Blue States, Cities Using COVID Funds to Support Illegal Immigrants
“This means the Biden Administration directly subsidized ‘undocumented’ immigration under the guise of COVID-19 pandemic relief.”

I’m not shocked that these blue states and cities have used the money specifically for COVID-19 to handle illegal immigrants.
You wanted to be a sanctuary state and city:
According to a Fox News Digital review of state and local programs, Democrat governors and mayors earmarked at least $517 million for the programs, which generally consisted of providing cash payments to individual illegal immigrants. The funding reviewed by Fox News Digital was drawn from the American Rescue Plan (ARP), the $1.9 trillion federal COVID-19 stimulus package President Biden signed into law in March 2021.
“This means the Biden Administration directly subsidized ‘undocumented’ immigration under the guise of COVID-19 pandemic relief,” a recent report from the Economic Policy Innovation Center stated, pointing to how federal ARP funds were diverted to illegal immigrants in Washington state.
Overall, in addition to Washington, Fox News Digital identified such a funding mechanism in Illinois and New Jersey, and the cities of Washington, D.C., Chicago, Denver and Boston. The jurisdictions, in particular, used funding from the ARP’s Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, which was designed to help local governments recover from the pandemic.
We learned two weeks ago that Washington state used $340 million from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF), which was created by the American Rescue Plan Act, to help illegal immigrants.
The illegal immigrants received $1,000 checks.
Illinois put aside $71.8 million in ARP funds for illegal immigrants. Chicago did the same with $14.7 million to give illegals $500 checks.
A month ago, Chicago then used $95 million of COVID funds on illegal immigrants.
Because, as we all know, Chicago is in tip-top shape. If you won’t use the money for its rightful purpose, then return it or use it for something worthwhile.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
All this shows is that any earmarked funds are in fact placed into the general fund for whatever goodies the locals want.
Democrats can smell out slush fund money like a hog can smell out truffles.
I own hogs on my farm. None of them have a clue how to smell out truffles unless they have been trained for it. You need to talk to a real farmer instead of the “farmers’ on the Internet.
You do understand that there are many types of farms, most do not have pigs?
It was an obvious allusion to a truffle pig. Don’t be intentionally dense.
Since that’s not what those funds were meant for, anyone doing that should be imprisoned for fraud.
But, won’t be.
Sadly, they’re fine per the legislative language I’ve seen. Pots of money allocated for “relief” to be identified later, with tons of discretion for the folks who dole it out.
“Here’s your cut of what we grabbed. Just remember where you got it.”
Moral: No “funds” to be dispersed at discretion, only mandated dispersal. Now let’s do
ministriesagencies with goals and scopes vs. specified activities.Misused funds should be recaptured immediately, even if puts them into bankruptcy.
Mr. 10%’s huge unfunded mandate will cost Joe Sixpack, including, but not limited to:
Increase housing costs, due to increase of demand.
Also, we get these as an added bonus:
Third world disease
Rationing of medical care
Crime (murder, robbery, theft, dui, etc)
All your money are belong us because stolen elections have consequences, and the ruling class has no interest in correcting any of the systemic failures in the process.
We ain’t voting our way out of this, folks.
So, you are saying that all of us here at LI should not even bother to vote in the nest election? Is that your solution?
That’s not at all what he’s saying, Hog Farmer.
Try again.
To clarrify: We ain’t only voting our way out of this, folks.
Vote all you want, but keep your powder dry.
Well. Here’s my shocked face.
What did we expect when we have an illegal regime subsidizing the infiltration of military aged males to invade our county?
We get to pay for our own demise.
But I am glad that liberal cities and states are doing this.
When these invaders start implementing their takeover plans, liberals get the shit hitting the fan first.
Sorry. Not sorry. I hope it hurts.
“It’s hard to believe a country with as rigorous expense control as the United States managed to find itself $34.2 TRILLION in debt.”
-Said no one, ever.
The clincher of that story out of Wa (Jason Rantz— the goat for conservative news) is it sounded like there is a boat load of COVID money still in limbo- meaning those blue states will still be clawing at that money to direct it to their pet projects.
Note that ALL of the bipoc / LGBTQ counselors who were hired at woke school in Wa were kept on and they instead laid off teachers and support staff when enrollment plummeted in 2022 and 2023.
Why? Because this is COVID money. That’s what they are doing with it. Case study- Olympia School District.
One of the things I miss most (next to family) about Wa is taking our annual vacation to celebrate our privilege during BLM week in the Oly school district. I no longer have an excuse to pull my kid out of school to go to Florida or Mexico in early feb.
Irony on that story- we ironically bumped into others from our school district visiting florida during that week
This was a boondoggle from the outset. Congress approved the funds with almost zero restrictions on how they are spent.
