollah escalates tensions

The IDF conducts military exercises along the northern border with Lebanon as Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah steps up cross-border rocket and drone attacks, media reports on Thursday said.

The news comes almost a week after Hezbollah terror chief Hassan Nasrallah threatened to unleash an all-out war on Israel. Nearly 60,000 Israeli civilians have been forced to flee their homes in the north amid relentless rocket barrages by the Shia-Islamic terrorist group in the wake of the October 7 attacks.

The Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported Thursday:

In response to escalating tensions on Israel’s northern border, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have conducted a series of intensive military exercises simulating combat scenarios in Lebanon.

The drills are part of the Northern Command’s ongoing efforts to bolster readiness in light of the daily attacks by the Hezbollah terror group.

Over the past week, the Golani Brigade’s 12th Battalion, currently stationed in the Mount Dov and Mount Hermon regions, executed a comprehensive exercise designed to simulate combat in challenging terrain. This drill, according to the IDF, aimed to prepare troops for potential engagements in the rugged and complex landscapes of southern Lebanon.

Simultaneously, the 55th Reserve Paratroopers Brigade conducted a parallel drill, focusing on various combat scenarios. This included maneuvers in difficult terrain and advancing along a “mountainous route,” providing the troops with essential training for potential operations in similar environments.

These exercises occur amid ongoing hostilities from Hezbollah, which has been launching daily attacks on northern Israel amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The IDF has emphasized the importance of these drills in maintaining a high level of preparedness and ensuring that troops are ready to respond to any escalation.

The increased military activity follows Israel’s stern warnings regarding Hezbollah’s presence along its northern border.

IDF carries out surprise raid in northern Gaza

Amid ongoing ground operation in the southern Hamas stronghold of Rafah, the IDF on Thursday conducted a surprise raid in the Shijaiyah neighborhood in northern Gaza, the Israeli and Palestinian media reports indicate. Palestinian sources reported heavy gunfire. It is unclear if the raid is aimed at rescuing Israeli hostages or targeting Hamas’s terrorist leadership. In early June, an Israeli special forces operation freed four hostages from Hamas captivity in central Gaza.

The Israeli news website YNET reported the ongoing raid:

The IDF began an operation in Gaza City’s Shijaiyah neighborhood on Thursday as residents were seen fleeing the area.

the Arabic language IDF spokesperson urged civilians to evacuate to safety. “For your safety, you must immediately evacuate southward along Salah al-Din Street to the humanitarian area,”Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee said.

According to Palestinian sources, the forces entered the densely populated neighborhood in the northern part of the strip from several directions. “The advance of IDF vehicles was sudden, amid intense gunfire and bombings from aircraft and artillery,” a resident told local media outlets.


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So, this really was rocket surgery?

Gee, I’m shocked.

destroycommunism | June 27, 2024 at 1:11 pm

no wayyy

noooo wayyyyyyyyyy


thanks garth

destroycommunism | June 27, 2024 at 1:13 pm

Biden without borders
doctors without borders
terrorists without borders

yeah I see a pattern

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 27, 2024 at 1:43 pm

Doctors Without Borders have always been left-wing dirtbags working against civilized society. They are just your run-of-the-mill leftist, globalist scum.

Too often , it feels like there’s a grownup in the room (Israel) on the one hand, and an unruly, poorly parented bunch of screaming bickering bratty children (UN PLO PIJ EU NGOs etc) on the other hand.

I’m more convinced than ever before: Even if they succeed in killing off every American and every Jew, they’ll just move on to others—more kidnapping fighting killing bickering whining raping

The gods really do seem to have quite a sense of humor.

    healthguyfsu in reply to R676. | June 27, 2024 at 10:27 pm

    The only issue I take with your post is that it doesn’t call out only the foreign factions of screaming bickering bratty children while leaving the domestic problem children out. We have many of these wastes of space on our own soil.

But Fadi al-Wadiya was riding a bicycle – so environmentally friendly!

He’s not a real Dr
He’s more like “Dr” jill

He done blowed up real good.

“Physiotherapist” heal thyself.

Israel is threatening to send Lebanon “back to the Stone Age”. They don’t need to go that far. Sending it back a few decades to when it was a Christian nation would be plenty.

    healthguyfsu in reply to txvet2. | June 27, 2024 at 10:28 pm

    Lebanon needs to do more policing if they don’t want to look complicit. Of course they won’t because they are complicit.

    Israel needs to withdraw that offshore oil treaty with Lebanon and sink their ships.

MoeHowardwasright | June 27, 2024 at 8:27 pm

Doctors Without Borders is a French run intelligence operation. The French don’t care about the allegiance of the Doctors/medical workers. It’s run by the DGSE. Don’t ask me how I know. FJB