Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy Endorses Trump for 2024, Would Consider Working in His Administration
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Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy Endorses Trump for 2024, Would Consider Working in His Administration

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy Endorses Trump for 2024, Would Consider Working in His Administration

“I believe Donald Trump will win, I believe that Republicans will gain more seats in the House, and that Republicans will win the Senate”

In an interview with CBS News, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy endorsed Donald Trump for president in 2024 and said that he would consider joining Trump’s administration, in the right position.

He also predicts that if the election comes down to Biden vs. Trump, that Trump will win.

Politico reports:

McCarthy says he will support Donald Trump in his 2024 election bid

After announcing this week that he would resign from Congress before the end of the year, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy endorsed Donald Trump for president.

“I believe Donald Trump will win, I believe that Republicans will gain more seats in the House, and that Republicans will win the Senate,” McCarthy told CBS News’ Robert Costa in a prerecorded preview of an upcoming interview.

“I will support President Trump,” he said when asked whether his warm words were an endorsement of the former president.

McCarthy, who clinched the speakership after 15 votes in January, was ousted from his position in October after hard-right conservatives lodged an effort to displace him. They publicly said that his work with Democrats to keep the government open defied a deal over how Republicans would approach negotiating the budget. And Trump, who still looms large over a prominent group of populist conservatives in the House, did little to stave off the effort in McCarthy’s hour of need.

Watch the video below:

Speaking of Kevin McCarthy, there is a stunning clip of him making the rounds on Twitter/X right now.

The Blaze has details:

GOP Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California has said that when he was attending a State of the Union address, the Democrats looked “like America,” while the Republicans looked “like the most restrictive country club in America.” He went on to tout the election of Republican women and minorities that has taken place since that point.

He has made the comments on at least two occasions, including while speaking to the Oxford Union and during remarks at the DealBook Summit.

I don’t know what McCarthy was thinking when he said this.

Not only was this a stupid thing to say, it simply isn’t true. The GOP is more diverse today in every way than it ever has been before now.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Of course he would.

    Trump values loyalty above all else. Above competence, above intelligence, above wisdom, above everything. So when McCarthy endorses him, Trump gladly accepts it. Yet for over 2 years on this LI blog Trump supporters have relentlessly attacked McCarthy as a RINO, GOPe, globalist, one worlder, treacherous, backstabbing, supporter of illegal aliens, aligned with the Democrats, working to destroy America, etc etc etc. I guess the next thing that will happen is the Lynne Cheney and David Brooks will endorse Trump. At least we now know whose side Trump is really on.

“I believe”

Everything this man says is a lie

Of course he would, it’s his only chance of staying relevant.

Just like Romney begging Trump for a cabinet position. Funny how Romney didn’t find his sacred ‘principles’ until after he got rejected.

No possible way Trump puts this RINO backstabbing clown anywhere in his administration.

    henrybowman in reply to Olinser. | December 10, 2023 at 12:47 pm

    On the contrary. Donnie will hire him in a minute. Hiring badly is Trump’s achilles heel.

      To Trump’s credit, the pool of non-swamp creatures who are qualified to work in the DC swamp is shallow, so many of his hires were hired for their good points while kinda-sorta trying to ignore the bad points. Barr for example (hey, don’t throw rocks until I’m done) wrote a scathing denouncement of Weissmann’s stupid theory of “Obstruction of justice doesn’t need corrupt intent to be charged.” He was the perfect candidate to head up DOJ before Mueller produced his report, because Weissmann was trying to stuff dozens of ‘obstruction’ charges into the final report, and Barr hammered them down with existing case law and precedent, even to the point of producing that epic 4-page summary (which is all the press could read) while the full report was being redacted. Now what Barr did later…

      At least he wasn’t a Scaramucci.

… while the Republicans looked “like the most restrictive country club in America”

So says the former leader of the country club. Quickly the snake sheds its. He’s a sniveling fifth columnist. We’re damn lucky to be rid of him so soon.

Wants a job? Trump could hire him to wash his range balls at mar a lago.

Ambassador to Italy. Plum diplomatic job and safely out of the way.

Put him in charge of shutting down the DOEducation or Dept. of Energy.

agree with the statement
Trump hires badly

thalesofmiletus | December 10, 2023 at 2:41 pm

“…we look like the most restrictive country club in America.”

He says that like repealing the CRA and restoring Freedom of Association is a bad thing.

