Biden Said He Told Netanyahu They’ll Have a ‘Come to Jesus’ Meeting
“I’m on a hot mic here. Good. That’s good.”

President Joe Biden told the prime minister of the Jewish state they’re going to have a “come to Jesus” meeting.
He was also happy he was caught on a hot mic.
OK, I wanted to rant about telling a Jewish person you’ll have a “come to Jesus” meeting but there’s more to it.
In other words, do what I say and instill a ceasefire.
How else do you interpret Biden’s words? It’s obnoxious and rude, especially since the old man is happy the hot mic caught his words.
President Biden: "I told him, Bibi, and don't repeat this, but you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting."
“I’m on a hot mic here. Good. That’s good.”
— Sawyer Hackett (@SawyerHackett) March 8, 2024

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Bibi should respond and say, “After you”. Frankly, a lifetime of Saturday confessionals won’t be enough for Old Yeller.
I have a big problem with really evil people being given a few Hale Mary’s and being absolved of responsibility. Religion can be a good influence, there are also a lot crooks using a cloak of religion as cover for their bad behavior.
Biden worships in The Temple of Democracy. His liturgy was last night.
That’s not really how Catholic absolution works.
Thank you, Milhouse, and may God bless you.
Bibi: Tell the Kenyan Fanook GFY
A real funny one would be Bibi telling Jesus to GFY as Jesus casts him into hell for all eternity, but unfortunately Bibi doesn’t know Jesus. Therefore I will continue to pray for Bibi and all lost people to get saved from eternal damnation by accepting Jesus as their Savior.
Another Good Christian (R) heard from.
I respect Christianity for having instilled Western civilization with a monotheistic faith. I do not, however, respect Christians who think their form of monotheism is the only form of monotheism.
The first Beatles albums were mono… 🙂
So was, and is, nucleosis.
You have to believe in Christian monotheism to be a Christian. You have to be a devout religious Jew to believe in the One G-d. We can respect others’ beliefs but not accept them. Oh… and try that in a devout Koran believing society and see how far that gets you beyond dhimmitude. Sorry you feel that way…. by the way …why does this bother you?
My boss is a Jewish Carpenter.
My approach is one of live and let live. If a Christian wants to believe in Jesus, that’s fine with me. It should also be fine with Christians if I don’t believe in Jesus. Unfortunately, for most of post-Constantine European history, it has not been fine with Christians that Jews did not believe in Jesus. Only with the establishment of American civilization has there.been a change in attitude. So, as a Jew, I get very prickly when someone like ‘bill hell’ says what he says.
The problem is that most Protestants (and many Catholics as well) believe that if we don’t believe in Jesus we are bound for Hell. If they truly love us then that must bother them, and they must wish they could do something to persuade us to let Jesus save us.
Imagine there’s a flood, and there’s someone treading water, and you’re on a rescue helicopter that has tossed a rope to them, but they refuse to grasp hold of the rope and be pulled up, because they’re convinced that the helicopter is even more dangerous than the water. If you care for them you’ll do all you can to persuade them to let themselves be rescued, and if you can’t convince them you’ll be sad about it.
Now imagine that this is not taking place on Earth but on a planet with an ammonia atmosphere, and your “rescue” helicopter has an oxygen atmosphere. In such a case the guy treading water is correct that coming into your helicopter would not be a rescue but suicide. And that was what Rabbi Akiva told Papos ben Yehuda.
Why the hell does Legal Insurrection allow this crap to be posted here? All the good work that LI and Professor Jacobson do is tainted by the bigoted comments. E. Howard Hunt is almost just as bad.
Maybe because he allows discernment by the reader. All they do is tarnish themselves..
Can it, bonehead. You’re one of the most insulting, low-wattage trolls here. If Professor Jacobson banned the other guy, he’d have to plonk you too.
Do better.
Sorry, you lost me there. What’s objectionable about “bill hell” saying what is pretty much standard belief for Protestants? Their religion says there’s no way to salvation except Jesus, no way to the Father except through the Son, so why should they not say so? I don’t understand why so many Jews take offense at this. We don’t agree with them, but this is what they believe, what they have to believe, so who are we to take offense at it? Are we to demand that they change their religion to spare our feelingz?! That makes no sense; it’s the same bigotry against Christianity that you’re complaining of in reverse.
I’m not offended by the Christian who wants to “save” me. I don’t need his “salvation”, thank you very much, but he thinks I need it, so I appreciate his concern. I am offended by the Christian who shares that same belief but doesn’t try to persuade me to accept his god because he’d rather see me go to Hell than risk offending me.
I once had. a teacher say that to me in high school for which my whole class erupted in laughter, knowing I was 1 of only 3 Jewish kids in the whole school (by the way I told the teacher—you can try but I’m not really interested). Figures that high school kids are smarter than politicians. Of course my spoon is probably smarter than Biden.
