Poll: 67% Palestinians Agree With October 7 Massacre, 71% Want Hamas to Rule Gaza
They still agree with the massacre, want Hamas in charge, and reject a two-state solution.

A new Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) poll shows Palestinians still support the attack on Israel on October 7, support Hamas, and want the terror group to control Gaza.
The support remains high despite a slight drop. The support has grown among Palestinians in the West Bank:
While overall support for the October 7 Hamas offensive remains high, it has seen a four-percentage point decline compared to the previous poll, now at two-thirds. The decrease in this percentage came from the Gaza Strip, which saw a decrease of 14 percentage points. It is important to note that support for this attack, as we will see later, does not necessarily mean support for Hamas and does not mean support for any killings or atrocities committed against civilians. Support comes from another motive: findings show that more than 80% of Palestinians believe that the attack has put the Palestinian issue at the center of attention and eliminated years of neglect at the regional and international levels.
War Crimes
However, 97% of the Palestinians think Israel has committed war crimes. Only 9% think Hamas did the same.
Those who watched the video of the October 7 massacre tend to agree that Hamas committed war crimes.
PSR noted that the majority of those polled watch Al Jazeera. 83% of Palestinians in the West Bank prefer the channel.
Two-State Solution
How about a two-state solution?
Nope. That statistic decreased to 32% from 45% in March.
65% do not want two states.
This is strange. In March, 62% of Gazans supported the two-state solution, yet only 32% supported it in June.
Also, “nearly half, in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, believe that the top most vital goal for the Palestinian people should be an ‘Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders and the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital.'”
Something tells me the 1967 borders won’t be enough. They don’t want Israel to exist anymore.
Hamas Support
The Palestinians also support Hamas and its leader, Yahya Sinwar, while showing discontent with the Palestinian Authority.
They don’t want peace. They want to keep Hamas in charge.
If the Palestinians held a presidential election today, 46% would vote for Ismail Haniyeh, considered the chief political leader of Hamas, the terrorist group. Only 5% would vote for current PA President Mahmoud Abbas (Fatah Party member). The turnout would only be 57%.
If the election were between Abbas, Haniyeh, and Fatah Party member Marwan Barghouti, participation would increase to 76%.
Barghouti has a lengthy history of crimes against Israel. They consider him the leader of the First and Second Intifadas.
Barghouti would win with 47% of the vote. Haniyeh comes in second with 23%, and Abbas is third with 2%.
Barghouti would still win if the race were between him and Haniyeh.
94% of the Palestinians want Abbas to resign.
Political Parties
Despite those numbers, 41% support Hamas, only 17% support Fatah, and 39% don’t know or support none of them.
That’s also interesting because 61% of the Palestinians want Hamas to control Gaza after the war. The majority, though, live in the West Bank. 46% of Gazans want Hamas.
16% want a new PA government, but 24% of Gazans fall in that category.
The push for Hamas seems more from those in the West Bank.

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You don’t say…
Arafat was right. The path to Arab victory is through the womb of the Palestinian woman. What is 65% of 2.5 million? Netanyahu’s gonna need to use a nuke….
“71% of Palestinians want Hama to rule Gaza”
That’s because every Palestinian has a father, son, brother, cousin, uncle and next door neighbor who is Hamas. It’s a family thing, you probably wouldn’t understand.
True, and that is killing Hamas is not enough to break this cycle. Pales are collectively certifiably deranged. It cannot be cured.
I’m convinced that the Palies are headed for brute assimilation into the surrounding Arab counties by immigration. Some will become Syrian, Lebanese, Egyptian, Jordanian. Etc. those high numbers show that Hamas and PA propaganda and teaching of children to hate Jews has worked. There’s nothing left for Israel to do but eradicate Hamas, its ideology, and enough of its manifestations in human form until the rest of their ‘society’ collapses and they in essence surrender. Then let them, broken and poor be assimilated into the surrounding nations. It is at this point a war to the death. Or surrender. Those polling numbers are devastating to any idea of peace. And reconciliation. I have empathy for individual Palies but almost no sympathy for them as a “people”. They’ve brought this on themselves. They need to kill the monsters among themselves. Israel must eradicate Hamas. Made them Hitler in his Berlin bunker.
That’s not going to change so long as both sides argue about who is most oppressed people. It’s the Palestinians (average IQ 83) vs the low-IQ Jews, getting the moral progress that you’d expect.
What ought to be the argument is who is acting morally: the side that repeatedly offered mutually beneficial trade between the sides,, or the side that repeatedly blew it up or shot it down every time.
