Analysis Finds Black Athletes Are Ignoring NAACP’s Call to Boycott Florida Colleges
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Analysis Finds Black Athletes Are Ignoring NAACP’s Call to Boycott Florida Colleges

Analysis Finds Black Athletes Are Ignoring NAACP’s Call to Boycott Florida Colleges

“The dark picture painted by the NAACP has not swayed athletes in the past month”

This is encouraging. The NAACP’s call to boycott was absurd.

The College Fix reports:

No black athletes have taken up NAACP Florida boycott: analysis

Black athletes do not appear to have any interest in taking up the NAACP’s boycott of Florida over its Republican-led policies, according to a College Fix analysis, which identified at least 35 of the top-ranked black student athletes in basketball and football who recently signed with universities in the Sunshine State.

“To all current and prospective college student-athletes – the NAACP urges you to reconsider any potential decision to attend, and compete at a predominantly white institution in the state of Florida,” the March 11 letter had stated.

“This is not about politics. It’s about the protection of our community, the progression of our culture, and most of all, it’s about your education, and your future,” stated the letter stated, also addressed to NCAA President Charlie Baker.

The letter criticized Florida and Gov. Ron DeSantis for eliminating diversity, equity, and inclusion spending at state universities and other initiatives.

“Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has made no effort to conceal his administration’s devaluation of Black America,” the NAACP wrote. “From racist voting policies, to unraveling reproductive freedoms and attempting to rewrite Black history, DeSantis has waged war on Black America.”

“Now, as a result of his administration’s anti-Black ideals, all state-funded universities in Florida will be forced to dismantle their diversity, equity, and inclusion programs,” the NAACP wrote.

The dark picture painted by the NAACP has not swayed athletes in the past month, a College Fix analysis found.

The Fix identified 35 of the top-ranked black student athletes in basketball and football, two high profile sports, who have signed with Florida universities.

The Fix shared this list with the NAACP and asked for comment. The group has not responded to two emailed inquiries sent in the past three weeks. The Fix sent another email on April 4 to Press Secretary Alicia Mercedes and Public Relations Manager Chyna Fields, asking if anyone has decommitted. Neither responded to the email.


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So they weren’t fooled? Good.

henrybowman | April 6, 2024 at 6:53 pm

I suspect that this generation of athletes cares as much about what the “Uncle Toms” of the NAACP have to say as today’s Second Amendment activists care about what the “logrolling Fudds” of the NRA have to say. The blinders are coming off.

    diver64 in reply to henrybowman. | April 7, 2024 at 6:03 am

    The “leaders” in charge of both groups have made themselves irrelevant by either taking more and more absurd stands to try and remain in the spotlight or make decisions based on their own self interest, usually economic” that have nothing to do with the people they are supposed to represent. Wayne and the NRA are a prime example of this.

College athletes, especially high level ones, are like every other person. They will act in their own economic self interests. If the exposure they gain attending schools in Florida increase the chances of a professional career they will go there no matter what the NAACP or BLM says. Besides, the weather in Florida is much nicer than Michigan, Ohio or Pennsylvania.

I’m so sure that black athletes are going to “boycott” a full ride scholarship to top sports program like Univ of Florida that has won 47 national championships, and gets wall to wall coverage on TV.


The Duke d’Escargot | April 7, 2024 at 4:36 pm

I wonder whether many of these kids have even heard about the NAACP call to boycott Florida and DeSantis.

I would also question whether most of them know what NAACP stands for — and I mean that in a positive way.

Th reality is that American teens have experienced absolutely nothing that the NAACP was created to try to rectify — especially teens in competitive athletics, which is essentially entirely performance-based.

My guess is these kids would literally say “F-ck off” to anyone from the NAACP. which I mean as a compliment.

That kind of threat, erm, “advice” from NAACP would only have teeth if NBA, NFL, MLB and other national pro sports organizations would refuse to draft or recruit any black athletes holding scholarships from Florida universities and colleges. Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to happen. If it did, NAACP would have put its large, overly expensive athletic shoes in its mouths, depending on which face it was talking out of that day.