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Dearborn, MI: Pro-Hamas Rally Features Shouts Of “Death To America”

Dearborn, MI: Pro-Hamas Rally Features Shouts Of “Death To America”

“it’s not Genocide Joe that has to go, it’s the entire system that has to go”

Dearborn, Michigan doesn’t even seem like the United States these days. Rather than being shocked and horrified by the Hamas invasion of Israel that included savage butchery, rapes, torture, baby-beheading, and the kidnapping of innocent Israelis, including little children and the elderly, Dearborn dwellers celebrated.

During some kind of pro-Hamas protest thing during which one of the speakers explained that America is evil, shouts of “al-mawt li Amrika” could be heard. This translates to “Death to America.” And, of course, is followed by shouts of “Death to Israel.”

PJ Media reports:

“We’ve been asked in the past,” [Tarek] Bazzi said, “why are our protests on the International Day of Quds, why are they so anti-America? Why don’t we just focus more on Israel and not talk so much on America? Gaza has shown the entire world why these protests are so anti-America.” Bazzi went on to claim that the U.S. was bankrolling Israel’s war effort and running interference for Israel at the UN; he also referred to Hamas propaganda regarding alleged Israeli atrocities.

. . . . He invoked the Ayatollah Khomeini and charged that the U.S. was “the backbone of all oppression in the world,” to which the crowd responded with screams of “Death to America” (al-mawt li Amrika). Bazzi showed no reaction, but paused until the screams died down. Then Bazzi brought up Malcolm X, quoting him as saying: “We live in one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this earth.”

Bazzi decried the American system, which he characterized as one of exploitation, humiliation, degradation and discrimination disguised as a democracy, and added: “So when they say, ‘Genocide Joe has got to go,’ yes, he’s got to go, he’s gonna go from the White House, pretty soon he’ll go from this world as well, but then who comes next? This is what Malcolm X was talking about when he spoke of the Republican wolf and the Democrat fox. They’re both out to get you. They’re both against you. So they have the system fixed. So that either way you turn, you’re trapped. You’re caught. Until you can wake up and realize that it’s not Genocide Joe that has to go, it’s the entire system that has to go.”

These are the same sentiments, even the same words, that Democrats (whom I used to refer to as “radicals” and then as “leftists,” but let’s face it, this anti-American sentiment has taken root in the entire party now) use on a regular basis.

Professor Jacobson made the point that what we are seeing on campuses with regard to their misguided and historically inaccurate attacks on Israel are “the anti-Israel students are also the anti-American students. They are one and the same.” He’s exactly right. This is as much about tearing down America as it about destroying Israel.


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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | April 7, 2024 at 8:15 pm

Dearborn, MI: Pro-Hamas Rally Features Shouts Of “Death To America”

And ….?? That’s just the Democrat party platform. Has been, full-throated, since Barky. It’s not a secret or anything.

And yet, here they are and here to stay

    Gosport in reply to gonzotx. | April 8, 2024 at 10:16 am

    Dearborn Muslims: “Death to America!”

    Question, how many of them are either Iraqi or Afghani refugees?

    Remember this the next time some bleeding heart starts whining about the “plight of the refugees” and crying to continue letting massive tranches of unvetted military age males from countries that hate us into our country.

Anti-Zionism is the template and it all goes back to Durban, 2001, which occurred days before 9-11 and which therefore almost no one knows about.

It should have been snuffed then, but instead grew over time and then has metastisized, exponentially of late.

200,000 Muslims in Michigan

    alaskabob in reply to gonzotx. | April 7, 2024 at 11:11 pm

    Statistically, that means 30,000 are fully in support of violent jihad. As to how many will go that route…. not enough FBI agents left to monitor since the majority must be out there to get J6’s and investigate white supremacy. Hint to Dem leadership…. Antifa and BLM can’t push back heard enough if ordered to. Try playing Antifa games in Dearborn and see.

      I think you are on to something here because it seems that the lefties will all be fighting each other long before normal people are forced into it. And they are not playing multicultural intersecional bs, as we saw during the BLM burning, looting, and murder romps of 2020. Who refused to allow the BLM and antifa mobs into their neighborhoods? Oh, right, the Latin Kings. Also, legally armed and trained black people protected THEIR neighborhoods during that same period. It’s a safe be that if the occupy/antifa/blm/whatever they call themselves this year try to invade Hamas holds in Michigan, they will find out real quick they are going down. Hard. Before they even get to us normies.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to gonzotx. | April 8, 2024 at 9:17 am

    Must really keep you awake at night. | April 7, 2024 at 8:23 pm

If it is so bad, why don’t they go back to where they came from?

thalesofmiletus | April 7, 2024 at 8:28 pm

Meanwhile, the FBI is busy hunting down Christian grandmas in MAGA hats.

To be fair, standing between the velvet ropes for 10 minutes does threaten to topple the government under the new capture-the-flag game mode. | April 7, 2024 at 9:01 pm

If they don’t like it here, they can leave.

Uh, I’ve been reliably informed that DiVeRsiTy iS oUr StReNgTh.

These are the same rats that cry and kill every time any negativity about Islam or pictures of Allah are shown.
They are on a worldwide “Stealth Jihad” part of which entails political activity to change speech laws ostensibly to protect trans ppl but will be expanded to include Moslems. Scotland for example.

“Death to America.”

Interesting. Hmm, so many interpretations There really is a lot to unpack. Don’t rush to judge.

Above all, the main thing is to pretend that everything is going to be fine. Every thing is going to be just fine.

