Eating Their Own: Democrats May Move August Convention Semi-Online To Avoid Pro-Hamas Riots From Base
“President Joe Biden’s top advisers are all too aware the ghosts of 1968 may haunt their convention here”

To say that there is a problem in the Democrat party when it comes to the Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023 and the barbaric acts of rape, torture, baby-beheading, mutilation, and other savage acts perpetrated against unarmed Israeli civilians on their own soil is a massive understatement. The grotesque violence during a supposed truce was, and still is, actually celebrated by many Democrat politicians and their pro-Hamas voting base.
Americans, as a whole, however overwhelmingly support Israel as we long have and long will, so Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden is in a bind. Torn between the Obama holdovers and rehires who are pining for the 1960s and want “revolution” to destroy (er, “fundamentally transform”) America and have latched on to the justified response to October 7th by Israel as their latest tool of division and chaos and the pro-Hamas transplants to the U.S. who just want America (the Big Satan) and Israel (the little Satan) destroyed in any way possible, Team Biden has fumbled everything at every turn. Turning off both pro-Hamas and pro-Israel Democrats in such large numbers that it’s hard to see a way out at this point.
Instead of stepping back and reassessing what is right not for the Democrat party but for America, national Democrats are apparently going to wobble along the fence and try to minimize the damage on both sides by doing nothing at all. Hoping, perhaps, that Democrat party internal chaos and division will leak out and affect the nation as a whole?
Rather than cutting the lawless Hamas-terror-supporting wing of the party loose, they allow them to continue to undermine their party. Instead of taking a stand for America and for Israel, they are content to let chaos reign.
Case in point, the upcoming Democrat nominating convention is to be held in Chicago in August of this year. The America-hating 60s crowd is in a tough spot. They want social unrest, violence, riots, and mayhem because it’s who they are at heart; they never grew up, so they never outgrew their college years, never matured beyond their anti-America hatred. On the other hand, however, they find themselves in the position of “the man” now, pulling Biden’s strings and making him occasionally, if briefly, look almost like a real boy.
The solution, at least one that is reportedly being bounced around, is to resurrect the 2020 plandemic format for the DNC convention to avoid the fall-out from the resurrected 1968 DNC anti-Vietnam War riots they quite reasonably expect in the Windy City.
President Joe Biden’s top advisers are all too aware the ghosts of 1968 may haunt their convention here, but they’re grappling with a pair of more urgent and thoroughly modern-day challenges as summer nears: How far can they go in reprising their virtual 2020 convention to mitigate the threat of disruption inside the arena, and how will they navigate a rookie mayor who unabashedly sympathizes with protesters?
. . . . The goal: drive maximum viewership on television and the internet while minimizing live programming and openings for protest in Chicago’s United Center. This would mean moving party business, such as rules and platform votes, off the floor and denying would-be demonstrators a chance to seize on contentious debates.
. . . . The challenge, of course, is that the delegates attending and, more to the point, the donors financing the convention expect the rites of an in-person convention. The political convention industrial complex remains strong after centuries of tradition, no matter how much the operative class relished having total control over what was effectively a multi-day commercial four years ago.
So with campus protests over the war in Gaza raging and Biden being disrupted nearly everywhere he goes, Chicago’s organizers are plotting on how to preempt opportunities for heckling and quickly tamp down demonstrators who do get into the arena.
The concern for “disruption” is rooted in reality. Pro-Hamas protest organizers are suing for closer access to the convention site and insist that the protests will continue until “Palestine is truly free” (which, since Palestine has been “free” for over thirty years and actually elected Hamas leadership themselves, seems to mean when Israel is gone and every Jew on earth is dead).
One of the largest groups planning to march at the Democratic National Convention in August is taking the city to federal court, after officials denied every single application for a permit to protest in proximity to the convention.
The U.S. Palestinian Community Network is one of more than 70 organizations involved in planning various protests during the four-day convention at the United Center.
