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Last Bastion of U.S. Military Implodes; Navy Seals Celebrate “Pride” Month

Last Bastion of U.S. Military Implodes; Navy Seals Celebrate “Pride” Month

“”Man this woke s— is like a cancer and needs to be handled and dealt with as a threat to national security. Gone way too far”

File this under “I should have seen this coming,” or as we say these days, “I didn’t have this one on my bingo card.”

The Navy Seals have finally self-destructed and gone woke, posting a celebration of the LGBTQIA++++ community’s “Pride” month.

Fox News tells the tale: Official US Navy Special Forces page draws backlash for ringing in Pride month: ‘Navy SEALs have gone woke’:

The official Facebook page for the U.S. Navy SEALs and Naval Special Warfare Command was mocked this weekend for marking the start of “pride month.”

Backlash to the post surged when it was highlighted on the popular “Libs of TikTok” page on X, formerly known as Twitter. The post had no caption and included a photo with rainbow designs that read, “NSW. Dignity. Service. Respect. Equality. Pride.”

Libs of TikTok shared the post to X on Saturday, writing, “The Navy SEALs have gone woke. Our elite special forces. This is terrifying.”

The special warfare account took steps to limit the accounts that can comment on their post, suggesting administrators knew it would be controversial.

The comments were, mostly, scathing. From Fox News:

The comment section was nevertheless full of criticism.

“This is a slap in the face of every special warfare operator that has put their lives on the line for our nation,” one person wrote.

“Man this woke s— is like a cancer and needs to be handled and dealt with as a threat to national security. Gone way too far,” another person said.

Although I can’t seem to link to the FB post in the Fox News article, a little digging reveals it is here. And the comments, which were obviously limited, are overwhelmingly negative. Here’s a few more for your review:

“So glad I got out before this bullshit took over”

“This emboldens our enemies almost as much as a Joe Biden gaffe.”

“Pure evil and 🗑️

“I know plenty of current and former SEALs who are disgusted with this. Please repent of this debaucherous behavior and stick to what you’re good at!”

“Fix yourself. This is a disgrace.”

You get the idea. Fox News continues, as there is more bad news:

Social media accounts for the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Space Force made no mention of Pride month on Saturday.
The incident comes after the Department of Defense (DoD) appeared to mix up Pride Month and PTSD Awareness Month in a social media post on Saturday.

In an X post published on Saturday afternoon, the Pentagon explained that June marks PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) Awareness Month. The commemorative month was first recognized by the U.S. government in June 2014, a year before June also officially became Pride Month.
“June is PTSD Awareness Month and the DoD is committed to supporting service members and veterans affected by PTSD,” the post read.

“If you or someone you know is struggling, help is available,” the DoD added. “You are not alone.”

But the picture attached to the post read “Celebrate Pride Month 2024” with a Progress Pride Flag graphic. The tweet was later deleted and replaced with a PTSD Awareness Month graphic.

Not everyone thought the “mix-up” was an innocent mistake:

The commentary on X has also been overwhelmingly negative. Take a look:

For me this is just another in a long list of hits that keep coming. Having served on a couple fleet/carrier strike group staffs, I’ve had the honor of serving with a number of Navy Seals, all of whom were great, honorable men who, from what I could tell, ate, slept, fired various weapons, worked out, and did mission planning, and little else, from my perspective. One Navy Seal is used to know was in charge of the fitness test flunkies workout program, working them out several times a week to whip them back into shape with a program that was dubbed the “Valentines Day Massacre.” LOL.

My Seal buddies must be so disturbed by this, I can’t even imagine.

As if we needed any more information about how far our military has fallen.


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I miss the good old days when the role of the infantry was to close with and to kill the enemy where ever they may be found.

Those were the days alright my friends….

At this rate there will be nothing more expensive than a second rate military. I wonder how many officers will retire in protest.

The Gentle Grizzly | June 5, 2024 at 9:16 am

I guess every recruit, or at least those going into special units like SEALs, 82nd Airborne, SecOps should be required to have sexual intercourse with a member of the opposite sex in front of military witnesses as part of their induction process to make absolutely sure they are fit to do the job.

Every SEAL will be required to celebrate the transgender spectrum, and lions, lionesses, and their unPlanned cubs playing in gay parade on the African savanna during Pride month, under the albinophobic “Rainbow” banner.

NSW must be not safe for work.

E Howard Hunt | June 5, 2024 at 9:54 am

Tomorrow marks the 80th anniversary of Operation Overlord. Its date was subject to change owing to the apparent likelihood of a disastrous landing due to weather. An intrepid meteorologist pressed his case to commence on 6 June to Eisenhower who gave the order.

Today, the whole thing would be called off due to lifeless flat hair, which even superior salon conditioning products would have been no match for, given such a choppy crossing.

DoD Directive 1344.10 § says members of the Armed Forces on active duty shall not:

Allow or cause to be published partisan political articles, letters, or endorsements signed or written by the member that solicits votes for or against a partisan, political party, candidate, or cause

Now, I have no idea who’s running these social media accounts. It’s plausible that it’s a civilian working at DoD who’s actually making these entries. Still, even if they’re not proscribed by the UCMJ and DoD directives, they should still be prohibited by the Hatch Act, at minimum.

