Rutgers Caves to Pro-Hamas Mob, Agrees to 8 of the 10 Demands
A big one: Rutgers agreed to display flags of occupied people. So…Rutgers agrees that Israel is occupied land? The school agrees that the state of Israel is illegal?

What a bunch of spineless cowards.
Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway agreed to eight of the ten demands given to him by the pro-Hamas mob that forced the school to cancel final exams on Thursday when they occupied Voorhees Mall.
UPDATE: President Halloway has agreed to 8 of the 10 demands given by Rutgers SJP and the students in the encampment. Most notably the demands for total divestment and the termination of its partnership with Tel Aviv University are “things not in the President’s control”.
— Spyder Monkey (@SpyderMonkey0_0) May 2, 2024
1. Rutgers agreed to consider divestment. The confirmation paper says:
A request from the Endowment Justice Collective to divest from companies doing business in Israel was received on April 2, 2024, and is undergoing the review process that is outlined in the university’s investment policy.
The University President and the Chairman of the Joint Committee on Investments will meet with no more than five student representatives to discuss the divestment request provided the end of encampment.
2. Rutgers said, “Agreements with global partners are a matter of scholarly inquiry.”
3. Rutgers agreed to work with people to give 10 “displaced Palestinian students” a scholarship at Rutgers.
4. Rutgers agreed to begin a plan to create an Arab Cultural Center.
5. Rutgers agreed to work on a relationship with Birzeit University, including the possibility of student exchanges or study abroad programs.
6. Rutgers agreed to use “Palestine, Palestinians, and Gaza in future communications.”
7. This one sickens me because these people are TOTES the victims here, not Jews and Israel:
Rutgers–New Brunswick will work to develop training sessions on anti-Palestinian, antiArab, and anti-Muslim racism for all RU administrators & staff. We also commit to the hiring of a senior administrator who has cultural competency in and with Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian communities in the Division of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community.
8. Rutgers agreed to form a Department of Middle East Studies and hire faculty. Gee…I wonder what the academics will be like in that department considering a bunch of antisemites made these demands?
9. Rutgers agreed to display flags of occupied people. So…Rutgers agrees that Israel is occupied land? The school agrees that the state of Israel is illegal?
10. Rutgers agreed to amnesty for everyone “penalized for exercising their First Amendment right to protest Rutgers University’s support for Israeli human rights violations, and voice support for faculty and staff who have been publicly targeted for exercising their academic freedom.”
#BREAKING Students at RUTGERS came to an agreement with the University to put down the tents of the encampment and university began a dialog with them about their demands.
— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) May 2, 2024

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Rutgers is a public university, something many casual observers don’t know. In fact, its official title is “Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.” The same draconian governor of New Jersey – Phil Murphy – who imprisoned gym owners for staying open and limited in-person attendance at houses of worship during the pandemic, will almost certainly have little to say and will take no action whatsoever to undo the lawless actions that Rutgers is endorsing with these decisions.
Some insurrections, you see, are far better than others.
Murphy was installed in an overnight coup as the result of conspirators within Bergen county
Nauseating, contemptible, feckless and indefensible dhimmitude, in the face of obnoxious and evil Jew-hate from goose-stepping Islamofascists and Muslim supremacists.
This will not end well
It won’t end, period. You can’t appease the left. Giving them what they want never ends it, they will want more and more and more
They are so much like Pales, wanting all or nothing. We must make sure they end up with nothing.
the University sees the failures of the gop to stop the blmplo takeover of america so they are just preparing for the future
but when more males start doing what was done the other day and the laws get changed to stop the crt affimaction woke takeover of the “justice” system
then and onlyyy then will america be saved
ohh,,thats not going to happen?
then welcome to the omar potus regime
and yes they willll change that law too
Muzzie extremists butcher young people at music festival. So rutgers on other side of world rewards the behavior?
>>This agreement is contingent upon no further disruptions and adherence to University policies.<<
So I'm guessing that this agreement isn't going to be valid for very long as I predict the anti-semite, pro-terrorist students and agitators will not be able to control themselves and will be right back on campus for some perceived slight or some such from the school administration.
nailed it!!
Yeah, same as the “cease fire” agreements “negotiated” for Israel by Joey Mumbles’ crew.
— There was a cease fire in place w Hamas up to Oct 7th.
— Hamas had been violating that cease fire consistently, before Oct 7th.
— Oct 7th was different only in that the scale and TikTok vids were too big to pretend didn’t happen.
US administrations do seem to like redrawing the map of countries in the Middle East. Or, rather, trying to. It never seems to stick. Unclear whether that’s a bug or a feature.
