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Maine Supplying ‘Boofing’ Kits, Helping Addicts Stick Drugs Up Their Butt

Maine Supplying ‘Boofing’ Kits, Helping Addicts Stick Drugs Up Their Butt

I want off this planet.

I don’t want to live on this planet. I read this, so you have to read it as well.

According to The Maine Wire, taxpayers pay for boofing kits, which help addicts safely squirt drugs up their butt:

Maine Access Points, a taxpayer-funded nonprofit based in Bangor, as well as the city of Portland’s city-run needle distribution center are both offering extensive how-to guides and — even anal injection kits — to help drug users squirt narcotics into their anuses.

In Portland, the “Portland Public Health Boofing Kit” comes with a needleless syringe and an informational flyer explaining the proper technique for putting drugs up your butt.

I guess it cuts down on needle sharing? It looks like that’s not the approach Maine takes. Instead, give your lungs and veins a break:

According to the flyer, boofing is an alternative way to use drugs if your usual injection sites are no longer viable or your lungs need a break from freebasing.

“If you are struggling to hit a vein, or would like to gives [sic] your lungs a break from smoking, boofing is a great option to do your drugs without using a needle or a pipe,” the city of Portland flyer says.

The taxpayer-funded boofing supply guide also gives aspiring boofers this tantalizing tip: “Compared to smoking or sniffing your drugs, boofing may hit harder or faster.”

Get me off this planet.

The Maine Wire staff visited Portland to confirm if people received free boofing kits.

Yup. People get a kit and two free doses of Narcan, the overdose-reversing drug, and fentanyl testing strips.

The booking kit contains:

  • Two anal injectors
  • Six packets of lubricant
  • Some sterilizing wipes
  • Two tins for mixing a rectal cocktail

    Donations tax deductible
    to the full extent allowed by law.



    henrybowman | June 11, 2024 at 5:06 pm

    In my college years, “boofing” referred to alcohol-induced vomiting after over-partying. Just reading this article give me much the same feeling.

    The Boofing kit contains:

    Two anal injectors
    Six packets of lubricant
    Some sterilizing wipes
    Two tins for mixing a rectal cocktail
    WARNING not to check block #11e on Fed Firearms Application

    Maybe, just maybe, if you can’t find a vein it is time to go into rehab.
    This isn’t harm reduction, it’s just pure enablement.
    Don’t do arteries, just don’t, not a good idea even if desperate.

    thalesofmiletus | June 11, 2024 at 5:30 pm

    Senator Whitehouse will be pleased as punch.

    There is mainlining and now Maine-lining.

    destroycommunism | June 11, 2024 at 5:51 pm

    same thing they teach the kids in schools except its not drugs they encourage them to put there

    Is there some sort of rationale for encouraging this self-destructive behavior or have we reached the point where people don’t even try anymore?

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to irv. | June 11, 2024 at 6:20 pm

      This is Nihilism, the foundation of the modern Western Left.

      thalesofmiletus in reply to irv. | June 11, 2024 at 7:14 pm

      If “the government” wishes to delete certain populations, who are we to say otherwise?

      gonzotx in reply to irv. | June 11, 2024 at 8:48 pm

      We reached the point

      henrybowman in reply to irv. | June 11, 2024 at 10:14 pm

      I remember when we had adults in government, and their message was, “Don’t do drugs.” Now we can take our “government” and shove it up our ass.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 11, 2024 at 6:19 pm

    This is sick. Everyone involved in this is a sick bird and probably should not be allowed to run around free in civil society. These lunatics should be forcibly deported to some place they belong – like Cuba or Burkina Faso. They certainly do not belong in this country, outside of a prison.

    On a lighter side, this sort of reminds me of Crocodile Dundee when he takes the guy’s coke at a party and tells him to put it in boiling water and inhale it, instead …

    I don’;t think that addicts are going to shoot smack up their butts if it is even the tiniest bit less effective or efficient than shooting it in a vein, even if that vein is burned out and ragged and their arm is hanging by a thread. They’re addicts. They don’t care. But they certainly will not be into wasting any of their stash.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 11, 2024 at 6:22 pm

    Western Leftists are obsessed with anuses. It all goes back their failed potty training.

    Governments in the US have far too much money

    If someone wants to shove a pill up their ass, let them use their own finger and not mine.

    Mary, do you have an escape vehicle? That would be awesome. Never heard of boofing before…

    Disgusting …

    Can we agree to stop using the term ‘nonprofit’ if any salaries are paid to the folks who ‘work’ for them? If these folks want to get paid then work in the private sector capitalist markets. If you want the cache of ‘oh, look how virtuous I am’ then donate your time and effort without pay as charity.

    That’s step one; begin to change the narrative. Step two is eliminate all tax dollars flowing to ‘nonprofits’, NGO, Charities, ‘public/private partnerships’, Religious/Faith based orgs and so on. If folks choose to dip into their own pocket to donate good for them but the gov’t must stop forcibly confiscating money from unwilling taxpayers to provide $ to favored entities.

      henrybowman in reply to CommoChief. | June 11, 2024 at 10:19 pm

      See, they hornswoggled you. You hear nonprofit, you think charity. Two entirely different things.

      And as for the shoveling of government money to faith-based charities, IIRC we have Reagan to thank for opening that can of worms, and I knew back then that it would end badly.

        CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | June 12, 2024 at 6:36 am


        Not at all. I make the argument that in reality ‘non profit’ doesn’t = what comes to mind when we (me anyway) think of when ‘charitable organization pops up’. What I see as a charitable org is a local soup kitchen staffed by volunteers serving donated food in a location where the rent is reduced or donated and the utilities expenses are paid from 100% of voluntary contributions of local Citizens. That is the mental image many have of a charitable org. IOW a Dickensian sort of image.

        The d/prog and woke weirdos have hijacked that image. They appeal to this image for govt funding. This is after they infiltrate and assume control, shift the mission set of the org to woke priorities. Then make it into a ‘professional’ model with salaried positions, often six figure salaries.

        The propaganda campaign of the d/prog and woke totalitarians to convince folks these two concepts, non profit and charity, are equivalent has been very effective. Many have fallen for it…b/c it is for the children or the poor/downtrodden when it is really for the highly compensated credentialed class who exploit us all.

        Nonetheless no govt funding should be going to any non-profit or any charity. Forcing people to support these organizations with the coercive power of the State is very wrong. It is a damn close analog to the forced tithes which used to exist for the Anglican Church in England.

    I can’t even read the comments on this one….I just can’t.

    Janet Mills’ magic kingdom!

    E Howard Hunt | June 12, 2024 at 7:31 am

    Senator Whitehouse must be excited. He grilled Brett Kavanaugh on his high school boofing during the nominee’s hearings. Whitehouse claims that Kavanaugh has never been seen to sip a drink at Washington parties, but to repetitively lower the drink and pass it behind himself. This is always accompanied by Alito turning his swizzle stick upside down.

    Would expelling Percocet from your anus like a PEZ dispenser be considered a “foob”?

    Clearly, Maine has way too much tax money. Maine voters should take note.

    Switching your ass for your arm still isn’t all that bright of an idea.