Anti-Israel Activists Planning Multi-City ‘Blockade’ on April 15th With Aim of ‘Causing the Most Economic Impact’
“There is a sense in the streets in this recent and unprecedented movement for Palestine that escalation has become necessary: there is a need to shift from symbolic actions to those that cause pain to the economy.”

Anti-Israel activists are planning a multi-city protest that will block streets, ports and other choke points with the goal of causing disruption and economic pain.
The plan is to do this in cities throughout America and around the world.
Organizers have set up a website to plan their actions:
Coordinated Economic Blockade to Free Palestine
A proposal to coordinate a multi-city economic blockade on April 15th in solidarity with Palestine recently received overwhelming commitments to participate around the US and internationally.
The proposal states that in each city, we will identify and blockade major choke points in the economy, focusing on points of production and circulation with the aim of causing the most economic impact, as did the port shutdowns in recent months in Oakland, California and Melbourne, Australia, as just a few examples.
There is a sense in the streets in this recent and unprecedented movement for Palestine that escalation has become necessary: there is a need to shift from symbolic actions to those that cause pain to the economy.
They also created this video:
The left-wing site Popular Resistance is promoting this:
Mutual Solidarity Agreement for April 15
We will act in solidarity with each other in the face of attacks from the media, politicians and the police and the Zionist project. We will support each other in the following ways:
If one city faces police repression, other cities will extend or expand their blockades or initiate other actions in response if able to the best of their abilities and capacity.
We will not attack each other or each other’s actions on social media or to the press. We will hold a post-action debrief so that we can raise principled critiques among ourselves in a constructive manner rather than publicly.
Every city will take responsibility for choosing and planning their own local actions. Fellow organizers will not discourage or denounce each others plans because solidarity means affinity, not ownership.
If you have any travel plans for Monday, you might want to adjust your schedule accordingly.
Featured image via YouTube.

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“I just want to make a difference.”
Bad and worse are different.
I have four wheel drive
Response to on civil servant
Run them over.
This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated.
am glad that the understand
“there is a need to shift from symbolic actions to those that cause pain”
Where and how much pain can we cause them?
Send them ALL to Gaza to fight for Hamas where they belong.
Time to get the scooper trucks ready.
Aside from the fact that this is a favored group, wouldn’t RICO apply to this apparently co-ordinated and financed effort?
Yeah. So? Leftist prosecutors won’t charge ’em, leftist judges won’t hold ’em.
“Proud Americans.”
If you hate this country so much, why not move to Palestine and join the effort there?
Or, move to any other Islamic country and experience the same deprivation, oppression, poverty, viol.ence and misery that has resulted in hundreds of millions of hypocritical, Muslim ingrates leaving those countries for the peace, prosperity and stability of secular, democratic, western countries — while contemptibly refusing to renounce or criticize the malignant and pathology-laden Islamic ideology, in any way, shape or form.
“Any other.” This must come as news to the hundreds of ex-pats who live and work in the Gulf States which are quite clean, safe, modern, and violence-free.
The ex-pats don’t live “in country” so much as in ex-pat cities that are highly guarded.
They are also living in countries where the people doing the (non-hi tech) work are often imported indentured servants. Not the teeming masses of locals. The “Gulf States” export all their problems to other places – like Gaza.
Long odds Thad has never been there.
I have; Riyadh, 1987.
Wow, you must love appeasing totalitarian and fascistic ideologies, like a dim-witted, myopic, naive, useful idot appeaser and enabler!
I hate Muslim supremacists and Islamofacists.
And, it’s a plain factual matter that “Submission” is an intrinsically and immutably supremacist, fascistic and totalitarian ideology that has been animating its most fervent adherents to evil acts of genocide, rape and atrocities, against non-Muslims, since its wretched inception.
How are women, homosexuals and non-Muslims treated, in the average Islamic country/society? Do enlighten us, you ignorant and hypocritical twit.
You really have no idea what you’re talking about.
Soooo are you including the gulf states that beat women on the streets if their hair slips out and becomes visible, or killed by their families with no consequences cause they posted a video of themselves dancing, or perhaps the ones stoning women(not men) for being an adulterer..,,Those “modern and violence free states”? …do tell
You want economic pain, there’s your huckleberry.
That sounds remarkably similar to the leftists abandoning their socialist utopias, such as Californica, and moving to Texas, to vote for more Democrats.
Time to end this
Public letter to the cities involved: “No more standing by looking concerned with your thumb up your ass. Your police will keep the roads open, or your citizens will open them for themselves.”
Unfortunately, all my firearms were lost in that terrible canoe accident on the San Antonio River.
(The San Antonio River averages 20 feet wide and 5 feet deep, with a 3-4 knot current…)
“As a reminder that your authority is delegated by us, anyway.”
These reprobates are unbelievable.
After 1,400 years of ceaseless Muslim supremacism and Islamofascist genocides, pogroms, tortures, rapes and assorted atrocities visited against non-Muslims, worldwide — including innumerable attacks in the late 20th and early 21st centuries — global Leftist dhimmis and Dhimmi-crats gleefully throw their allegiance to the most unabashedly supremacist, totalitarian, misogynist, belligerent, hate-filled, intolerant, fascistic and pathology-laden ideology on planet Earth — the goose-stepping ideology of “Submission.”
