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Woman at Texas A&M Event Thanks Dr. Ben Carson for Saving Her Life When She Was a Baby

Woman at Texas A&M Event Thanks Dr. Ben Carson for Saving Her Life When She Was a Baby

“You gave me the opportunity to graduate high school, college, and start graduate school, play competitive sports, get married, have children”

This is amazing. Dr. Ben Carson doesn’t get nearly as much admiration as he deserves.

The College Fix reports:

‘Miracle:’ Turning Point event adult attendee thanks Dr. Carson for saving her life as a baby

A married woman with kids thanked Dr. Ben Carson at a Texas A&M university event last night for saving her life decades earlier.

Dr. Carson, a former pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center who later served in the Trump administration as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, spoke at the Turning Point USA event.

“God truly had his hands in this miracle,” Sara Bowker said. She was born with craniosynostosis, a condition where the skull improperly fuses together, according to Bowker.

“You gave me the opportunity to graduate high school, college, and start graduate school, play competitive sports, get married, have children,” Bowker said. “So while none of this was related to politics, I just wanted to say thank you.”



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If you want to show Ben your appreciation in a suitably free-market way, open up an online account at Old Glory Bank.

Dr Carson is a class act and a dieing breed of good men and women who want to serve their country to make it better not to get rich.

    henrybowman in reply to diver64. | April 20, 2024 at 5:23 pm

    Not sure whether this was a reaction to my post… but if you have to enrich SOMEONE by needing banking services, at least now you have a better choice of beneficiary.

This man stands before God with his head raised. , He was demonized by the left as if they themselves were possessed by the madness of demons.