Bill Maher Asks an Important Question: “How Come it’s Okay for the Left to Hate the Jews?”
“Because, obviously, if this was the people at Charlottesville doing this, wouldn’t there be a bigger outcry?”

This weekend on his HBO show, Bill Maher asked his guests why the left is allowed to openly express hatred towards Jews. Maher gets plenty of things wrong on a regular basis, but on this topic, he has been consistently correct.
Everyone knows that the behavior of the radical left in recent months would not be permitted if they were acting out against other groups.
FOX News has details:
Bill Maher unloads: ‘How come it’s okay for the left to hate the Jews?’
“Real Time” host Bill Maher put a spotlight on the lack of condemnation of the growing antisemitism that has erupted on the left in comparison to the country’s response to the infamous 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.
“I got a question. How come it’s okay for the left to hate the Jews?” Maher asked on Friday night. “Because, obviously, if this was the people at Charlottesville doing this, wouldn’t there be a bigger outcry?”
CNN contributor Ana Navarro responded by saying it’s not an “apples to apples” comparison, saying that the “images” of dead children in Gaza are a major factor in the left’s activism. But writer Joel Stein insisted the college students currently protesting have “more power” than the “tiki torch IT guys” that were marching in Charlottesville.
“If the people in Charlottesville who were chanting ‘Jews won’t replace us,’ I mean, that’s bad. It’s not as bad as ‘Death to.’ That’s not deplorable?” Maher exclaimed.
“It’s absolutely terrible,” Navarro responded.
Here are two clips:
Bill Maher confronts Ana Navarro on the rampant antisemitism among the left:
BM: "How come it's okay for the left to hate the Jews?"
AN: "I don't think it's an apples to apples comparison."Because Jews continue to vote Democrat, despite their best interests.
— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) June 15, 2024
Bill Maher has come to realize that the left is the side that is most dangerous to Jews. Ana Navarro cannot understand how that came to be.
DEI teaches that Jews are part of the oppressor class because they are white, successful, and perform well on tests. People like you, Ana.— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) June 15, 2024
It’s a shame that the answers Bill got from his guests weren’t as strong as the question.
The real answer is pretty simple. Democrats and the media are trying to ignore or downplay this behavior from the left because it’s an election year and they need the votes of these people in November.
Biden is even trying to appease them when they interrupt him at live events.
"How absolutely fucking pathetic is that man." @RubinReport
Joe Biden was heckled in the middle of giving a speech by a group of pro Hamas supporters.
— The Rubin Report (@RubinReportShow) June 12, 2024
Featured image via YouTube.

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President Nosferatu.
Free speech.
Except they’ve crossed into violence. But you’re OK with that, aren’t you? Their violence is speech as far as you’re concerned.
Then the headline problem is violence, not antisemitism.
But antisemitism that incites violence is, and the mindless Hamasholes are all too willing to incite violence, as are all leftists.
But, but hate speech!!!
Antisemitism is a centuries-old concept that has never been limited to words. And let’s say we get a magic wand and right this second change the meaning of “antisemitism” to one that’s only rhetorical. You can be anti-Jew but you just can’t act on it in any way. Tell me how that’s supposed to work? You hire a Jew in the office. “I hate your guts,” you say to him, “and please have that report on my desk before lunch” You can call him lowlife scum to his face all day long but hey – you can’t fire him. You invite him to office parties. “Hey everyone, look who walked in. It’s that kike accountant.” And everyone shouts: HEY KIKE!
What fantasyland do you live in?
The headline problem is you’re a pretentious idiot.
“Free speech.”
Lefty to lefty: “our violence is free speech.”
Lefty to righty: “your free speech is violence.”
Lefty to righty: “Silence is violence.”
One last comparison.
Lefty to lefty: “our violence is mostly peaceful protest.”
Lefty to righty: “your violence is insurrection.”
1. Ignoring the endless examples of when it is not speech, or when it is active intimidation (by the way ZERO arrests for preventing Jewish students from going to school a year later? If it was black students instead everyone involved would be arrested and administration/professors would have gotten an obstruction of justice charge for trying to avoid calling the police)
2. Freedom of speech means you are free to speak your piece. It does not mean you are entitled to no opprobrium. Anyone who saw anything I said on the topic knows I believe EVERYONE should be allowed to equally say what they wish in the public square which includes places like Youtube, X and Facebook.
