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Hawaii Investigating Five Cases of Whooping Cough in One Visiting Family

Hawaii Investigating Five Cases of Whooping Cough in One Visiting Family

“There have been nearly 90 confirmed cases of pertussis in Hawaii in the past five years, including 28 linked to three outbreaks.”

Hawaii’s Department of Health started investigating five cases of whooping cough within one family visiting from the mainland.

The infection has hospitalized a child.

None of the five people had a whooping cough vaccine:

They had all traveled from the mainland and stayed at a hotel on Oahu.

DOH officials have not identified any close contacts after the family’s arrival, but they are working to notify travelers who were exposed.

There have been nearly 90 confirmed cases of pertussis in Hawaii in the past five years, including 28 linked to three outbreaks.

The last case was confirmed in March 2023.

Pertussis — a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by bacteria — can cause severe coughing fits up to 10 weeks or more, followed by a high-pitched “whoop” sound when breathing in.

You know how you prevent whooping cough? You get the vaccine. I get not taking the COVID vaccine, a rushed vaccine that is pushed on everyone. But get the vaccines that have been around for a long time:

“The best way to protect you and your loved ones is to stay up to date with recommended whooping cough vaccines,” said DOH in the release. “Two vaccines used in the U.S. help prevent whooping cough: DTaP and Tdap.”

Children younger than 7 years old get DTaP, while older children, teens, and adults get Tdap, DOH said, and those who are pregnant should get a Tdap vaccine during the third trimester to help protect their baby early in life.

The department advises seeing a doctor as soon as possible if you or your child are experiencing symptoms such as runny nose, fever and violent and rapid coughs, struggle breathing, or turning blue or purple.


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Whooping cough is something I haven’t had, but according to my sister, an RN with an MS in nursing, it *kills* babies. Older children and adults can survive, although it’s a very bad time if you get it.

I can’t see any justification for a healthy person refusing a vaccine like Pertussis.

    healthguyfsu in reply to wmbclark. | February 16, 2024 at 12:14 am

    TDAP is the combo vax that works well. Tetanus diphtheria and pertussis.

    That said, some people do have bad reactions when you combine them together like that.

    Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite in reply to wmbclark. | February 16, 2024 at 5:41 am

    If you know you will be around a newborn, infant, or baby (any child under seven, actually) you really should get the pertussis vaccine.

    jhkrischel in reply to wmbclark. | February 16, 2024 at 10:26 am

    Sadly, I don’t trust the medical establishment anymore. I don’t trust that these things have been tested properly (or their adjutants), I don’t trust that they are manufactured to specification, I don’t trust that they are stored and cared for properly, I don’t trust that they are administered properly.

    And if that means babies die when they didn’t need to, that’s on the heads of those who betrayed our trust in the first place.

They used to have enough sense to screen all the people coming in for diseases and such. Unfortunately Common Sense isn’t a thing anymore

    healthguyfsu in reply to Ironclaw. | February 16, 2024 at 12:24 am

    What are you on about? Screen them where? These people were legal US residents (no way to get to HI otherwise) traveling in the US and whooping cough has been endemic to the US for its entire history with outbreaks on and off.

    Would you have preferred that they have their rights violated for refusing a vaccine?

      CommoChief in reply to healthguyfsu. | February 16, 2024 at 7:58 am

      While I mostly agree with you on the point there isn’t any information in the article that states these were US Citizens, only that they arrived from the mainland.

      During the Rona mania HI refused to admit folks who didn’t have proof of Covid Jab and required a quarantine for arrivals. It played havoc with the tourist business. They still have a five day quarantine for those arriving from international (non US) departures.

        healthguyfsu in reply to CommoChief. | February 16, 2024 at 11:50 am

        You can’t fly to Hawaii without proof of legal residence. They don’t just let anyone board a plane…the exception for that proof is a flight chartered specifically to move illegals a la Biden.

        Hawaii is somewhat immigrant friendly but I don’t think they are just taking undocumented immigrants for family vacations. The most likely deduction is that they are legal US residents, but that’s why I didn’t say citizens.

There are a bunch of different acronyms for the diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccines. They were reformulated because they were associated with some vaccine injuries, febrile seizures. The newer US formulations are said to be safer. At one time, there was a chart at the CDC website showing that these vaccines safer, and meet the less than one per million doses injury rate promised to American parents.