The joke is that it’s just something Sloe Joe read off a note card. He neither thought it up, knew what he was doing, nor had any remembrance of it an hour later.
From what I’ve seen of Biden and his behavior for more than 50 years, a coming-to-Jesus moment will be Old Joe’s first?
“Ya know, Joe, on that abortion business which you support and encourage, I had something to say about that. Do you remember? You’ll find it in Deuteronomy 30:19?”
Blowhard 10% Joe doesn’t have very long before he comes to judgement, and then instantly is cast down. He is a puppet now, but had a lifetime of crookedness.
Joe should enjoy what power he has now but power as always is fleeting.
Soon, the drugs he is receiving will no longer work and every family members will take advantage of him.
Then, he will pass and he will be judged by God and our lord Jesus Christ. Saying he was a good Catholic is not going to help.
I am sure that Netanyahu knows that the West Bank should get the Gaza treatment. There are plenty of terrorists there.
Am I the only one who thinks Biden only discusses foreign policy with his imaginary friends after getting dosed up by Dr Feelgood? (hattip to the author of that article yesterday)
Biden has had imaginary friends such as Corn Pop for a long time, but in the last few years his brain function has deteriorated to the point (no doubt exacerbated by medication) that it has blurred for him the line between reality and illusion.
Hunter probably has a clearer mind while under the influence of cocaine than Joe does in his most lucid moment.
I think Cornpop is probably real story
But the characters were reversed in Joes mind. He’s the one who got his ass kicked for creeping on little kiddies at the pool
Surely Joe deserves the way Jill abuses him.
Well, we’re ALL going to have a come to Jesus meeting in the future. I would argue that Biden’s will be more … fiery than Bibi’s. Regardless of where Bibi ends up.
What a f*g clown.
It would make my day if some pious jihadi escorted Joe to a Come to Allah meeting.
biden doesn’t have the Balzac to say that to Bibi without Secret Service protection.
Biden doesn’t know if he said that, or if he thought he said that since the line separating them as blurred. He doesn’t know what year his son died or what year he was VP–within say 5 or 10 years.
Is vile crime boss, Biden, going to have a “come to Allah” moment, with the rabid, evil, goose-stepping Abbas and leaders of Hamas?
He already had a Come-To-Buddha moment when he bent the knee to Xi Jinping. But they had to give Old Yeller 10%
I haven’t seen any polling that aims to (publicly) measure Biden’s current support among Jews, particularly in head-to-head match-ups with Trump. I’m hoping that high-profile Jews like Michael Rappaport – a lifelong, bedwetting liberal – who are distancing themselves from the Democrats turn out to be representative of the larger demographic. If you’re a Jew (I’m not), and you plane on voting for Joe Biden, good luck. You – and your children and grandchildren – going to need that an a whole lot more.
You are only as valuable as your vote and donations to the Dems. Do neither and get abandoned.
Agreed, but, to take your analysis even further, we can extend the repercussions to apply to American Christians, as well. The destructive and deleterious consequences of the vile Dhimmi-crats’ malignant and corrosive rule are not exclusively reaped by American and Israeli Jews.
Actually there was a recent poll that showed a majority of NY Jews plan to vote for Trump.
How could Biden tell Bibi anything about Jesus. Biden has no soul, and Satan will claim his own.
Biden is an acolyte of Satan.
Gonna be interesting when The Brandon Administration discovers that Israel has its own imperatives.
Kinda like telling those deplorables you’re gonna destroy their way of life and they industry their livelihoods depend on. Abuse people hard enough, eventually they might realize they are on their own … at best.
What if the despicable Joe Biden is senile like a fox?
The senility he frequently shows sure came in handy in his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur. It gave Hur a basis and a plausible rationale to recommend non-prosecution of Biden’s alleged involvement in the mishandling of classified documents felonies.
I am captured by the thought that to Biden this is all a game. Do you remember Robert Mueller and how he acted during his congressional hearings? Did Biden go before Hur and pretend he was old and confused when he testified?
There’s too much evidence to not support a diagnosis of dementia including a finding of mediocre intellect. Does Biden have an underlying narcissistic personality disorder like Obama has?
If not, his progressive speechwriters do. If he does, it would explain his angry behavior and his exaggerated memory of his personal history.
Nonetheless, what we have here is a very dangerous and disturbing combination for Biden in positions of power, especially when surrounded by sycophants and skilled operatives, marxist ideologues, and political manipulators.
Look at how cavalier Dementia Joe can refer to a real leader trying to make sure his country and people can survive. This is all a game to Senile Joe. These are very sad and dangerous times for the USA. I pray for the IDF, Israel, BiBi, and the preservation of Western Civilization every day. A little bad polling from Michigan and look what these leftists can resort to, without a second thought. Very sad.
I’d like to be a fly on the wall when biden has his own “Come to Jesus” moment.