That does not mean everyone else has to like it and there won’t be consequences.
Yes it is free speech when it is confined to mere speech unaccompanied by mob intimidation, denial of access/egress, occupation of buildings/public/common areas/terroristic tactics and actual violence.
‘Freedom’ itself, as a coherent concept, is very scary to many people b/c they reject the duty to use it responsibly or simply b/c they disagree with other folks ideology and want to prevent, diminish or chill the use of these rights by those they disagree with….but not ‘their’ side.
Those who championed creation of ‘hate speech’ and societal/legal consequences for use of ‘hate speech’ have zero grounds to now oppose the use of the concept against ‘their’ team or allies. Totalitarians never seem to understand that expanding ways for them to tell others what to do/not to do will eventually be used against them. They react as viciously as a cornered animal when it eventually occurs.
Why is it ok for the left to front for terrorist organizations? There fixed it for you Bill. Ask any Jew who suffered in the gulag about why the left hates Jews. Wouldn’t hurt to confront these demonrats with The Gulag Archipelago by Alexsander Solzhenitsyn. FJB
“It’s (D)ifferent when we do it.”
Accurate and succinct.
“We are Good People! What we do is Good!”
If dems really believe in the oppressor / oppressed narrative, why the deafening silence about human rights violations inside muslim countries, civil war in muslim countries, and muslim persecution of different religions in muslim countries?
Why do muslims get free pass from dems when muslims are on the oppressor side?
Because the “oppressor/oppressed” BS is just a mask for their hatred of civilization. They’ll always find the barbarian the “oppressed” and civilized people defending themselves the “oppressors”.
Meant to vote this up; hit the wrong button. Sorry.
It’s not merely ok that the left hate jews. It’s required apparently.
Baked into Marxism, and leftists are all worshippers of Marx.
Meh. The Left hates lots of people. The left hates themselves, most of all. The left is completely anti-human. ANTI. HUMAN!! The left has been trying to drive modern Man towards extinction for a while, now.
A question I have been asking for decades. And how come so many Jews accept the Democrats hating them?
It’s been better hidden in the past, though I saw leftists making their hatred of Israel obvious 30 years ago in college.
Jews hate the right because they were once denied membership in country clubs. The Jews are OK with the democratic party because the dems only want to eliminate them from the face of the earth.
My, my. Such an expert on Da Joos.
Even so….. Trump did make certain Jews could be at his country clubs.
Maher is a “broken clock is right, twice a day” type of fool who clearly hasn’t been paying attention to the vile Dhimmi-crats’ decades-long and rabid anti-Israel vilification and slanders, and, the corollary promotion of/propagation of and deference/legitimacy paid to manifestly contrived and fallacious propaganda mythologies of alleged victimhood and grievance, vis-a-vis the Arab Fakestinian invaders from Arabia.
Israeli Jews have been viciously slandered by European leftists and American Dhimmi-crats — using Nazi-like levels of propaganda and vitriol — as allegedly “white” colonizers/settlers from Europe, who exploited the tragedy of the Holocaust to “steal” land from the allegedly indigenous, “black/brown” Fakistinian victims. That’s the leftists’ and Dhimmi-crats’ narrative, parroting the propaganda of genocidal Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists who’ve been committing genocides, atrocities and barbarism against Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and other non-Muslims, the world over, for more than 1,400 years.
Never mind that the resurrection of the ancient state of Israel in 1948 represented the return of those exiled Jews to an area where Jews have resided for millennia, well before the founding of the intrinsically and immutably supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission;” well before such a thing as a “Muslim” or an Arab Fakestinian, ever existed.
Real Time with Bill Maher is currently the #1 most popular show on HBO watched by a total number of 641,000 people. You are lucky if 20 people bother to read your posts.
Wow, 641,000 people! Must be some sort of new HBO record, amirite?
“You are lucky if 20 people bother to read your posts.”
Do you even irony, bro?
Bill Maher is a leftist talk show host and comedian who is beginning to see the truth, and he has a really big audience, so I applaud him as the scales are falling from his eyes.
Maher doesn’t have a “really big audience.”
Just because he’s acknowledged that many of his fellow travelers have gone too far doesn’t mean “the scales are falling from his eyes.”
It does, however, probably mean that he is hoping to be eaten last.
At least when people read guyjones’ posts they don’t think he is a fool. Unlike when they read your posts.
guyjones is a ranting jackass who copies and pastes the same trademark vitriol like a mental patient.