Israel can easily win that one. It has nothing to do with oppression, historical or otherwise.
A low IQ comment that obsesses on a oppression contest, where none exists.
Ignores the fact of armed conflict when addressing morality, or that only one side HAS repeatedly rejected peace, and engaged in inhuman behavior.
Oppression = Oct 7 vs the Jews deserve it and continue to deserve it for stealing our wealth from us. Has anything else come up in the outrage battle?
Ridiculous. October 7 = genocide, oppression or wealth. Playing the outrage, oppression, IQ battle game reflects low IQ, especially when the obsession has little relation to the reality of what occurred and why. Rocket science and theory this is not.
The Palestinians have noticed that the Jews have a much higher standard of living than they do. How might they account for this? Take into account that they have an average IQ of 83 and might be suggestible.
The Jews are doing it to us, is the Palestinian theory. October 7 was a very sensible and clear message: “You can’t live here.” A message that has been sent over and over, separated by a few years and a few Israeli retaliations.
Yet the Palestinian standard of living never improves! It’s the Jews holding them back.
That’s an easy sell.
How to make it a harder sell? Argue all the things the Israel repeatedly does to raise the Palestinian standard of living (economic trade), which is shot down or blown up each time by Palestinian leaders. The trick is turn the population on the leaders.
The Palestinians do not obsess, like you, based on standard of living, and their obsession, unlike you, is not a function of IQ. They have other reasons for hating Jews. You have to be very obtuse to ignore the obvious, especially when masked in quasi-intellectual theory about playing games.
The low-IQ anti-assimilation narrative that everybody hates the Jews – you must be on the lookout to call out antisemitism everywhere – locks the Israel-Palestinian situation in permanent warfare.
Take the Palestinians as reasonable – given their average low IQ – and you can figure out how to unwind them. But you have to forget playing the Holocaust card, which has become a habit with low-IQ Jews. Not as low as Palestinians but too low to make anything positive out of alienation.
A paradox: the trick that keeps Judaism alive in foreign cultures – alienation in the form of suspicion of the hosts – keeps the Palestinians attacking Israel. Forget the Holocaust and figure out the Palestinians out anew.
Expound the virtues of comparative advantage. Mutual trade benefits both sides and there’s work for everybody. Comparative advantage (not competitive advantage) is why the economics department secretary walks papers to the dean’s office even though the head of the economics department walks faster than the secretary. The Palestinians don’t have to be better than the Jews, just available, to benefit.
Had to stop reading. Really silly. Palestinian and others’ envy over wealth is antisemitic and is called out regularly. It is NOT the basis for Palestinian desires and actions to commit genocide, but a side issue down a dirt path. That fundamental basis of Palestinianism intent ESCAPES you, which is ironic because of the “habit” of pretending that IQ is what affects human nature.
In addition, the “habit” of trivializing and saying Jews merely play Holocaust cards to dissemble is a form of denial and antisemitic, illustrated by too many high IQ “intellects.”
No one said it had anything to do with oppression, low IQ rhardin. I have a feeling you aren’t aware what IQ even stands for, but that’s okay keep using your sad little trope.. We will outlast people like you, we always have: 4,000 years and counting. It has to do with survival if your on the Jewish side. For Palestinians, its their identity being entirely built around hatred and death being the major problem.
IQ predicts success. Palestinian 83, Ashkenazi Jews 115.
What is your source for that “83 IQ” claim? I hope it’s a good one, because claiming that an entire group is a standard deviation below average requires some serious proof.
Type palestine iq into google and pick your source. Try other countries. It regularly goes much lower, just to surprise you even more.
I’m personally surprised that google doesn’t censor it because it was doing so for a year or so a year or so back, but apparently it’s too well documented.
Claiming an IQ of 83 does disparage the group. There are still very smart ones, a lot smarter than most whites. That happens before your eyes with US blacks – say Glenn Loury, John McWhorter. They’ve found all their lives that they’re smarter than most whites, and so are not open to crediting the idea that US blacks have a lower average IQ than whites.
But they’re outliers. The average US black IQ is 86, and it’s important to figure in in figuring out what to do about it. Punishing whites isn’t a great approach. Revising expectations would work, as follows.
A black with an IQ of 86 will do as well as a white with an IQ of 86, and he’ll do it by acting white. You can’t do better.
Do not set up disappointment as a certainty no matter how good it makes you feel.
