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DEI Official at UCLA School of Medicine Accused of Plagiarism

DEI Official at UCLA School of Medicine Accused of Plagiarism

“According to a Daily Wire and City Journal investigation, however, Perry’s academic career is based on fraud.”

This just keeps happening. It seems like more than a pattern.

From the Daily Wire:

DEI Official At UCLA School of Medicine Massively Plagiarized Her Dissertation On DEI

Recent headlines about UCLA School of Medicine suggest that the institution has lost its focus. Instead of brushing up on organic chemistry, its students were subjected to lessons on “Indigenous womxn” and “two-spirits.” Future doctors had to take a class on “structural racism” and were led in a “Free Palestine” chant by a Hamas-praising guest speaker. The school made plans to segregate students by race for courses on left-wing ideology, and two of its psychiatry residents championed “revolutionary suicide.”

Why has the school charted this course? One reason is its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion ideology. UCLA has a DEI program called “Cultural North Star,” and at the medical school, it is led by Natalie J. Perry. Her official biography says her job is to “embed our aspirational Cultural North Stars [sic] value [sic] in our organizational DNA.” UCLA honored Perry last month for teaching students to “do what’s right,” saying her “empathy and radical listening” are to thank for her “success as an educator and a leader.”

According to a Daily Wire and City Journal investigation, however, Perry’s academic career is based on fraud. Perry has published a single paper, a 2014 Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Virginia about how colleges should create larger DEI programs. An analysis of the paper found it ridden with the worst sort of plagiarism, reproducing large swaths of text directly from several other authors, without citations. The scale of the plagiarism suggests that Perry lacks both ethics and competence and raises questions about academic programs that push DEI.

Perry’s dissertation lifted passages from ten other papers. In key portions of her text, she copied almost every paragraph from other sources without attribution. She fails even to mention at least four of the ten plagiarized papers anywhere in her dissertation.


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DEI/CRT is such a fraud. smh

Hard to know whether to laugh … or cheer!

Cheer because you want your enemies to be incompetent and dumb. The DEI folks would do even more damage if they were creative. But they’re dull and predictable, just copying the wokeness of others.

Laugh because Boghossian et al were able to write truly original wokeness and get it published, even as a parody. These clowns can’t even write original wokeness when they’re believers in woke religion.

“Perry has published a single paper, a 2014 Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Virginia about how colleges should create larger DEI programs.”

What idiotic university would grant a PhD on such a trivial, fake basis?

This is a “dog bites man” kind of story. Of course the people riding on DEI are corrupt! What else could you expect?

Someone once stated a wish about being judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. Seems reasonable. Now are DEI and its prophets practicing the opposite?

    artichoke in reply to Arnoldn. | April 24, 2024 at 1:20 pm

    That was the PC message to the white middle class. His message to black insiders was “get all the money from them that you can.”

I do believe we’ve found a statistically undeniable example of black privilege.

The Gentle Grizzly | April 23, 2024 at 4:00 pm

I’m noticing a pattern here… Does this make me a ray-siss?