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Columbia Administrators Exchange Crude Texts During Panel on Jewish Life on Campus

Columbia Administrators Exchange Crude Texts During Panel on Jewish Life on Campus

Matthew “Patashnick, the associate dean for student and family support, also chimed in to say that one of the panelists—it is not clear to whom he was referring—is capitalizing on the crisis at hand to raise money.”

So much rot at Columbia University.

The Washington Free Beacon received text messages Columbia administrators exchanged with each other during a panel on Jewish life on campus.

That is always disturbing. It becomes even worse considering what the school allowed to happen weeks before graduation.

The text messages occurred during reunion weekend:

One, focused on Jewish life on campus, was particularly newsworthy. Student protesters who had broken into and occupied a university building during the academic year had reconstituted themselves to disrupt reunion festivities, and, as the protesters were preparing to erect a new encampment, the university held a panel discussion about the past, present, and future of Jewish life at Columbia.

The event featured the former dean of Columbia Law School, David Schizer, who co-chaired the university’s task force on anti-Semitism; the executive director of Columbia’s Kraft Center for Jewish Life, Brian Cohen; the school’s dean of religious life, Ian Rottenberg; and a rising Columbia junior, Rebecca Massel, who covered the campus protests for the student newspaper.

In the audience, according to two attendees, were several top members of the Columbia administration. Given the sensitivity of the subject—the eruption of anti-Semitism on campus in the wake of Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel put a national spotlight on the school, and Columbia recently settled a lawsuit with a Jewish student who accused the school of fostering an unsafe learning environment—the administrators’ presence made sense.

The administrators included Josef Sorett, the dean of Columbia College; Susan Chang-Kim, the vice dean and chief administrative officer of Columbia College; Cristen Kromm, the dean of undergraduate student life; and Matthew Patashnick, the associate dean for student and family support.

The people doubted the Jewish students felt unsafe or intimidation during the massive pro-Hamas encampment on campus:

The administrators expressed skepticism that Jewish students had experienced targeting or discrimination. As Massel, who published a news report in the Columbia Spectator about Jewish students who felt “ostracized,” was asked to dilate on “the experience of Jewish and Israeli students on campus,” Chang-Kim fired off a text to Kromm and Patashnick: “Did we really have students being kicked out of clubs for being Jewish?”

Kromm used the vomit emojis when the panel discussed an op-ed about “the normalization of Hamas” on campus.

Patashnick then accused a panelist of using the pro-Hamas crisis to raise money:

“He knows exactly what he’s doing and how to take full advantage of this moment,” Patashnick wrote to Chang-Kim and Kromm. “Huge fundraising potential.” Chang-Kim responded: “Double Urgh.”


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How unsurprising that they didn’t take it seriously . These are the same people that let one of their student who later was identified as a ringleader for the pro terrorism encampments, rant and rave about wanting to kill Zionist’s. That student received no punishment until the school was embarrassed by him reposting his own comments. So of course they don’t care , they wouldn’t even care if there was serious violence against Jewish students on their campus, they would find some way to justify that. All they care about is keeping the money flowing from Qatar, Saudi etc etc. when you’ve gone as deep down the shit hole as these people have their is no way out and nothing to do but to keep digging in deeper and deeper.

    CincyJan in reply to schmuul. | June 14, 2024 at 6:31 pm

    I absolutely agree. University administrators have proven to be as greedy and acquisitive as any two bit hustler. They’ve just developed a more lucrative hustle. These geniuses did not even bother trying to hide behind a pretense at erudition. Among themselves, they were indeed vulgar and crude.

File under fake outrage.

The antisemitism card is a favorite in Jewish culture. That’s not controversial. Some organization names have always traded on it, e.g. the Anti-Defamation League.

Jewish alienation is a creative resource and the scholarship resulting fro it is outstanding, but the low IQ Jews need another way to prevent Jewish assimilation.

During court appearances yesterday for the 17 CUNY students arrested during last month’s GAZA protests, Bragg has moved to dismiss no less than 7 of those cases. The DA’s office claims they’re moving forward with the remaining 10 felony cases. We’ll see. But, I thought it was curious that I didn’t see this development reported anywhere but a few obscure NYC blogs.

This article also says that the only felony arrests happened at CUNY which is strange considering how bad the protests were at Columbia (I believe it was Columbia where some maintenance workers and other students were essentially held hostage for the night). Those arrested at Columbia are only facing misdemeanor charges…which will almost certainly all go away.

JohnSmith100 | June 13, 2024 at 2:25 pm

Will these crude comments play a role in civil litigation for damages? This seems pretty damning.

broomhandle | June 13, 2024 at 3:32 pm

I’d like to know how these texts came to light. Can they be used in any lawsuits against Columbia?

Cultural Marxism has taken over colleges

destroycommunism | June 13, 2024 at 9:31 pm

look at blmplo>>>law$$uit

attack j ews>>>>>fighting for freedom

The vile Dhimmi-crats are as contemptible and evil as American and British sympathizers and rationalizers of German National Socialism, in the 1920’s and 1930’s, preceding the onset of WWII. That’s obvious. These people are scum, gleefully whitewashing and enabling goose-stepping Jew-hate, Muslim supremacism and Islamofascism.

Herve Montague | June 14, 2024 at 4:35 pm

It’s all fun and games picking on the Jews

Lots of photos Nazis laughing and yakking it up while dishing out torment

But I can’t help but wonder how hilarious it would all be if tables were turned


Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote about this exact thing — as described at Columbia above — in The Gulag Archipelago