Campus Is Not Reality – Harvard-Harris Poll Shows Americans Overwhelmingly Hate Hamas and Love Israel
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Campus Is Not Reality – Harvard-Harris Poll Shows Americans Overwhelmingly Hate Hamas and Love Israel

Campus Is Not Reality – Harvard-Harris Poll Shows Americans Overwhelmingly Hate Hamas and Love Israel

Will this prior prediction come true? “Prediction: By the time this is over, the anti-Israel Tentifada will have increased support for Israel (and very likely saved Republicans from their own incompetence).”

I’m not always right, but when I’m right, I’m really right.

We have been covering with great intensity the anti-Israel and anti-American lunatics who have been attacking on campuses since October 7, including the Tentifada encampments. They love them and worship them the Hamas rapists and mutilators – you know, decolonization “by any means necessary.”

These people tear down and burn American flags and raise Palestinian, Hamas, and Hezbollah flags. They spew round-the-clock crap, emboldened by Keffiyeh masks and the sense that they are winning. Safe in the bubble of campus, assisted by Antifa and pro-terror city activists, they are smug as hell.

The campuses are a big problem, made worse by weak college Presidents who capitulate to extortion, selling their academic souls for peace at reunions and commencement.

But is this how the greater population feels? Do Americans really now love Islamist terrorists groups like Hamas, and hate our closest ally Israel?

Not according to the just-released Harvard-Harris poll, which shows that Hamas is the MOST UNPOPULAR of all the groups tested, and Israel ranks highly. Americans, unlike faculty, have not bought into the GENOCIDE narrative.

Key findings:

Voters strongly support Israel over Hamas (79-21) and believe Israel is trying to minimize civilian casualties (69-31).

A strong majority of voters reject an unconditional ceasefire, saying it should happen only after the hostages are released and Hamas removed from power (basically the Israeli position).

Last but not least, voters have not bought into Biden’s and the media’s Rafah hysteria, and believe that Israel should move forward with a Rafah operation:

These findings give hope that voters are not buying into the campus and media craziness.

And if that’s the case, this prediction may come true:

Prediction: By the time this is over, the anti-Israel Tentifada will have increased support for Israel (and very likely saved Republicans from their own incompetence).


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Oregon Mike | May 21, 2024 at 9:11 pm

Good one, Professor! You’re absolutely right on all counts.

drsamherman | May 21, 2024 at 9:29 pm

You’re kidding, correct? Ya’ mean all those screaming college kids, perfessers ‘n agitators ARE in a bubble? NAAAH….


Mauiobserver | May 21, 2024 at 9:34 pm

Yes, indeed and hopefully wealthy donors will continue to withdraw financial support and serious students will go to universities that reject DEI.

The real test will come if Trump and the GOP win in Nov. Will the GOPe block efforts to eliminate the Department of Education to demolish leftist control of grants and student loan guarantees? Or will they show some backbone and for once refuse to act against the interests of the voters that elected them per their typical MO.

Cut the University elites cash cow and see how long it is before their power erodes.

    ooddballz in reply to Mauiobserver. | May 22, 2024 at 11:06 am

    If I recall correctly, the DOE was created by Carter via executive order.
    All it would take is another executive order to disband it.

Professor, those polling numbers are so strong they indicate a consensus Jews in this country are good citizens, and we’ve already seen enough of the Palis not to want any of them here.

One of the reasons this administration is so unpopular is that it will import a whole bunch of Islamist rapefugees, who have already begun to bring their violence and hatred with them.

    Dimsdale in reply to Valerie. | May 21, 2024 at 10:50 pm

    The other Arab countries don’t want them, why should we?

      Hodge in reply to Dimsdale. | May 22, 2024 at 9:16 am


      You raise an interesting and important point about which the American (and international?) press is silent.

      None of the Middle-Eastern countries are providing any civilian aid to Palestine, and only Iran’s proxies are providing any military support to them.

      Even Iran and its proxies are not offering to accept any refugees.

      Now to my own question:

      Does Joe have the balls to offer to bring in Palestinian refugees? How would Michigan voters of “all stripes” feel about having them as neighbors?

        retiredcantbefired in reply to Hodge. | May 22, 2024 at 12:15 pm

        Most of the Middle Eastern countries don’t seem to be providing aid to Gaza. But Egypt’s position seems ambiguous, though it doesn’t want any refugees. And what about Turkey under Erdogan?

If you take a poll and find that most Americans love Israel and hate Hamas you were probably polling mostly Republicans.

It’s also true that if you poll American Jews you will find they, too love Israel and hate Hamas, but most are Democrats.

If that leaves you scratching your head it’s probably because your head is itchy.

BierceAmbrose | May 21, 2024 at 10:27 pm

“Prediction: By the time this is over, the anti-Israel Tentifada will have increased support for Israel (and very likely saved Republicans from their own incompetence).”

With apologies, dear Professor I must bet go differ. As President Barry said — and who am I go gainsay The Lightbringer: “Never under-estimate Brandon’s ability to f*** things up.”