The FDA was so much more responsible in its handling of these vaccines than the experimental shots for COVID.

The CDC website has become dramatically less informative than it once was. It has a hell of a lot of print, but very little information.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Valerie. | February 16, 2024 at 9:31 am

    >>The FDA was so much more responsible in its handling of these vaccines than the experimental shots for COVID.

    And you can thank Trump and his idiotic program “Operation Warp Speed” for the production of the modRNA serum that ultimately did more harm & damage than Covid ever could have.

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Lucifer Morningstar. | February 16, 2024 at 12:05 pm

      LoL. Guess there’s at least one Only Trumper™ that just won’t admit that the modRNA serum was developed during the Trump administration and Trump’s very own “Operation Warp Speed” was the reason that the FDA abandoned any remaining safety & efficacy standards they may have had left to push the modRNA serum onto an unsuspecting public.

        nordic prince in reply to Lucifer Morningstar. | February 16, 2024 at 2:43 pm

        Nice try, but they’ve been working on mRNA “vaccines” since the ’90s, long before Trump took office.

        Pejorative epithets are unnecessary and make you look childish.

          Lucifer Morningstar in reply to nordic prince. | February 16, 2024 at 4:38 pm

          Nice try, but every trial of modRNA serums has failed their trials for safety & efficacy and haven’t been approved by the FDA until Trump ordered the FDA to relax its safety & efficacy requirements under hIs “Operation Warp Speed” program and give the modRNA serum an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) in months instead of the years it should have taken for full FDA approval.

          Pejorative epithets are very appropriate here when dealing with Only Trumpers™ and their penchants to gaslight and attempts to re-write history to cover-up Trump’s numerous failures.

          COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign

Whopping cough is a horrible death for infants. How effective is the whopping cough vaccine? Of the 170K children (mostly infants) who die every year of whopping cough, less than a dozen of them are in the US.

There are a number of hugely consequential predictable reactions driven from the dreadful COVID vaccine rollout. But, none of those reactions are more dangerous than the growing, broader ‘anti-vax’ sentiment that is beginning to grip the nation. At more than 5 (almost to 6), the US infant mortality rate is already one of the highest in the developed world. For some comparison, Hong Kong’s is 1.5, Finland’s 1.7.

CDC should dramatically scale back it’s laughably large – and constantly growing – vaccine schedule and refocus on diseases, like whopping cough, that are serious and potentially deadly for children. Do we really need to be vaccinating 15-month olds for the MOSQUITO-BORN Dengue Fever or Monkey pox, the sexually-transmitted disease acquired almost exclusively through male homosexual sex? Probably not. Let’s get back to basics and rebuild trust on so-called ‘public health.’

    nordic prince in reply to TargaGTS. | February 16, 2024 at 11:27 am

    Trust squandered is difficult to regain. I for one would be hard-pressed to lend any legitimacy to western allopathic medicine.

    They really screwed the pooch with their totalitarian approach to “covid.”

      healthguyfsu in reply to nordic prince. | February 16, 2024 at 11:54 am

      Then you are an idiot. Science-based medicine has saved more lives than any other advances in history. If you want to go talk to a hippie with a mail order diploma about herbs then I guess that’s your Darwinian choice.

        nordic prince in reply to healthguyfsu. | February 16, 2024 at 2:57 pm

        Really – disagreement is your basis for name-calling? Can’t you stand someone arriving at a different conclusion than yours?

        I would posit that science has killed just as many lives as it has saved, and that doesn’t make me a “hippie.”

        All kinds of outrage has been perpetrated on the unsuspecting public, all in the name of “science.” If “covid” hasn’t made you even the tiniest bit skeptical, then that’s your problem, not mine. Go ahead and follow “science” like a blind lemming, but I prefer to examine things before I take a flying leap of blind faith into the arms of “science.”

    healthguyfsu in reply to TargaGTS. | February 16, 2024 at 11:52 am

    At one point, the US was counting certain abortions in the infant mortality rate. If this is still the case, then it might explain the huge discrepancy.

That’s what you get, folks,
For mak’n whoopee.

destroycommunism | February 16, 2024 at 11:26 am

guess the “spirit of aloha” failed on this one

Dolce Far Niente | February 16, 2024 at 12:03 pm

Whooping cough is readily treated with antibiotics; a vax is certainly not the only option as it is for viral diseases..

Not going to mention this anywhere?