Remove federal tax exempt status, no student loan guarantees (which should be everywhere, but this is a start.)
Time to set up the pro-Israel encampment, with the exact opposite demands. It should be done at all schools who cave.
With some mercenaries present.
Mental note…. avoid anything New Jersey and especially anything Rutgers. The polarization of America continues. But you knew that already. These universities are providing a core course in impudence and impotency.
Yes, Jewish students at Rutgers should setup their own encashment and make their own demands.
Rutgers agreed to amnesty for everyone “penalized for exercising their First Amendment right to protest Rutgers University’s support for Israeli human rights violations, and voice support for faculty and staff who have been publicly targeted for exercising their academic freedom.”?
To claim Israeli human rights violations is absurd to begin with but since they appear determined to appease these Hamas terrorist supporting brats, at least insert “alleged” in that garbage.
Rutgers and the campus protesters are on the SAME SIDE. So Rutgers didn’t “cave.” It agreed to basically all of the protesters’ demands because Rutgers is owned and run by Dems, who share the same values and vote for the same political candidates as the protesters. If they found the protesters’ demands politically unattractive, then you shouldn’t doubt that law enforcement would have come in and started breaking protesters’ heads, having them de-banked, etc, etc. So nobody “caved” here. This is what happens when the parties presumably on opposite sides of the table are actually on the same side of the table.
the left
be it the way they raise their own children
or “their children” that they teach in the unionist run schools
its all about coddling the criminal ( why/how do you think there are “laws” that allow under18yo CRIMINALS to NOT have their names/pics made public!!)
lefty only wins and wins b/c they have no boundaries>>no fences
except of course when it comes to protecting their own material possessions
Can the palistinian requirement for scholarships and admissions be court challenged ?
None of the UCLA idiots saw the inside of a jail cell
And were still given free breakfast.
“Rutgers agreed to amnesty for everyone “penalized for exercising their First Amendment right to protest Rutgers University’s support for Israeli human rights violations, and voice support for faculty and staff who have been publicly targeted for exercising their academic freedom.”
Fine, we will just penalize the ones who broke the law. Trespassing, vandalism, etc. have zilch to do with the 1st amendment.
hit leer and his crew ran the streets and those in charge thought /PRETENDED he would chill out if they gave him power
the lefts agenda is still loud and clear
coddle the criminals and punish the easy marks>>>>the good people who just want to enjoy life
Rutgers is public, yes? Well I’m part of the public and I don’t agree to this, not at all. So what do they define racism as, support for Israel? This is total bullshit, I mean really wtf? This is some first class fookery, is what this is!
This is what surrender to terrorism looks like
Our unity as a country, a culture, a society, and a political Social Contract is blatantly coming apart. The schools that surrendered to the terrorist have just openly chosen sides, and it is not ours. So be it. As the gulf between the sides widens, the greater the consequences will be. As it stands now, hiring or even interviewing anyone who graduated from these schools is collaborating with the enemy.
Subotai Bahadur
Rutgers has a Student Population of upwards of 43,000. So Rutgers just capitulated to an overly vocal statically non-relevant (something like 0.004%) mob and declared the entire school an enemy of Israel. Good move there skippy!
Need to start calling them the Poison Ivy Schools.
Holloway is a feckless cowardly scrunt.
Rutgers is a public school. Not one thin dime of state or Federal money to them. All alumni and corporate donations should cease immediately.
If you have children attending Rutgers, withdraw them now.
They’ve declared what side they’re on… they should now be treated as enemy combatants.
I would maybe agree with them just to get them to pack up then say hell no, suckers….but Rutgers is not serious enough to stand up at all much less deceive these charlatans.
#4 is an interesting demand. Those claiming to be Palestinian i.e. Gazans and West Bankers are Arab. The native people of Palestine as per Herodotus’ 5th century BC writing, are the Jews. So will Jews be given access to the Arab Cultural Facility on each campus? If not then this is discriminatory and partisan.
#5 requires Rutgers to work with Birzeit University, except said institution’s student activists are closely connected to Hamas. Is Rutgers aligning itself with Hamas?
#10 is ultimately the problem. It’s a demand for total amnesty for pro-Hamas, pro-genocide, anti-Jew protesters, any violence committed, and a mandate for the university to publicly align itself with Holocaust 2.0 thinking.
Seems like the Left v Right divide in America is growing ever wider – the Nazi-Democrat States of America versus the life, liberty, and Constitution loving Republican States of America.
Unity and tolerance is ever harder to preserve. 🙁
Rutgers takes its own arm, twists it behind its own back and screams