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The Elephant in the Room Week in Education

The Elephant in the Room Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

There was a common theme in quite a few stories this week. See how long it takes for you to notice it.

The problem is everywhere.

The Claudine Gay saga continues.

So true.

Legal Insurrection gets results!

The left has learned nothing.

She sure thinks a lot of herself.

This is going to happen again.

We need more people to do it.

A wall you say?


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Our system of Higher Indoctrination is a disaster, and it may be doing more harm than good.

There are ten times as many African elephants as Asian elephants in the world. Is this purely biology or racism? These disparate population data strongly suggest African, elephantine privilege resulting in a dark-continent herd mentality that stampedes over the rights of the Asian pachyderm.