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IDF Recovers Bodies of Three More Israelis Murdered by Palestinians on October 7 and Taken To Gaza

IDF Recovers Bodies of Three More Israelis Murdered by Palestinians on October 7 and Taken To Gaza

Hanan Yablonka (42) and Orion Hernandez (32) murdered at the site of Nova music festival, Michel Nisenbaum (59) fell while saving his 4-year-old granddaughter. 

Israeli security forces recovered the bodies of three more hostages in an overnight operation in northern Gaza on Thursday. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF), supported by the Shin Bet security service, rescued the bodies of Hanan Yablonka (42), Michel Nisenbaum (59), and Orion Hernandez (32), all three murdered by Hamas during the October 7th massacre.

Yablonka and Radoux were kidnapped from the Nova music festival. Nisenbaum, a resident of the southern Israeli town of Sderot, fell into the hands of Hamas as he was out to save his 4-year-old granddaughter during the terrorist attack. Her granddaughter, protected by her father, miraculously survived the attack.

The Hamas terrorists murdered all three them on Israeli soil and took their bodies to Gaza, news reports suggest. “According to reliable intelligence information in our possession, it appears that the abductees were murdered during the brutal terrorist attack on October 7th and were abducted by the Hamas terrorists from the level crossing to Gaza,” the Tel Aviv-based ILTV reported on Telegram.

The remains of the three hostages were found in Jabaliya, a city in northern Gaza where the IDF is currently carrying out  a ground operation to destroy Hamas from regrouping in the area while the Rafah offensive in underway in the south. “The bodies of the hostages were rescued overnight during a joint IDF and ISA [the Israel Security Agency or Shin Bet] operation in Jabaliya, based on precise intelligence obtained and analyzed over the past days by the IDF Intelligence Directorate’s Headquarters for the Hostages and Missing Persons in collaboration with the ISA. At the beginning of the operation, intense combat was carried out in the area,” The IDF said in a press release Friday morning.

The bodies were found a weeks after a similar operation that led to the recovery of four bodies belonging to Israeli hostages murdered by Hamas on October 7.

The Jerusalem Post reported the details of the three hostages:

Hernandez was the boyfriend of Shani Louk, another murdered hostage whose body was recovered earlier by the IDF. He held Mexican and French citizenship. (…)

Yablonka was from Tel Aviv and a father of two children aged 12 and 9.

Nissembaum, 59, held Brazilian citizenship and was initially declared missing. He had left his house in Sderot to retrieve his four-year-old granddaughter from her father, who is an officer in the Gaza division.

IDF operating in Rafah, northern and central Gaza

Israeli ground troops continue to gain ground in Rafah as the operation entered its 18th day. “IDF troops are continuing operations against terror targets in the area of Rafah,” the IDF disclosed Friday morning. “Throughout the past day, as part of searches in the area, the troops destroyed weapon storage facilities, as well as tunnel shafts and additional terrorist infrastructure.”

Israeli military was also operating in northern Gaza city of Jabaliya, preventing Hamas to rally terrorist forces in the area. “The IDF continues operational activity in Jabaliya in the northern Gaza Strip,” the IDF disclosed on Friday. “During targeted raids on terrorist infrastructure in the area, the troops eliminated dozens of terrorists and destroyed launch posts and underground tunnel shafts. The troops also located numerous weapons including explosive devices, mortar shells, AK-47 rifles, sniper rifles, and others.”

Soldiers also found a rocket depot in the area belonging to Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group. “Troops of the elite LOTAR unit, operating under the 460th Armored Brigade in northern Gaza’s Jabaliya, located a building used to store rockets, the IDF says,” the Times of Israel reported Friday. “The military says the building was locked and some of the rockets found inside were long-range. The Israeli media also reported limited military operations in central Gaza in response to Hamas rocket fire.


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George_Kaplan | May 24, 2024 at 10:18 am

And in other news the ICC has ordered Israel to cease and desist its attack against Hamas in Rafah.

    ICC has no credibility because they are not seeking justice but rather have an agenda in which Israel does not fit in.

    geronl in reply to George_Kaplan. | May 24, 2024 at 12:35 pm

    They have no jurisdiction or legal authority

    Drewsome in reply to George_Kaplan. | May 24, 2024 at 1:17 pm

    This may be quibbling, but I believe it was the ICJ (International Court of Justice) rather than the ICC (International Criminal Court) that issued that order. Many of the same issues of jurisdiction and the like still apply, of course, but it’s still a different court.

    Wondering why they didn’t also demand palasstinians release all the hostages and turn over any bodies.
    And they should also demand hamass must turn over every terrorist on the videos of the October 7th attack.
    But ICC is terrorist hq for hamass and the haters so don’t expect to see any of the above happen.

And Bibi is wanted for murder

The fact they found them in an area they had already cleaned out means they are NOT doing an adequate job of tactical hygiene. They need to push EVERYONE ahead of them as they move toward a goal, not allowing anyone to remain behind their lines. Period. And you have to explore then implode or otherwise block EVERY SINGLE TUNNEL to prevent infiltration or someone hiding then coming out behind your lines.

I didn’t see this mentioned on LI, which was surprising. Apparently, the bodies of four other hostages who were found last week (Ron Benjamin, Amit Buskila, Itzhak Gelerenter, and Shani Louk) were found….in a tunnel underneath the UNWRA building. There are photographs of an access tunnel in the UNWRA building itself, the only explanation for which is that UNWRA was not only aware of the tunnel system, but a participant in the tunnel system. Congress has to investigate if UNWRA was aware of the hostages being held in their building (spoiler alert: of course they were).

    GWB in reply to TargaGTS. | May 24, 2024 at 11:02 am

    There’s plenty of prior evidence that UNRWA is very involved with actually aiding Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups. IIRC, that evidence is why Trump pulled us out of UNRWA.

destroycommunism | May 24, 2024 at 11:05 am

upon hearing of this news

fbj said:

this is why we must stop funding israel and give more to hamas

destroycommunism | May 24, 2024 at 11:06 am

almuck clooney issued another round of arrests for the idf saying that

its their recovery of these bodies that is keeping the world on edge

From ace, comments

“The ICC has ordered, ORDERED, Israel to stop the Rafah operation and allow the UN in.
This after Israel just recovered three more dead hostage bodies in a tunnel under an UNWRA building.
Posted by: sharon(willow’s apprentice) at May 24, 2024 11:07 AM (t/2Uw)

I assume that next the ICC will order “law-abiding” nations to attack Israel and Biden will send in US troops. He doesn’t WANT to, you understand, but an illegitimate transnational “court” required it and, unlike SCOTUS, he has to do as they command.”

Still, have t heard one explanation why it took 7 hours for Bibi to send in the troops

And with so many people aware of the date/time of the massacre before hand, massad did not?

    destroycommunism in reply to gonzotx. | May 24, 2024 at 4:37 pm

    and again

    cant act to every single move by the opponent

      gonzotx in reply to destroycommunism. | May 24, 2024 at 4:59 pm

      please, 7 hours

      7 hours

      I live in Texas, it takes 15 to cross Texas .
      Israel is w tiny country

      6 hours to DRIVE across the ENTIRE country

      How long would a helicopter take?

      To get the men and take off and
      Make it to the attack, what 2 hours tops?

    destroycommunism in reply to gonzotx. | May 24, 2024 at 4:38 pm

    and you *forget*

    that the hamas DID the violence

    no matter what