Such infantile “wit” and kindergarten insults, “Thad” — must have taken you a while to come up with that one.
You’re a putz, schmuck, poser, loser and a fool. Keep on demonstrating that.
Intelligent and mature adults are able to express political disagreements in a civil and reasoned manner, but, such traits are beyond your abilities.
Only a manifest fool such as yourself, “Thad,” would contend that legitimate criticism of Jew-hating, genocidal Islamofascism, Muslim supremacism and terrorism constitute “vitriol” and mental illness.
You’re the mentally disturbed person, here, rabidly defending Muslim Jew-hate, and, positing — absurdly — that such reprobates are beyond reproach and criticism.
Examine your own warped moral compass and fecklessness, before childishly insulting people with fallacious accusations of mental illness.
“Thad” is the type of moral reprobate who would have defended the German National Socialists against criticism, in WWII.
Since he wasn’t around to do that, he decides to passionately defend the spiritual predecessors/successors to German National Socialism — goose-stepping, genocidal Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists.
The man is mentally ill and needs treatment.
I’m still waiting for you to make something approaching a well-reasoned, mature, intelligent and civil comment, “JR,” as opposed to the manifestly infantile, obnoxious and foolish posts that are your calling card.
You don’t rebut the substance of my comment, because you can’t, so, instead, you make a stupid and snide remark about how Maher — a longtime television host, has a bigger following than me, a private citizen. That’s stupidity in the extreme; it’s an embarrassingly stupid and illogical comment.
I actually enjoy Maher’s old stand-up routines; he once was a funny comedian.
His act of persistently pointing out the Dhimmi-crats’ stupidity and insanity, while remaining a loyal Dhimmi-crat, instead of leaving the Party, is tiresome.
As long as you read my posts, “JR,” I’m quite happy!
You made my day, cretin.
Actually, lefties hate a lot of groups. They are just fo using on the Jews now but other groups will come soon.
She’s right — it’s not an apples-to-apples comparison:
The Right just wants to not be replaced in their own nation.
The Left wants to delete the Jews from Israel.
They want to delete the Jews from everywhere.
“Zionism” is just the excuse to attack all Jews. “The Jews of today are not the real Jews of the past” yet “The Palestinians of today have always been in what is Israel in the past”.
The left wants goose for dinner regardless of the cost. That they believe that socialism is sustainable is all the evidence that one needs that they all have room temp IQs.
Anna Navarro also stridently declared that ‘men’ are unnecessary and that women didn’t need men. She made this claim without qualifiers such as ‘for a relationship’. Then she backed up and decided she ‘couldn’t exist without ‘gay men’ but that ‘straight men were unnecessary.
This is the level of jackassery exhibited by the woke lefties on a daily basis. They prefer a delusional fantasy but refuse to understand that can indulge in their luxury beliefs only so long as the lights of Western Civilization stay on. These folks could do with a brief immersion into a Hobbesian environment for 30 days or so in order to recalibrate their ideological beliefs closer to reality.
“They prefer a delusional fantasy but refuse to understand that can indulge in their luxury beliefs only so long as the lights of Western Civilization stay on.”
Neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. . Bears deserve some windfall luck, too. And a woman like Ana can serve three, maybe four.
Sure, we could end the silly ‘battle of the sexes’ but only when these same feminists are logically consistent and willingly accept the full consequences of their choices. If they don’t ‘need men’ then they must stop demanding state mandated tribute be collected from men and given to them. Heck, if they would just stop demanding traditional social deference/chivalry to women based on sex it might work. The feminists have not and will not do so b/c it was never about equality but instead about retaining privileges while expanding power based on sex.
It’s okay for the left to hate Jews because pieces of crap like you continue to support them when they do it, Maher.
It’s okay for the left to openly hate Jews because leftists have decided that racism is acceptable as long as its against the correct races.
Nowadays dems and leftists only tolerate self loathing jews like soros who would sell their own grandmother to hamas.
SCOTUS would say its ok because they always have.
Long standing violations are, in their view, sufficient to change what is clearly wrong into something we must forever accept as normal.
Was that the Bruenstein decision?
Well Anna, there wouldn’t be any dead children in Gaza if Hamas wasn’t deliberately putting them in the line of fire so that they could take those dead children and hold them up as examples of “Israel war crimes”.