Sorry, I meant to quote myself: “Never under-estimate The Feckless Rs ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Failure will find a way.” At least they’re creative at something.

BierceAmbrose | May 21, 2024 at 10:32 pm

“Genocide, genocide, genocide.”

They keep using that word. I do not think that word means what they think it means.

    henrybowman in reply to BierceAmbrose. | May 23, 2024 at 12:12 am

    Genocide, racist, violence, fascist, privilege, gender, Nazi.
    So many words, so few leftists own dictionaries.

    drsamherman in reply to BierceAmbrose. | May 23, 2024 at 12:39 am

    The psychological term is “perseverating”. It’s not as bad as “obsessing”, but it’s close. Leftists love to latch onto a term and beat it, hammer it, throw it down and stomp on it until it stops moving because they can. You know the reason why: keep repeating the lie and it becomes truth to the ignorant. Leftists are also ignorant, hence….sloganeering with buzzwords appeals to their toadies so they are relieved of that awful burden of having to think critically and actually make an informed decision.

      henrybowman in reply to drsamherman. | May 24, 2024 at 5:01 pm

      They’re like Hogwarts kids. Show them a spell that has some victorious effect, and they’re all about that spell for the next four months, even where it is inapplicable, to the exclusion of everything else

True that universities overdo. But summer has not arrived. The UN and ICC are not a bunch of students, nor the NGOs and progressive Democrats, among others.

The thing about the universities was/is the tolerance for hate among the players and the easy manipulation of the uninformed. Good for all to see the face of it to help reinforce their own values.

Academia, particularly the poison ivies, have become islands of antisemitism, racism and terrorist support.

The Marxists have come home to roost!

True, the campus does not reflect the American public at large at the present moment-
But it appears far too many of the “elites” of media, entertainment, and others in politics and the public square are more aligned with the campus than with the public.
I am not sure how long that can last- I am pleasantly surprised that a significant majority of the public thinks Israel needs to continue to press on to break Hamas and believes they are doing all that they can to protect civilians- where they get information that affirms that idk- the info is certainly out there in some places, but in many of the historically most influential it is not, at least as far as I can tell.
I remember thinking the communists on campus in the ‘70’s were a joke – I never dreamed or thought they would undermine the public institutions and the public commitment to freedom and truth as they have-
I don’t think political success will be enough, nothing short of Divine intervention from the Almighty is called for. It is in vain to trust in men and princes.

healthguyfsu | May 22, 2024 at 12:18 am

“Tentifada” that’s a good one WAJ

I am an aging boomer old enough to have had a draft number (but who cleverly ran to the tender arms of the Air Force). I understood the Vietnam anti-war protests.

Looking at history, I can also understand the people in the 30’s who supported the early Nazi’s because they fell for the propaganda, and I can also see how, realizing the horror of the Nazi’s and recoiling, many fell over backwards into the arms of the Communist movement.

They were victims of their naiveté and of well-done propaganda.

However, the student support for Palestine after the massacre of October 7th stuns and mystifies me. This is supporting Hitler after knowing about the Holocaust, or Stalin learning of the starvation of the peasantry. The internet makes it impossible to be totally inculcated, doesn’t it?

Perhaps I am just too old…

inspectorudy | May 22, 2024 at 9:34 am

This is further evidence of how powerful the MSM is. Almost every issue we have is manufactured by the MSM or overhyped it to the point of importance. The LBGT+, HAMAS love affair, wokeness, border invasion acceptance, abortion after birth, etc are all made super important by the MSM, not to the American people.

    Too true.
    The god of this world is the father of lies. He gets a lot of cooperation from those who think their ways are better than the ways of the True God.
    Daniel says that at the time of the end there will be “much knowledge” and there will be much traveling from here to there. It would appear we are getting closer, how much closer I have no idea, but it seems like that describes our current age more than any other in the past.

This country needs Delta Tau Chi to terrorize the parade of lies presented to us by feckless leadership comprised of incompetant Deans with cheating wives and screaming ROTC goons.
Bluto Blutarsky, will you and your brothers show?

    drsamherman in reply to scooterjay. | May 23, 2024 at 12:42 am

    Well, Mr. Delta Tau Chi, you would find that most Tentifada students are so devoid of any intellect that they would readily believe the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, or that the Japanese invaded Denmark, or that Quisling was the Prime Minister of the UK.

destroycommunism | May 22, 2024 at 11:33 am

we already know that 13% of the population is controlling the other 87%

LukeHandCool | May 22, 2024 at 1:43 pm

I didn’t think I could possibly be any more pro-Israel than I already am … but imagining a future where my Jewish granddaughter could face this insanity at an American university has further strengthened my support.

    destroycommunism in reply to LukeHandCool. | May 22, 2024 at 3:29 pm

    until the jewish community realizes or doesnt fear the blmplo armies they will remain “troubled” as america moves more towards omarville