Think of it this way; could a military or civilian employee of the DoD transmit an endorsement of 2nd Amendment advocacy groups. No way. How is this ‘Pride’ nonsense materially different?

In the early 90’s Naval shore commands were tasked with implementing a “Base Defense Force”. Typically the biggest slacker from each command was sent for training. I went from my command. A Navy Seal did the training; he was a really nice chap. During the crowd control segment of training he had a lot of fun training us how to kill someone by crushing their larynx with a baton. That was a real hoot.

ChrisPeters | June 5, 2024 at 10:29 am

China celebrates “pride month” in the United States, too.

“We just want the right to be married”

Going to say I saw this a mile away, and it’s sad cause I think if 2 people truly love each other a formal legal bond should
Be available

They could have called
Legal partners,
They went for the word “marriage”

We now know why

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to gonzotx. | June 5, 2024 at 12:13 pm

    I opposed it being called “marriage”. For most, all that was wanted was the same medical decision rights a spouse has; rights of inheritance; that sort of thing often denied under existing laws.

God does warn of Pride before the fall

Have they scheduled a drag Seal story hour yet?

Is the military still worth a massive deficit?

Go to 100 random people who receive some sort of government benefit and ask if they are ok with cutting that benefit for future generations to still enjoy while increasing the military budget.

You will get the same answer every time.

The military is at least while the Russian Military and other hypothetical adversaries are nowhere near equality with us something of a luxury, you can’t tell people “no money for your needs but money for this luxury is available”.

Politically it is impossible to run on cutting anything but Trump will be a lame duck when he enters office so he is uniquely suited for fixing the deficit and even if we haul the good flag officers out of retirement the budget crisis remains.

Remember when the military used to be about breaking things and killing people? I miss those days because now we have the military puking up rainbows and dishonoring their traditions. I am disgusted by what I see.

Abolish Pride Month!

First it was the Queen Berets.
Now the Squeals are infested.
I can’t wait to see the requirements to join the “Very Special Forces”. I hear they let you have crayons.

Soldier of Fashion.

destroycommunism | June 5, 2024 at 12:08 pm

gives the term


a whole knew meaning

Enlistments down, warriors leaving, what could be the cause? This stupidity will result in more deaths in war. Unfortunately, those killed won’t be the MF’s that put this shit out.

destroycommunism | June 5, 2024 at 12:47 pm

which is why many wont say

thanks for your service anymore

    navyvet in reply to destroycommunism. | June 5, 2024 at 2:55 pm

    I actually hear that phrase much more now than I did back in the day (1966-70). Back then, the only thing that came out of some people’s mouth was spit. Or, “baby killer!”. That was a favorite.

    Who are the baby killers now?

destroycommunism | June 5, 2024 at 12:48 pm

but who will really do the heavy lifting when the shtf!!!!??

and then of course who will be given credit? the pride parade

and questioning anything will be shown to be unpatriotic

destroycommunism | June 5, 2024 at 12:52 pm

even scarier

the government always has to cover up to justify their actions so the stats will be changed or not given and the propaganda machine will be in overdrive to protect their agenda

I support any person(s) who want to create a stronger usa

but I dont know why the government is soooo interested in peoples s exual activities

    henrybowman in reply to destroycommunism. | June 6, 2024 at 1:56 am

    “‘Look, John, a little casual fornication is no threat to the [theocracy]- treason and heresy are. It will simply be entered in your dossier and nothing will be said about it-unless they catch you in something really important later, in which case they might use it to hang you instead of preferring the real charges. Old son, they like to have such peccadilloes in the files; it increases security. They are probably uneasy about you; you are too perfect; such men are dangerous.”
    –ROBERT HEINLEIN, “If This Goes On”

Being a SEAL is a badge of honor.

’till now….

Being a SEAL requires to to be a tough, hard, intelligent .. and MANLY.

Mostly Manly.

Now, how are you going to attract the recruits you need?
They are inherently manly, and anything less than that they would find abhorrent.
Seals suck??? ( disgusting… )

Should we just surrender to Putin and Xi now, and get it over with?

Subotai Bahadur | June 5, 2024 at 7:12 pm

Long ago when the world was new, and I was in elementary school, I decided that I wanted a career as a Naval Officer, specifically in submarines. So I did the work, got “A”‘s, did the politics, and worked with the local Navy recruiters [they gave me the then-Navy Basic Battery a few days before I entered high school and I scored in the top 5% of high school graduates. It all worked, and I had a US Senator who was willing to send me to Annapolis. Unfortunately, there were complications and the military doctors found scholiosis. I thought everybody’s back hurt like mine. So no naval career.

I ended up as a Peace Officer, retiring after 28 years. It was a different Navy back then, and I would have been proud to serve if I could have. Now, well my children are too old to serve, but I will be arguing against them if any of my grandchildren consider enlisting.

Subotai Bahadur