The largest of those groups, the U.S. Palestinian Community Network is one of two groups who have filed a federal lawsuit against the city, arguing the city improperly denied them permits to hold a pair of protest marches within blocks of the DNC.
The protesters have argued they should be allowed to be seen and heard by the politicians and delegates attending the convention at the United Center.
“This is the place where we want to have our permitted march,” said Hatem Abudayyeh, chair of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network.
Last month, organizers of two planned pro-Palestinian protest marches during the DNC filed a federal lawsuit, accusing the city of violating their First Amendment rights by denying permits to protest within blocks of the United Center during the convention.
The protesters have said they want to send a message to President Joe Biden and other Democratic leaders to do more to force a ceasefire in Gaza.
“It is the Democrats who are in power right now, and it is the Democrats who could stop this [war in Gaza],” he said. “This is going to be the largest protest for Palestinian rights in the history of Chicago.”
Abudayyeh said activists from Chicago will be joined by thousands of others from across the country during the DNC.
. . . . “I think the main goal is no business as usual,” Abudayyeh told CBS 2’s Tara Molina.
But he said there’s a larger overarching main goal for the protests, and it’s about more than just President Biden demanding a cease-fire in Gaza.
“I think protesting will never stop until Palestine is truly free,” he said.
Given the way things are going, people are not optimistic about the upcoming DNC (or RNC, for that matter) since both are being held in Democrat strongholds. It goes without saying that no normal American will be within miles of either of these likely future riot zones.
Reminder the RNC and DNC are going to be held in two blue cities this summer.
Milwaukee and Chicago are gonna burn.
— Amy Curtis 🇮🇱 (@RantyAmyCurtis) May 7, 2024

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Admitting they have lost control of their personal thugs
Flynn needs to work with others in the DOJ to assure that the traitors are prosecuted in military tribunals until they can restore the civilian system
Trump needs to get the message that delaying the civil war for four years is not the same as restoring the republic
Justice is not retribution
Hey Fuzzy: Where are you at with DJT these daze?
Primary is over; I’m voting for him.
But I think you knew she was voting for him, unless you haven’t paid any attention to her? I’d think it would be obvious,
I’m too broke to pay attention
The non-marxist TDS crowd is allowed to hold their nose while pulling the lever
These decisions are not mere trifles You’re either a Trump Supporter, or a co conspirator of the Uniparty crime cabal, and will be treated accordingly
I have a list of issues with Trump. Most are petty and i wouldn’t substitute my judgment for his, but a few are of moment
His braggadocio schtick is not on the list
Hide the Decline.
Dr. Jill’s White House hospice care schedule:
Monday: ice cream social, coma.
Tuesday: huge syringe load of crank. Angry lucidity.
Wednesday: luncheon w/tapioca pudding, coma.
Thursday: huge syringe load of crank. Angry lucidity.
Friday: shuffle to Marine One, poop pants, declare weekend lid on news, coma.
Sat/Sunday: beach lounge chair, coma.
So, instead, they are opting for Jeffrey Tubin to be masturbating while he handles coverage of the event.
I see what you did there.
the dnc will compromise the same way they did with aldoph in 1930s germany
if you promise to stop the street violence they told the dnc I mean the hitleryouths we will give you seats at the power table
the rest is holocaust history
Please. They already have seats at the power table.
So, the party that lives by party discipline is preemptively admitting they lost … that. Where’s “Hit back twice as hard.” when you need it. Oh, right, not your own once and perahps future guys.
/moar popcorn
Will there be internal opposition manifestoes named for summer vacation retreats funded through Labor Movement fronts(*), or is it something diffferent this time?
/moar popcorn
Of course they expect their host city mayor to have to do something about their captive factions. Hard to hold a coalition of opportunists in the same rally hall, when their opportuniusms are absolutelly opposed.
/moar popcorn.
(*) Port Huron Statement — look up especially the genesis and funding.
The protesters will be kept miles from the Democrat convention, but in Milwaukee the protesters will be right next to the GOP convention. The MPD consider the GOP delegates a bigger threat than any pro-Hamas protesters.