Once the full history of just how monumental a scam Covid mania actually was is written in a concise book plenty of folks gonna be PO. Unfortunately most people won’t bother to read such a book. Many of those who do read it will praise the many boondoggles and the tyrannical actions of the totalitarians in Fed, State and local gov’t who shutdown the economy, the schools and places of worship as ‘necessary evils’.
The only people punished for misappropriating the funds have been individual actors lacking Party approval.
The celebrated inability of the DOJ to find J6 pipe bombers, White House cocaine traffickers, the original fingerprints from Oswald’s rifle, and any of the two dozen crimes Joe Biden has committed, that kicks in only when the culprit benefiting boasts a gold DNC membership card.
welll duh
while fjb ignores sctous and continues to burden the middle class with
cancelling of student loans to the continues leftification of our monetary system
its over unless the gop steps up and stops any and all money going to education etc
any funding of socialism destroys america
start with that
you want to fund lefty causes; pay them directly from your lefty pockets
You do understand that your SSI contributions were paid out as SSI benefits to those who were retired during your working life? There isn’t any pile of cash with your name on it in DC that the Social Security admin will use to pay your benefits when you reach retirement age.
There’s about $3 trillion (+/-) of SSI assets in the trust fund. ALL of those assets, every penny currently on the books, will be exhausted in a decade or less to pay current beneficiaries. At that point current revenue projections are that SSI will be able to pay out maybe 75% of benefits.
The only way to ‘give folks back their SSI contributions’ would be to liquidate the trust fund by selling the bonds they hold. Several issues there, first the bonds are legally not marketable, second there’s not enough $ to refund everyone completely, third and most importantly almost every current beneficiary got back every cent of their contributions during the first five years they drew an SSI check. Self employed recoup ‘their contributions’ at about 9/10 year mark for the folks who were max payers their whole working life.
“first the bonds are legally not marketable”
Because they’re funny money, printed out as needed on an office laser printer and then locked in a box as if they meant something. Every one is an IOU from the government to itself. They’re as ridiculous as that meaningless trillion-dollar coin the fiat kings were promoting to create even more new money out of thin air. :
Whew! Thank God! They’re “legal.”
Worthless, but completely legal.
True that the SSI trust fund is intergovernmental debt but not really ‘funny money’ in that it was not created out thin air; there were actual productive wages collected as the basis. It is a fiscal issue not a monetary policy issue.
In contrast the Fed Reserve balance sheets contain the true ‘funny money’ bonds the Fed Reserve bought to fund the Covid mania; $6 Trillion +/- of ‘magic’ money that didn’t exist in the economy prior to being created with the wave of the Fed Reserve and Congress/WH colluding to do so.
The bottom line though is SSI assets will be gone in a decade or less. At that point revenue into the SSI system will be able to pay out maybe 75% of benefits. Folks need to plan for that. Especially the Boomers and the few remaining Silent gen.
Generation X and younger have understood that SSI was not gonna deliver as promised for a long time. Keep in mind that these younger generations have paid in at the higher post 1986 SSI reform rates their entire adult working life. Those of us in Gen X and younger ain’t gonna accept higher SSI taxes to fund Boomer benefits if the Boomers won’t accept some cuts themselves. Especially b/c the Boomers and Silent gen were so resistant to making changes to reform SSI when those changes would be less painful for everyone.
Gonna be a shock to many when benefits are cut by 25% in 2034 ish and we don’t have the money from general taxation revenue to make up the shortfall. Heck we gonna spend more on debt service for the $34 + trillion federal debt than on DoD nest year, came close to that this year. By 2034 the federal debt gonna be closer to $55 Trillion and the debt service much more costly.
“it was not created out thin air; there were actual productive wages collected as the basis.”
Oh they were certainly collected all right.
The “bonds” in that box represent that money in the same way that your grandfather’s gravestone represents your grandfather.
The SSI trust fund has always paid out to beneficiaries and it will.continue to do so as long as it has funds remaining which is about a decade +/-. Heck there’s only about $3 Trillion remaining in there and at this point that’s about 9% of the on budget federal debt of $34 Trillion+. It ain’t with the political headaches for Congress to simply seize it and tell everyone tough cookies. They will wait until the last minute to do something assuming that some sort of fair comprise with equal burden sharing across the generations can be reached. IMO the Boomers and Silent Gen gonna howl and moan and try to make Gen X and younger pay more in SSI taxes while attempting to immunize themselves from any benefit cuts. That dog won’t hunt.
Instead we get traitors who vote for Americas demise WITH the Progressives…and wonder why they are losing their base to Trump.
Money is fungible week at LI.
That was the only thing that Fat Ass Fanny said that was true.
And the context in which she made that statement was a blanket invitation to a civil forfeiture action.