Denver Asks Property Owners to Rent to Illegal Immigrants
Denver has started closing the temporary hotel shelters as arrivals of illegal immigrants have dwindled.

Those who run Denver, CO, have asked property owners to rent to illegal immigrants for less than $2,000 a month.
Denver has started closing the temporary hotel shelters as arrivals of illegal immigrants have dwindled. The city needs to cut back on costs.
Jon Ewing, who works with Denver Human Services, told KDVR the city “put out a feeler to all the landlords” it has “connections with.”
Mayor Mike Johnston announced at the end of February that the city planned to close four hotel shelters, a move he argued could save the city some $60 million from an anticipated $180 million in newcomer support expenses. The number of people staying in these shelters reached about 5,200 in mid-January, though currently there are fewer than 2,000 currently being sheltered, according to city data.
“For ongoing housing, we’re trying to do more and better at the case navigation that gets people directly from shelter opportunities into housing, or into workforce options for normal travel, and so that continues to be our focus and it’s been successful for us over the last five weeks,” Johnston said last week at a press conference about shelter closures.
Local nonprofits and community members have also stepped in. They have also “connected folks with all kinds of housing, all over Denver.”
Yoli Casas, executive director of ViVe Wellness, claimed that some property owners have already “reached out about turning their Airbnbs into apartments and renting them out at a discount to help new immigrants.”
My question is…where?
I wrote about Aurora, CO, telling off Denver to stop sending illegal immigrants. The city even had to double down on a resolution declaring itself a non-sanctuary city.
Other cities and towns have done the same thing.
Denver has tasted what it’s like to be a sanctuary city. The numerous illegal immigrants shipped to the city have put a strain on the community.
Denver Health has warned that it is on the verge of collapse because of all the illegal immigrants. They don’t have insurance or money:
In 2023, Denver Health provided about $136 million in care that it didn’t receive compensation for, CEO Donna Lynne told the Denver City Council’s finance and government committee last week. That figure includes care to people covered by Medicaid when the rates the program paid didn’t cover the full costs, she said. About $100 million of that went to people living in Denver.

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Hear me out
If there is no shelter, food or job, maybe they will get the message and go home.
I went to school to be an engineer, not an economist. So, this is all very confusing to me. Do you think letting 10-million+** additional people into the country in a 36-month period is going to have an inflationary impact on the cost of housing as well as a deflationary influence on wages, particularly for unskilled laborers?
**there are only 10-states that have more than 10M people in them, that is how much 10M is. Seems like a lot, right?
And I’m sure the 10 million (a govt. #) is a lowball.
The election is coming up.
You can replace the current occupant of the White House and get this mess under control, or you can re-elect the current occupant and things will get worse.
The choice is yours.
It is going to take a lot deeper “vote harder” than replacing Biden.
The electorate needs to shift enough to throw these bums out at every level, from dog-catcher on up.
True. Start with local clean-up to include active participation in your County GoP to select your County GoP Chair. Then expand to State and CD.
We can elect Trump for the third time, but will this one stick?
If it does not, and the election is blatantly stolen again, then it kind of makes further elections pointless, doesn’t it?
Subotai Bahadur
“Ask” today, DEMAND tomorrow….
“Denver has tasted what it’s like to be a sanctuary city. The numerous illegal immigrants shipped to the city have put a strain on the community.”
And government will happily put that strain on you. Any landlord who opts to make such a stupid, and in some cases dangerous, decision deserves what s/he’s in for.
For that matter so does anyone who refuses to relocate from a jurisdiction where this sort of insanity is occurring.
Compel by The Weeknd.
Have them give me a call. I know a quick way that they can save $180M. In Portland all of the cheap motels are now owned or rented by .gov which allows the better ones to charge more and thus the 15% occupancy tax they collect is even greater. The grift in these people is strong.,-122.5624544,3a,75y,340.01h,81.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suMqCwxuBeu3eSSuyR2yGGQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
What is interesting is that google is now reverting to older street view images. This one is two years old, and more recent images would show a facility that rembles a German WWII concentration camp. They have already had fires and one murder inside the compound. None of these places will ever be suitable for “humans” again.
So, anyone care to comment on what is “right” with this picture? The Homeless Industrial Complex in Portland is the largest provider of jobs these days, at taxpayer expense, of course. And don’t say that we voted for it, because we don’t count the votes.
I’m dumb and easily confused, so can someone explain to me where illegals are going to get money to pay rent, since companies can’t legally hire anyone without a SSN.
Are there enough churches, and illegal immigrant support groups to pay the $60M to $80M the city is expecting to save?
Uncle Sugar.
NGOs funded by Progressive Davos sorts.
NYC has adopted a program that will pay the rent for one year for any illegal who moves out of the city. I think the program only applies inside of the state. But, I’m not certain. Like every problem government created and can’t solve, it’s simply going to throw increasing amounts of money at until the problem….gets even worse.
They have work permits, so it’s completely legal to hire them, if they want to work.