Wow, you really hate Muslims! 😂
Just returning the favor.
No, just stating facts.
More like recognizing reality.
Hatred goes both ways. Had you ever spent any time in a Muslim majority country as an Infidel, you’d know this.
Wow you really understand Islam….,
There fixed it for you… welcome
Could your post be any less relevant?
Too bad we don’t have a department of security for the homeland dedicated to break foreign influence and terrorism in America.
It’s too busy censoring you online for threatening the political power of Democrats.
Coordinated Economic Blockade
This is an act of war. Even if committed in small lots spread across the country. An act of war. We should therefore treat the people who put up the coordinating webpage as combatants. And all of those who participate as such, as well.
If I were president, front-end loaders would be getting a workout April 15th.
I prefer bulldozers and steam rollers, personally. Could fix some potholes that way.
All hail Saint Corrie!
What they plan to do is called terrorism.
So, Mr. Biden, did amping up anti-Israel rhetoric earn you the political benefit you needed? Was it worth it? For some reason, it looks like your base is not satisfied yet. What’s next?
The police and the local DA will do nothing to these criminals as usual. However, they will arrest and throw the book at a citizen.
To Paddy,
Not in Florida.
Here the Governor, prosecutors, and judges will arrest, charge and imprison protesters who block roads
They always seem to pick the best role models as their heroes.
What is planned is violence, not speech, and while it may be tolerated in deep blue states, governors in red states are likely to take a stronger stance and should. Since this is planned effort and law enforcement knows it is coming, law enforcement, where allowed, will be prepared.
Jewish voters take note. You traditionally vote Democrat, this time stop being taken for granted and vote for your real friends, Trump and the Republican party. In NY, PA, Mi the Jewish vote matters.
Many of know all too well that the Democrats have become a completely Corbinized party and have voted for Trump twice and anticipate doing do again in November .
I’m missing who the terrorists are oppressed.
This is called terrorism.
Terrorist sympathizers should be arrested, jailed, and charged when they obstruct commerce.
Lock them up for 30 days first time offense. Second offense 12 months.
They are free to stand on the sidewalk with their signs, and take photos for their FB page. But otherwise go to jail.
Put them in a gulag to await their initial arraignment for 14 months… just like Democrats do.
Still and again, Islam is a cancer in the West.
Cancer everywhere it bumps up against sizeable number of non-muslims. India for example.
The alphabet agencies are begging for 702 to be renewed. Why? It’s right in front of them. But then again, they wouldn’t know a terrorist group from a PTA meeting. This crap is ripe for arrests. For the most part demonrats will look the other way and find some way to blame Trump and Israel. FJB
For literal truth, replace with “school board meeting.”
All major left coast cities are on my bingo cad for this one.
Arrest any and all who break the law and deport any who are here on a visa
Aggressive confrontation is the very best way to influence people! Just not the way these crazies think. Iran and its geniuses have carefully coordinated this response to the hostage-taking raid of October 7. There is a lot of money behind this effort, and a lot of crazy leftists., Nice demonstration of how public discourse is conducted in the Muslim world. The Law of the Jungle prevails.
” there is a need to shift from symbolic actions to those that cause pain to the economy.”
One suspects that would be considered a direct threat to society. The final straw and the end of public tolerance. An action drawing direct and forceful physical response by the authorities.
It certainly would in any responsible culture.
Time to go Rooftop Korean on the rioters.
Hopefully Tucker Carlson will be able to interview these anti-Israeli activists before things get out of hand.
OK, they intend to and openly say that they intend to cause pain. Noted. When someone causes pain to others it causes a reaction, and that reaction will vary from person to person. If the pain caused creates a reaction where the person hurt decides that violence is justified in return, it will eventually occur. Even if the person causing the initial pain does not feel that it is justified.
Humans being what they are, violence will escalate. It is the nature of our species. I will note that the Left is based primarily in urban areas, and the Middle and Right are based in suburban and rural areas. It just is.
Urban areas are by their nature not self-supporting and have to import food, water, and all forms of energy from suburban and rural areas. The fact that it must be imported means that it can be interdicted. And eventually will be. For instance, most stores and urban warehouses have maybe a 3-5 day supply of food. “Just in time” scheduling was invented for the food industry, and not automotive manufacturing. In the event of say a natural disaster, how fast do store shelves empty and how long does it take to refill them even without interdiction?
Basic rule that at least used to be known by our military; “the Logistician draws the line the Tactician dares not cross.” If someone is stupid enough to cross the line from political advocacy to attacking others to cause them harm, the consequences will be far more than they expect. Especially in this day and age when there is faith in neither impartial enforcement of the laws nor the integrity of the political process.
Subotai Bahadur
`Still waiting for the protests and riots to break out in all those Arab countries that refuse to allow in Gazan refugees or send any apparent
substantial aid to Gaza.
Even more interesting is the fact that those countries are taking no heat at all for that from the international community.
It seems that the propaganda value of Gazan ‘victims’ trumps the moral responsibility to help their brother Muslims.