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Ron DeSantis Explains Why Florida’s No-Nonsense Approach to Anti-Israel Campus Encampments Works

Ron DeSantis Explains Why Florida’s No-Nonsense Approach to Anti-Israel Campus Encampments Works

“I think they are walking the line right. You have a right to say what you want. You have a right to express your opinions. You don’t have a right to commandeer the lawn on a university campus. You don’t have a right to harass other people. You don’t have a right to physically impede…”

Unlike the feckless administrators at higher education institutions like Columbia University and Northwestern University, leaders at Florida-based universities like Florida State and the University of Florida have taken no-nonsense approaches to dealing with anti-Israel campus encampments.

For instance, after nine protesters were arrested Monday at the University of Florida after days of warnings about how they were violating school policy on what was and wasn’t allowed during demonstrations, its spokesman, Steve Orlando, issued the following statement:

“This is not complicated: The University of Florida is not a daycare, and we do not treat protesters like children — they knew the rules, they broke the rules, and they’ll face the consequences. For many days, we have patiently told protesters — many of whom are outside agitators — that they were able to exercise their right to free speech and free assembly. And we also told them that clearly prohibited activities would result in a trespassing order from UPD (barring them from all university properties for three years) and an interim suspension from the university. For days UPD patiently and consistently reiterated the rules. Today, individuals who refused to comply were arrested after UPD gave multiple warnings and multiple opportunities to comply.”

After a similar situation unfolded at Florida State, their spokesperson did not apologize for how it was handled by campus police:

“Tuesday afternoon Florida State University Police arrested five individuals at the site of a demonstration on Landis Green where a small group had been assembling for multiple days. Anyone who was arrested today made a conscious choice to engage in unlawful conduct. The university’s rules and regulations had been explained repeatedly over several days and the group had been compliant until this afternoon. Today’s arrests occurred after the individuals ignored multiple requests and warnings to comply with a lawful order.”

“Two of the five arrested have been confirmed as current FSU students.”

“Florida State University cherishes and upholds freedom of speech and all the other rights we enjoy in this country. However, the expression of these rights must comply with university regulations and the law. FSU places equal value on the right of the campus community to engage in learning and teaching without harassment or disruption.”

There has also been how law enforcement has approached street protests in cities like Tampa and Miami, by dragging those who impede roadways to sidewalks and dumping them there, where they were later arrested.

During a press conference Tuesday announcing a tax holiday, a reporter asked DeSantis, “How do you make sure Florida colleges don’t cross the line into suppressing speech” during these protests? DeSantis gave a roughly five-minute answer explaining how people have a right to express their opinions but that they did not have the right to intimidate, harass, and essentially take other students hostage, nor impede their access to the campus.

DeSantis cited how Columbia had handled their anti-Israel encampment (before the NYPD’s recent intervention) and suggested it was absolutely the wrong approach, saying that the lunatics should not be running the asylum:

“I think they are walking the line right. You have a right to say what you want. You have a right to express your opinions. You don’t have a right to commandeer a lawn on a university campus. You don’t have a right to harass other people. You don’t have a right to physically impede – you know Columbia, some of these students are taking people captive now. They’re overrunning the school. That is the inmates running the asylum, that doesn’t work. And so in Florida you can say things. You can have positions – that’s fine. But we’re not going to allow you set up a tent city in the middle of the university. That is not going to happen here,” said DeSantis, who got a big cheer in the audience.


They are doing things that are far beyond them just expressing their opinions and I think that as much as I disagree with their opinions, they have a right to do that. But you don’t have a right to commandeer the university. You don’t have a right to disrupt or harass or intimidate or do all those other things.

“And I think that people are looking at Florida’s universities and saying, ‘Why can’t this happen at other places?’ and you know why it doesn’t happen there. Because there’s never any consequences for any of the malcontents. They can do whatever they want, and basically they get a slap on the wrist. Well of course you’re not going to see a change in behavior. Florida if you are violating appropriate conduct, especially if you’re warned. You can be expelled.”

DeSantis also noted that Florida was relaxing some of their transfer restrictions to make it easier for college students who wanted to “flee” the “hostile environments” at places like Columbia to come to a more welcoming place.

Watch (starts at about 21:00 into the clip below):

Bravo to Gov. DeSantis and the Florida colleges who are making critically important distinctions between what protecting free speech means versus non-nonsense policies designed to make schools safe, secure, and welcoming for others, especially at a time when cries of “First Amendment violations” are reaching fever pitch.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Another reason why DeSantis 2028 is a (hopefully) slam-dunk. The Left is going to waste no time over the next four years to smear him with every hateful lie they can. You think it’s been bad so far?