Americans should give up their homes to illegals and move to Mexico. Make Mexico great, clean it up and make it a descent place to live. Then, after sucking this country dry, Mexicans will migrate the opposite direction and take it away from you.
Heck yeah! Swap Cali, Oregon and all of the northeastern US for Mexico. I’d move in a skinny minute if the gov would buy me out.
The current wave of illegal aliens ain’t Mexican for the most part. They are largely from Central/South America, Africa and Asia.
You forgot the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
Grant you E Europe but see below.
And China.
China is in Asia and so is the ‘Middle East’. The most commonly accepted dividing line between Europe and Asia is the Dardanelles Strait aka Hellespot and/or Strait of Gallipoli. IOW Turkey is in Asia and is the western most boundary of Asia (+/-).
They’re hardly ever Mexicans these days. Guatemala or south, or from all over the rest of the third world.
Does Colorado or the City of Denver have anything comparable to renter’s rights laws? If so, what recourse does the benevolent owner have when the renter stops paying?
Any landlord who wasn’t born yesterday is way ahead of you.
Of course, that leaves the naive AirBnBers who see steady (in place of intermittent) rental revenue. Until, of course, it stops completely (but the “renter” is still there).
“Rent to own”…
….suggestion first, force later.
Ain’t that the truth. Get out while you can.
“ newcomers “
F ileagal alien thugs
Stop repeating their BS
Will the landlord be able to evict in the event of non-payment? Destruction of property? Criminal activity? I’ll wager not.
Will he be able to keep them from r*ping other tenants?
Given that many of the invaders are members of criminal gangs, the answer is no. Stopping rapes would interfere with their native folkways.
Subotai Bahadur
So to me it looks like the city is asking landlords to basically take one for the team. One would have to suppose that they’re not renting those properties at that rate now so to do so would be to do it at a loss. That’d be a hard no.
Depends. As an AirBnB or VRBO, the asking price may well be higher… but you might not maintain a fully-booked calendar, and there are services you are expected to provide “guests” that “tenants” would be expected to do for themselves. The big risks here are property damage and eviction costs.
arrivals of illegal immigrants have dwindled
Abbott is slacking! Hire more buses, Governor!
When TX closed off easier avenues of approach across open areas which funneled traffic to Ports of Entry manned by CPB much of the illegal alien traffic diverted away from TX to the West into NM, AZ, CA. So TX’s supply of illegal alien arrivals has slowed down considerably.
Even my deepest blue 94 yo mother-in-law said last night that it appears Biden is speaking someone else’s words. She further went against everything she has said in the past that governor abbott was exactly correct by sending all of those illegals to sanctuary cities and that has changed the way Americans think about the border.
She said all that with a smile because we have had many discussions about these matters every week when we go out to dinner with her and didn’t actually want fess up to agreeing with my point of view.
Sure rent to aIllegal, with no legal job, and a alias from the US Government
They’re all honest. They won’t take nothing. Honest.
I think it is a beautiful thing to see the woke Denver voters get absurdities like this thrown at them by their elected officials. The Denver voters’ loud collective response should be something along the lines of: “”THANK YOU! MAY WE PLEASE HAVE ANOTHER?”
Wokeness has a price tag, and the woke should step up and pay it in full.
The woke aren’t landlords… they’re renters themselves. They don’t care.
Not going to happen. Send the invaders back where they came from. They are NOT supposed to be here and there is absolutely no way in Hell I’ll be giving them a place in my house.
The government may have other ideas about who lives in your house, with or without you. Denver and Boulder are the Leftist hearts of Colorado.
Subotai Bahadur
It’ll mean I get arrested for arson and murder. I will not roll over.
Been there, done that… well, actually, tenant did it to himself. And he did get his own drunk ass out, but not his dogs, The best part of the experience was pocketing the insurance payout, not rebuilding, and never again having to work hard to find trustworthy renters.
Oh snap, no more vacancy at denver hotels?!
You mean there’s not unlimited resources?!
Why would leftists tell us something that wasn’t true?!
Second place (to Massachusetts) in the Stupid Idea Sweepstakes is not a good look for Denver. Go full retard, or go home.
I’d LOVE to see their proposed lease agreement.
Not to mention the modifications which will be required to their landlord/tenant laws.
Let’s see, you want me to lease my property to someone without any background (other than law-breaking), no credit, no means to pay a deposit, etc. etc., and most of all, no means to enforce my rights against squatters or rent skippers. Yeah, bring it on.
But they are “refugees”.
Don’t you have any “compassion”?
I used to have compassion. Now I have suppression. And dot sights.
An item that will not likely grace the local news outlets: the mayor and the city council are taking the lead on this request by providing food and housing for at least two families each in their homes for the next two years.
Free bus rides to colorado ski resorts for illegal aliens??
Fill up those hotel rooms at taxpayer expense??
In a time long ago, during a crisis, elected officials would lead by example.
But yet they have a huge indigent population of homeless AMERICANS they do not help.
The Democrat Communist Criminal Terrorist Organization of America, is not going to be very happy.