Students at New College of Florida Who Disrupted Commencement Speech to Face Punishment
“Repercussions could range from withholding degrees until students issue apology letters or take mandatory classes on civil discourse to suspension or expulsion.”

This is the school where Chris Rufo and other conservatives were put in place by Ron DeSantis. This is what should happen at all schools.
The College Fix reports:
New College of Florida to punish grads who shouted down commencement speech
Jeers, chants and booing from some graduates of New College of Florida recently led to an abrupt end to conservative billionaire Joe Ricketts’ commencement speech.
Students who participated in the disruption — which effectively led to the TD Ameritrade founder ending his speech early — will be punished for their actions, the president of the college stated in an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal on Sunday.
“That students intermittently disrupted the proceedings was a disheartening reflection of the prevailing intolerance for diverse viewpoints in today’s society. But that illiberal attitude hasn’t and won’t rule New College,” President Richard Corcoran wrote.
“…Several students now face consequences for their actions. Repercussions could range from withholding degrees until students issue apology letters or take mandatory classes on civil discourse to suspension or expulsion.”
The op-ed does not state how many grads will be punished.
Video of the ceremony shows that Ricketts’ speech was initially hit with some technical difficulties. But eventually he got his stride, telling the class of 2024: “I’d like to really talk to you about how special you are. Nobody in the world . . . has ever been born exactly like each one of you.”
As his speech progressed, chants of “free Palestine, free Palestine” broke out. A verbally frustrated Ricketts could be heard over the mic considering shutting down his speech, but decided to press forward.
“The next thing I want to say is freedom. Freedom is important, to have all the choices for a career that you want to make,” he said before someone from the audience yelled back, “what about freedom of speech” and another yelled “wrap it up.”
According to Corcoran: “Mr. Ricketts remained composed as he delivered his address, though a momentary pause betrayed his concern. ‘They don’t care,’ he confided to me in a brief side discussion, the microphone inadvertently capturing his words, later revealed in video footage of the event. ‘I hate it, but they really don’t care what I have to say.’”

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awesome. I was thinking this (or community service hours at the college) is what needs to be done for those who disrupt others’ special experiences before they get their diploma or transcripts.
I would think withholding their degrees and having them do a summer of community service at a Jewish Social Services center, or failure to do so would mean expulsion would appropriate.
Why would the Jewish service centers want those people around in the first place ? Instead, put them out on road cruise, digging ditches and picking up litter.
I think Study Abroad in Rafah for a few months is appropriate.
To those graduating withhold the degrees until a public apology and a private one directly to Mr. Rickett. Make it well known that any disruption from this point forward will result in withholding the degree permanently. The student can matriculate in the fall elsewhere and graduate. To those not graduating, immediate expulsion. Take your dog and pony show elsewhere.
“withholding” the degree
yeah they are realllllll scared of that!!!
yet the pro americans would be arrested in a second for disorderly conduct
if they had the courage to do the same at a lefty speech
The 1st Amendment protects their speech against criminal charges.
It may not protect against school discipline if the school treats all disrupters the same.
Exactly. Private school means private property means private policy on granting degrees. Making those protesters perform manual labor for a group they have maligned is addressing the problem on two levels: first—leftists are generally lazy and won’t perform any manual labor unless it involves doing something destructive; and second—it will irritate the hell out of them to perform a service for those they despise while under close supervision. Make sure to get plenty of pictures to send to prospective employers.
they have been PROVING that with allll these Trump nonsense trials
they dont really care if they win these cases
b/c the gop wont fight back
b/c pro americans will be arrested for disorderly conduct
lefty wins …again
An appropriate punishment would be to arrest and convict them on public disturbance charges, and permanently ban them from the school. No degrees. Why fool around with these social terrorists?
It would take an act of Congress, so it won’t ever happen, but an appropriate punishment, should the college choose to withhold degrees, would be to demand immediate repayment of all outstanding student loans. Step one 1. arrest and charges. Step 2. Withhold degree until public and private apologies are made & a mandatory course on civil discourse it completed; and fees paid to the college to reimburse the college for the costs incurred by the disruptive behavior – to include reimbursement for the commencement speaker’s fees. Step 3, If the student has not complete all steps by a specific deadline, the student will be formally expelled, no degree issued, and all state/federal student loans become immediately due & all scholarships must be repaid.
The little twerps chose to disrupt a NCF commencement speech. They chose…poorly.