NPR Editor Who Called Out How DEI and TDS Corrupted News Coverage Resigns
NPR is circling the wagons, as its new President’s old tweets expose her bias.
We previously covered how Uri Berliner, a Longtime NPR Senior Business Editor, Exposed How DEI and Trump Derangement Ruined The Organization and how he then was Suspended Without Pay, Threatened With Termination.
Now Berliner has resigned:
My resignation letter to NPR CEO @krmaher
— Uri Berliner (@uberliner) April 17, 2024
The NY Times interviewed Berliner about the decision:
In an interview, Mr. Berliner said his decision to resign from NPR coalesced early this week after an email exchange with Ms. Maher. He said in the interview that he could infer from one of her emails that a memo she had sent to employees last week about workplace integrity was referring to him even though he had not been mentioned by name. In the email, which was sent to Mr. Berliner on Monday, Ms. Maher said her memo “stands for itself in reflecting my perspective on our organization.”
“Everything completely changed for me on Monday afternoon,” Mr. Berliner said.
NPR reported on NPR’s controversy, quoting its new president Katherine Maher:
In a statement Monday about the messages she had posted, Maher praised the integrity of NPR’s journalists and underscored the independence of their reporting.
“In America everyone is entitled to free speech as a private citizen,” she said. “What matters is NPR’s work and my commitment as its CEO: public service, editorial independence, and the mission to serve all of the American public. NPR is independent, beholden to no party, and without commercial interests.”
The network noted that “the CEO is not involved in editorial decisions.”
Meanwhile, Chris Rufo has been mocking Maher relentlessly on X (Twitter) after digging up some of her old tweets demonstrating her bias:
She says folx. She says Latinx. She knows that ending a word with an 'x' shows real commitment. It's a conversation starter. Malcolm X. Ibram X. Kendi. It's her little way of showing solidarity, raising the fist. It's the grammar of social justice and it's beautiful.
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) April 17, 2024
Katherine Maher: Wikipedia is biased because it is "famously written by men," privileges "European models of reference to the written word," and excludes "women, non-binary, and non-gender-conforming individuals."
She is
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) April 17, 2024
I describe the essence of Katherine Maher's tweets to @JesseBWatters: "It is the most vapid left-wing propaganda imaginable … It's like Mad Libs for left-wing women."
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) April 17, 2024
EXCLUSIVE: Katherine Maher says the "the number one challenge" in her fight against disinformation is "the First Amendment in the United States," which makes it "a little bit tricky" to censor "bad information" and "the influence peddlers" who spread it.
NPR's censor-in-chief.
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) April 17, 2024
This would all make NPR seem unserious. Which is correct.
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
NPR is as exciting as an abandoned birdnest.
Defund NPR !
“the CEO is not involved in editorial decisions.”
I feel a need to fetch a shovel used to clean out the kennel.
He has a higher market value elsewhere, in other words.
All the networks talked over space launch audio with inanities which is why I abandoned all of them as a kid in the 70s. NPR was less sensationally soap opera otherwise than the commercial network news fare, and more long form narrative. About the only division anyway was whether unions were good or bad, back then.
NPR will continue as they always have with funding intact I’m sure.
Uri knew he’d soon be banished by Katherine Cerci Lannister, so he left a note on the iron throne before escaping the castle.
School kids pushback on Furry Authoritarianism. Start at 9:00 minutes if you’re impatient. (The principal’s child is a furry-princess bully.)
YouTube link:
And to this day the feckless GOP and the committed to NPR Dems continue to fund this mess. Many run on doing something about it. My grandchildren will be in assisted living and it will still be funded……
Although there should be no funding at all, it’s a very small percentage of npr’s budget. The ones we should be directing our attention to are those where we hear the phrase this program brought to you by a grant from.
Whoever is granting those grants need to be gently nudged about what they’re doing. In a sense. Another Bud light boycott.
I bet there is a tax advantage to giving them a grant, or at least free advertising. Take away any tax advantages and call it a commercial, and I’ll bet you see less of it.
I’d have thought he’d be better off not resigning, waiting for them to fire him, and then suing.
As a percentage of its revenue, NPR doesn’t receive much public funding, but if there are no consequences, nothing will change.
Good. Then nobody should whine if Congress stops writing it checks.
I read elsewhere that while it is true NPR gets little direct public from Congress. But it gets it backdoor via Congress funding the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, who then hands out grants to favored groups.
Actually, federal funding is quite significant. NPR tries to hide this, of course. A cut off of federal funding would doom NPR in its current form.
Ideology has been corrupting news coverage for well over a century now.
October 5, 1982, was the 400th anniversary of the Gregorian Calendar, and I had phoned this into Ira Flato, their science reporter. They did a piece on it, uncredited. As far as I know, they were the only news organization to mention it.
400 is a magic number in the calendar. On years evenly divisible by 100, we skip February 29, but on years evenly divisible by 400, we have Feb 29.
I quit listening to them shortly after that. Not specifically because they were biased, but because they overdubbed every news report with annoying crowd noises or crying children. Feel bad news.
What about the transitions from one story to another bridged by Spanish classical guitar?
That’s certainly not so bad as other transitions.
My very favorite transition that NPR did on one of their broadcasts was this: they did a segment about cockroaches and the fact that they’ve been with us for millions of years. The way they can hide from us and the way they keep on surviving. Their music bridged to the next segment was the song. I’ll be seeing you in all the old familiar places.
NPR may be “unserious”.
But it is still dangerous.
Also, Andrew Doyle must have lied when he said he made up Titania McGrath.
Ms. Maher was clearly his model.
A distraction, almost all of my tax payments are used against me. This is a drop in the bucket and I just never listen. On lengthy car trips I listen to recorded content of my choice.
NPR should be privatized.
Sell NPR to the highest bidder.
If they did that, Minnesota public radio would snap up even more affiliates. They make pretty good money. In fact I remember long ago they bought up Pasadena City college’s station.
The House HAS acted and passed a bill to defund. Whether it will survive reconciliation with the Senate is another matter….
Read this link and act appropriately ( i.e. the opposite of what they want) by contacting your Senator
This woman’s attitudes and beliefs are sadly very common among younger cohorts of women who got sold a bill of bunk by feminists; Men are ‘bad’, all masculinity is ‘toxic’ and so on. Dave Chappelle was absolutely correct in observing that ‘chivalry is dead and women killed it’.
gop never defunded the npr gangs
while the blmplo mob succeeded in defunding the police
NOW WE KNOW WHO (continues) to run America