There is a LONG tradition of consanguine (inter-family) marriage. I’ve seen published academic studies that put the number at no less than 30%. If you have a population cohort that marries that closely with each other, it’s necessarily going to negatively impact that cohort’s collective IQ. It’s simply a matter of biology.
If you google ‘consanguine gaza’ you’ll easily find a number of those studies.
Makes sense. They hear the UN, the ICC, the EU all condemning Israel, and the US calling for Israel to surrender, and believe that means they are winning, and likely to get single-state sovereignty over all of Israel and Palestine.
How sure are we that they are wrong?
Only with Israel ruling the roost.
Isaiah 5:20
About sums up this bullshit.
(Pardon my French)
Level Gaza to sea level, I wouldn’t care
Why mess up land that Israel can put to good use. The world would be better off without terrorist sympathizers were banished.
But I was told by Brihana Joy Gray that Hamas just wants to have an American style democracy. And she obviously knows exactly what she’s talking about, and sees that ethno-religious states like Israel are the true evil (not Ireland, or Pakistan though–those ethno-religious countries are totally awesome because like there’s totally no Jews) So clearly this poll means that Palestinians are all on board the freedom and democracy train, next stop the wonderful wizard of oz!
To which the only rational response is, “Honey, put down the bong.”
so if scott adams told the j ews
run from them when you see them
would he be fired for that?????
“Poll: 67% Palestinians Agree With October 7 Massacre, 71% Want Hamas to Rule Gaza”
That’s interesting. It matches up with the percentage of American Leftists who want the same.
Subotai Bahadur
This is an interesting article by a person with a military background about what comes next in Gaza, assuming that Hamas can not be totally defeated. https://nypost.com/2024/06/13/opinion/israel-is-winning-war-in-gaza-and-has-plans-for-what-happens-next/
“They still agree with the massacre, want Hamas in charge, and reject a two-state solution.”
Me, still not giving one feff that hamas civillians are collateral damage.
>>Poll: 67% Palestinians Agree With October 7 Massacre, 71% Want Hamas to Rule Gaza<<
And 0% should be allowed to survive to breed yet another generation of arab terrorists that will threaten Israeli existence. (Though I'm afraid that might have already occurred.)
It is fallacious to believe that every “problem” can be solved in short order – which is very typical of American foreign policy. I think that given the deeply and widely held views of the Palestinians any “solution” will require a new generation. It will also require a government in Gaza that promotes economic development rather than investment in armaments in the fantastic and bloody dream of wiping out Israel.
70% popular support is massive. But this isn’t news. After 9/11, every poll that was held in the muslim world showed something like 70% popular support for bin laden and attacks on the West, and on America in particular. This is how muslims are … and arab culture is generally worse. They only understand merciless violence and total destruction. Anything less than that only leads to more lunatic violence from the arabs.
But … in the end, aside from total and complete destruction, there is only one real solution to the violence emanating from the arab/persian/muslim world – taking back control of the gulf oil fields. That is it. And that, interestingly, is essentially bloodless – since the oil fields are pretty much empty tracts. So long as the arabs/persians/muslims maintain control of the oil fields (that they all stole in the forced nationalizations of the 50s and 60s) there will be serious threats from them to the civilized world. Without control of those fields and without the money and power that comes directly from the oil, the APM world would be totally defanged and no longer pose any threat to anyone. The difference is amazing and clear. … but we are too stupid to do the right thing.
I have no no sympathy for the Palestinians. Zero, zilch, zip, nada, nothing. They deserve a boot on their necks, and Israel will never be safe until they are controlled.
Here here! Agree 100%.
More proof that Gaza is Hamas and Hamas is Gaza. Plus Hamas and its “civilian” supporters admitting more of them want to/ need to die. Unconditional surrender is the only way to (maybe) stop the scourge of terrorism. After that they can rebuild themselves and provide their own utilities—which will give them lots to do rather than killing Jews.
Hamas is just a name they call themselves, as Gazans.
Y’know…I thought Israel was committing genocide, bombing everything and everyone, murdering civilians while they twirled their mustache. Basically Gaza was burning 24/7. At least that’s what CNN and MSNBC are saying.
Yet, somehow, polling organizations are able to conduct polls during all this. Odd…
Admittedly, this was after they got a lot of the people who might have disagreed killed. Just think if this poll included those 50,000 civilians?
The notion that there can be any sort of peaceful coexistence with the so-called Palestinians is pure folly.
the same survey was then given to congress and the report is
92% want the blmplo in charge of the world