‘Cornell Has One Administrator for Every Two Undergrads’
“Cornell created more than 1,100 new positions in a decade, going from 6,619 administrative and support staff in 2013-14 to 7,764 in 2022-23, according to the data.”

And people wonder why college is so expensive. Our own Professor Jacobson is quoted in this story.
The College Fix reports:
Cornell has 1 administrator for every 2 undergrads, analysis finds
Cornell University employs one administrator for every two undergraduate students, according to an analysis by The College Fix.
During the 2022-23 school year, the most recent data available, the university had 7,764 full-time administrators and support staff, according to information the school filed with the federal Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System.
Administrators and support staff include management, student and academic affairs divisions, IT, public relations, administrative support, maintenance, legal, and other non-academic departments.
Full-time student enrollment that year was 15,685, making the ratio of undergrads to administrators and support staff 495 to 1,000, or one to two.
Comparatively, a decade ago, the Ivy League school had 460 administrators and support staff positions per 1,000 undergrads during the 2013 school year, IPEDS data shows.
Cornell created more than 1,100 new positions in a decade, going from 6,619 administrative and support staff in 2013-14 to 7,764 in 2022-23, according to the data.
Full-time undergraduate enrollment also increased by 1,305 and teaching and instructional staff by 352 across that same 10-year period, but the ratio of educators to students remained basically the same: about one to five…
Two Cornell professors told The Fix that they have seen a notable rise in DEI administrative hiring since the George Floyd protests in 2020.
“DEI has become a campus administrative obsession, quasi-religious in nature, including not only coursework and programming, but events and a ‘land acknowledgement’ read at campus events and attached to administrative emails,” law Professor William Jacobson told The Fix in an email Monday.
Randy Wayne, a research scientist and professor of biology, told The Fix in a phone interview last week that he believes DEI is taking away from the teaching mission of Cornell. In recent years, Wayne said he has watched the number of classes decrease and the number of DEI efforts increase – including in STEM fields.

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“he believes DEI is taking away from the teaching mission of Cornell.”
No, what did that was replacing the teaching mission to the “become a paycheck mill for administrators” mission that was triggered by the federal takeover of the student loan industry. Once the spigots were opened, the hogs bellied up to the trough. Students were no longer the end product, they were the byproduct — the excuse.
Stanford has Cornell beat. Stanford has more administrators than undergrads:
I question the data. The measure should be total students (undergrad, grad and professional0 not just undergraduates. This is because the staff supports all three types of students.
There are many employees who are not “academic staff” but have an independent mission: Cornell operates a large veterinary medicine hospital and has cooperative extension offices in every county in New York State. There are also large research-related staff supporting ag research, super computing, and even one of the most powerful atom smashers in the world. Cornell has an impressive library and an art museum. Is this study measuring the growth of DEI employees or the growth of these other employees?
Okay. Total 2022 enrollment, undergrad and graduate, is 25,898. That’s still one administrator for every three and a third students. How many of those administrators are doing something that benefits the students, even remotely, and how many are engaged solely in taking in each other’s washing?
Check out Vanderbilt. I think that got this beat.
At UNC Chapel Hill the consultants hired by UNC showed the admin grew 18X faster than the student body since 1980. It’s just another large parasitic bureaucracy with some students for window dressing.
An unavoidable byproduct of a march through the institutions by leftist parasites is parasitic reproductive growth.