Milwaukee may turn out as you predict. If so there could be a price to paid not just in Wisconsin but Nationally. So long as the GoP officialdom comes across as reasonable in contrast to the militant protesters then on balance it is win for the GoP. However if the GoP officialdom focuses most of their ire on the speech/beliefs/religion of the protesters v the concrete actions of the protesters that’s where we begin to lose. IOW play up the tactics of the protesters 90% and spend 10% on the content of protesters message. Don’t be drawn into a debate about the ideas of the protesters by lefty media, sympathetic to their views and in the tank for d/prog. Keep criticism very straightforwardly focused on illegal acts.
Make believe convention for a make believe campaign.
A obviously make believe campaign, IMO. And, that makes me a bit nervous because it’s the behavior of a campaign and party that doesn’t seem to be afraid of losing…perhaps because they know they can’t lose. This is EASILY the most incompetent DNC presidential campaign…maybe ever, and their 2020 campaign was disastrous as well despite ‘winning’ the election.
Since the advent of the TV media era, DNC campaign managers have been media superstars, by design. Hamilton Jordan, Bob Beckell, Carville & Begala, Donna Brazille, Mary Beth Cahill, David Plouffe, Jim Messina. But, that changed in 2020 with Biden picking a political nobody – former Beto O’Rouke campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon – to run his campaign. I bet you don’t even recognize the name, I know I sure didn’t. I had to look it up even though I could name every other DNC campaign manager going back to the 1970s. This year, they’ve managed to find an even bigger nobody with an even skinnier CV, Julie Chávez Rodríguez (grand-daughter of Ceasar Chávez). Thus far, she’s been even more invisible than O’Malley Dillon. She never makes media appearances and you’ll read few, if any, glowing media articles written about her, which is odd because she’s only the second ‘person of color’ to manage a major presidential campaign.
You would think with Biden’s current struggles with Latino voters, they’d have Chávez on TV all the time, right? Nope. It’s all very strange….make believe, as you say. I think two things are possible. First, perhaps they really are simply going to replace him just before the convention or during the convention at which point, their A-list campaign team will step up to the plate. OR – and perhaps more likely – they understand that they’ve perfected their vote-manufacturing technique and campaigns simply don’t matter anymore. They know they’re going to win no matter who the candidate is and how incompetent his campaign is being run.
Democrats hiding from other Democrats is normal. The media will be torn between showing them as they are and whitewashing them for the public.
Not very torn, though. They will go all in on whitewashing, if they can.
A thought…
Might Israel draw some of this out (where it doesn’t pose much risk) toward the election, in order to ensure Biden suffers electorally?
Could they continue mopping up operations in Rafah, slowly turning their attention to Hezbollah’s destruction, claiming they’re using their munitions judiciously because of the embargo? Keep grinding Biden under the tank treads for revenge?
Defeating Hamas is to vital for Israel to subordinate it to political purposes.
Not holding a full fledged convention in Chicago? Aw gee, and I just invested big in popcorn.
Online/remote, my ass.
I demand the entire convention be conducted by MAIL-IN BALLOTING.
What say you, Musketeers?
Those seventy or so “protest organizations” can be stopped in their tracks by lunchtime today.
How? Think back… the Truckers… Trudeau… bank accounts frozen…
burn baby burn!!!!
On May 6, the UN published data showing that 34,735 people had reportedly been killed in Gaza, including over 9,500 women and over 14,500 children.
On May 8, the UN published data showing 34,844 people had reportedly been killed, including 4,959 women and 7,797 children.
… its a miracle .. 4541 women and 6703 children rise from the dead
This is definitely outside international humanitarian norms.
It’s just posthumous transitioning.
More like they’re going to do it to avoid having to actually face those icky ‘voters’ when they remove Biden and crown a replacement.
Absolutely nobody believes that Biden is actually running a campaign right now.
Obama’s work has been well done.
Less than live convention will allow careful editing of a dementia riddled POTUS’ speech instead of a live attempted attack of the teleprompter.