    Ghostrider in reply to georgfelis. | May 2, 2024 at 9:09 pm


    randian in reply to georgfelis. | May 2, 2024 at 9:43 pm

    As a Floridian I don’t want him to leave. Look how close Andrew Gillum got. I’m certain there’s a whole lot of voting fraud going on if a jerk like him got within sniffing distance of DeSantis. Without DeSantis on the ballot and a Democrat that isn’t so much of a c*********k that could be disastrous for my state.

      txvet2 in reply to randian. | May 3, 2024 at 1:19 am

      Since he can’t run for governor again, you’re going to have to find another spot where he can stay visible and viable. Maybe Senator.

      CommoChief in reply to randian. | May 3, 2024 at 11:29 am

      Things have changed considerably between 2018 and now. GoP voter registration is now +500K ish v 2018 when d/prog held a voter registration advantage of +350Kish. That’s a swing of 850K which helps explain DeSantis emphatic win in 2022 by nearly 20% over his d/prog challenger in Charlie Crist himself a sitting member HoR and a former Gov and former AG.

Actually, in real asylums, the lunatics do run it, at least as much as the staff. Nobody in an asylum does what his title says he does. It’s all accommodation of each other, each leaning this way or that against his assigned place. See Erving Goffman, Asylums. Famous book.

ChrisPeters | May 2, 2024 at 3:36 pm

The simple fact is that tolerating bulls–t will do nothing but bring your more bulls–t.

Bad behavior should never be accepted or tolerated.

    rhhardin in reply to ChrisPeters. | May 2, 2024 at 3:44 pm

    You can show better behavior, show something to emulate instead of something to oppose.

      TargaGTS in reply to rhhardin. | May 2, 2024 at 4:17 pm

      Which is why when police respond to a bank robbery, they don’t arrest anyone. They just deposit some money, right?

      Actually, that’s not what they do. They arrest people because if they don’t arrest people, it – get this – encourages people to rob more banks.

      Crawford in reply to rhhardin. | May 2, 2024 at 4:18 pm

      Not real clear on how the world works, are you? Read up on game theory, tit-for-tat, and what happens when you show predatory types what they perceive as weakness.

      guyjones in reply to rhhardin. | May 2, 2024 at 4:19 pm

      These goose-stepping, obnoxious Muslim supremacists and genocidal Islamofascists, and, their useful idiot, non-Muslim, Dhimmi-crat allies and enablers, aren’t interested in emulating morally upright behavior and attitudes. That should be obvious. They are rotten and evil to the core. That they’re gleefully propagating the vicious slander and lie that Israeli Jews are alleged “colonizers” and “settlers” of land upon which their forebears had been living for millennia before the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission” was founded, speaks to their brazen mendacity and utter contempt for objective truths and realities.

        guyjones in reply to guyjones. | May 2, 2024 at 4:21 pm

        And, that these reprobates treat the Arab Muslim, Fakestinian invaders from Arabia as the allegedly victimized and indigenous people of the ancient Roman/KGB contrivance of “Palestine,” also speaks to their wicked dishonesty and disregard for truth.

      ChrisPeters in reply to rhhardin. | May 2, 2024 at 4:29 pm

      While that sort of thinking is laudable, it fails in the real world.

      Only real and serious punishment can possibly lead to a behavioral change for the better.

      destroycommunism in reply to rhhardin. | May 2, 2024 at 4:52 pm

      they rejected THAT as western values

New York City mayor Eric Adams remains under pressure to divulge how many of the 282 people arrested at campus protests were non-students after repeatedly claiming that “outside agitators” were responsible […]

Adams repeatedly declined to provide details.

Adams said his office had “turned everything over to Columbia, and it is up to the school to determine if they’re going to release the names of students and non-students”.

Too bad DeSantis is not our Republican Presidential nominee. He doesn’t just talk the talk. He walks the walk.

BierceAmbrose | May 2, 2024 at 4:45 pm

“But, but, but, if I can’t harass, impede and destroy how do I express my opinion that my opinion gives me the prerogative to harass, impede, and destroy? I can do anything because I’m on the right side of history.”

destroycommunism | May 2, 2024 at 4:50 pm

blmplo was only following the winning strategy of 2020 rioters..”peaceful” protesters

stop lefty nowww

you keep giving into the welfare state and it gets even worse

What is especially funny is the LGBTQ crowd supporting Palestine. I saw a video from NYC where the reporter told two Palestinian Muslim women that one of the men supporting them was trans. They looked at him/her and said you are an abomination. Get away from me we do not want your support. You should be killed. The guy/girl was actually shocked at their reaction. LOL

    Antifundamentalist in reply to ttucker99. | May 2, 2024 at 8:09 pm

    That video should be all over the MSM – If they were actually News stations. Of course, it’s now just Propaganda TV thats shows only that which has been approved by the Powers That Be. Not even Fox gives us anything real these days.

“Florida around and find out.”

Ghostrider | May 3, 2024 at 1:49 am

2016 A New Hope
2020 The Empire Strikes Back
2024 Return of the Jedi

I do applaud my Alma Mater UF for actually telling these “student” protesters that they won’t tolerate stinking up the campus.

We in Florida realize that the Sunshine State will continue to grow with American loving patriots.