MoeHowardwasright | April 8, 2024 at 6:25 am

I was in Iran in 1979. Fortunately I was ordered back after Khomeini was brought back. I heard first hand super large crowds chanting “death to America”.
Xiden and by extension, Jarrett and Obama, are so focused on the political need for Michigan that they will turn a blind eye. That was the same tactic the Shah used. Whole families were executed just for associating with Americans and British. Anyone who worked with or talked to an American or British person was considered a spy. Tortured then executed. To me it’s frightening. Very frightening. FJB

    I wouldn’t get too stuck on the idea that Biden’s cabal is just doing their anti-Israel shtick for votes in Michigan. They’re not really fans of anyone who fights back (unless they can be used to overthrow current Western Civilization in doing so).

It’s just why Muslims can’t be Americans. Tom Hanks in Bridge of Spies had a nice speech on the matter (that apparently he personally didn’t take to heart): the rules are the Constitution, and if you agree to the rules, you’re an American. If not, not.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to rhhardin. | April 8, 2024 at 9:15 am

    “It’s just why Muslims can’t be Americans.”

    What a brilliant observation from the local dilettante/rape apologist. I’m surprised you didn’t season this insight with some copy and paste middlebrow philosophy quotes to show off your intellectual bona fides.

      Hodge in reply to Thad Jarvis. | April 8, 2024 at 11:20 am

      So Thad…

      Leaving the Ad Hominem attack aside for a moment, can we assume that your position one doesn’t have to accept the Constitution as a governing law in order to be an American; that one can disregard it and view say, Sharia Law, as overriding?

        rhhardin in reply to Hodge. | April 8, 2024 at 5:09 pm

        Did you know that ad hominem arguments classically used to be the opposite thing, namely an argument designed to appeal to the interests and conceits of the opponent. Today’s version ought to be called a contra hominem argument.

          Hodge in reply to rhhardin. | April 8, 2024 at 5:26 pm

          That’s interesting – thanks.

          I only know it in its garden variety

          “Ad hominem(Latin for ‘to the person’), short for argumentum ad hominem, refers to several types of arguments that are fallacious. Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. “

          rhhardin in reply to rhhardin. | April 8, 2024 at 6:06 pm

          A real life example discovered on the internet, long gone now:

          Some time since I had a pleasant discussion with a university professor who held that faith and knowledge are in inverse ratio. As the area of knowledge enlarges, he claimed that of faith diminishes correspondingly. Once people accepted by faith what has since become known, and science has thus made faith superfluous in all such things. The professor admitted, however, it was not likely that knowledge would ever entirely banish faith; there would still remain some unexplored regions where faith could find room, and so preachers could still find a field for their activities. I came back at this professor with an argumentum ad hominem, “Is it true,” said I, “that the more knowledge your wife has of you, the less faith she has in you? And is it true that the more you know of her, the less faith you have in her? In your home are faith and knowledge in inverse ratio? If so, I pity you both.” It is not true that knowledge excludes faith. The more you know of your family physician, the more faith you have in him. The more soldiers know of their general, the greater their faith in him; else the army is in a bad way. The more we know of our friends the more faith we have in them. The greater a man’s knowledge of nature, the greater his faith in nature. Intelligent faith is not weaker than ignorant faith.

R. Stoddard | April 8, 2024 at 8:32 am

Samantha Powers has informed me through anonymous sources while I was asleep last night that in Arabic “Death To America” means “Let us all live and let live.”

And according to other fictional sources, Thomas Friedman says that in Farsi “Death To America” means “All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance.”

Yeah, it’s all fun and games until the shooting starts! There are millions of well armed Americans who will defend our Country when the time comes. Believe it!

Same behavior by muzzies after 9/11.

“These are the same sentiments, even the same words, that Democrats (whom I used to refer to as “radicals” and then as “leftists,” but let’s face it, this anti-American sentiment has taken root in the entire party now) use on a regular basis.”

I hope this fact catches on quickly among the politically disengaged.

These subversive, Muslim supremacist and Islamofascist thugs are so evil and transparently hypocritical.

They vilify the U.S. for supporting Israel (as tepid as such “support” is, at the moment), while standing on U.S. soil, enjoying the freedoms, peace, prosperity and tolerance which was denied to them in their birthplaces/countries of heritage, under oppressive, impoverishing and violent Islamic rule.

In other words, these reprobates (or, their parents and grand-parents) have fled the pathologies and deleterious consequences of the ideology of “Submission,” but, instead of criticizing that ideology and the destruction and death it causes, they continue to propagate it and defend it, while on U.S. soil.

When terrorists threaten you believe them and act before they prove it.

I thought we had learned this long ago?

There is nothing to be concerned about, people.

Chris Wray and Jake Sullivan (the National Security Advisor of the entire United States of America) and our Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas are on the case. Also Border Czar Kamala Harris. And President Joseph Biden.

And Secretary Of State Antony Blinken

These are experienced, competent individuals with long track records of policy successes. For Americans and for the whole free world.

How reassuring it is to sleep at night knowing that these people — these talented, competent people — are working diligently together looking out for our safety and security.

Lucifer Morningstar | April 8, 2024 at 12:33 pm

You expect the chants of, “Death to America!” to come from the ayatollahs in Iran but I would never have imagined that the chant would be used in a protest in the United States. And these are the people that Joe and the Biden regime are pandering to in their desperate attempt to shore up their numbers for the upcoming Nov. 2024 presidential election. Disgusting, But here we are and there we go.

What is this if not declaring war on the United States? The very definition of “sedition”? Arguably of the word “treason”? (Yes, Milhouse, I recognize it is defined for legal purposes in a manner you deem unuseful against these sorts of people.)

Run “em out of virgins!