Maybe Trump will endorse him for the Senate seat of CA. That is like the kiss of death.

McCarthy was dumped by Trump supporters, led by Gaetz.

Some people just don’t know when to shut up. He will always be known as a disgraced politician who quit on his party and the people of his district.

ITT Trump supporters are mad because this makes their narrative look bad.

If Trump is truly anti-GOPe as you all say then shouldn’t he reject this endorsement?

    LOL, he didn’t reject the endorsement of Black Lives Matter. No way will he reject this. Heck, he’d embrace an endorsement by Hamas. You know it. I know it. And, actually, they know it, too, but they hide from the truth so much and so hard that they would never admit it out loud.

I e never been a Matt Gaetz fa, I think he’s a showboat and a blowhard, BUT he was right about McCarthy and showed courage under fire on this one.

Why would anyone hire a quitter?

How kind of him, but I’m sure he can be of good use outside of the administration.

Eastwood Ravine | December 10, 2023 at 6:16 pm

Good way to get him out of the way would be to make McCarthy an ambassador to some third-world country.

Subotai Bahadur | December 10, 2023 at 7:12 pm

“. . . his work with Democrats to keep the government open defied a deal over how Republicans would approach negotiating the budget.”

Given that one of the most blatant and serious problems that conservatives have with the GOPe is the fact that they specifically promise to do all sorts of things legislativelt and then dependably micturate all over those who they made the promise to; this is no small thing.

Subotai Bahadur


Useful indication that there’s a slight breeze in an orange direction.

Who knew a guy with so little backbone could yet be a weather vane.

Kevin McCarthy: “When you look at the Democrats, they actually look like America. When I look at my party, we look like the most restrictive country club in America.”

McCarthy is right. Dems do look like America. The America that has lost its moral compass, dignifying the death of innocent babies, rewarding law breakers and advocating for the decay of a nuclear family.

Bucky Barkingham | December 11, 2023 at 6:55 am

He’s just gotta find another sinecure job.

Everything is on the table … or under it, depending on how you want to play it.

BS Dem lawfare or not, DJT 1) has no clear path to the nomination, never mind 270 EC votes; and 2) doesn’t MAGA as good as DeSantis.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to KY Squatch. | December 11, 2023 at 5:36 pm

    I am not saying that Trump has the nomination locked up. Anything can happen, and indeed this cycle is kind of a distorted reflection of 1968, which is very much not a good thing. However, to say that Trump has no clear path to the nomination, when he leads all polls handily at least now before the Republican delegate selection process has begun would imply that said process is as rigged as a Democrat controlled election. Which means for Trump supporters, there is no reason to remain Republicans.

    Before 1854 American politics was dominated by two parties, the Whigs and the Democrats. The Whigs split over a number of issues, of which slavery was only one, and the Republicans were born in 1854 and the Whigs withered away. Today’s Republicans are at risk of becoming the modern Whigs.

    There is enough foreign and domestic hostility that it becomes reasonable to note that the First Civil War began after the 1860 election. Fortunately, the successors to the Whigs won the election before hostilities broke out so that the country could fight to remain intact. The Confederacy was mostly Democrats.

    We are in a position that I think [and others feel free to jump in and differ] is as perilous as before the First Civil War, and are indeed at risk of the collapse of both the Social Contract and the Constitution in any Second Civil War if such should occur.

    I am NOT speaking against DeSantis personally. But I am noting that if either Democrat lawfare or Republican Party maneuvering outside of the normal nomination process blatantly removes him from consideration it will make a huge part of both the Republican base and the general public view the electoral process as illegitimate. There is no good way for that to end.

    Subotai Bahadur

      BierceAmbrose in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | December 12, 2023 at 12:35 am

      Federalism is being renegotiated in an information environment like we’ve not seen before. One hopes we can sort this out without a shooting war. Nothing is certain.

      The tensions in the large are more or less: what’s central vs. distributed; what’s mandated vs. supported; what’s within govt vs. without?

      These same are also playing out in Europe, in the UN, and in various selff-appointed NGOs. The question they don’t answer is “by what authority?” As Supreme Emperor of All the Things — selff-proclaimed but that’s how this works — I declare their shenanigans null and void. So let it be written; so let it be done. See, how easy that is?

      Most recently I heard again of the US federal voter skew in a lecture by Stephen Kotkin. Taking several federal elections, one candidate won over all, but lost once the margins from NY and Cali

      BierceAmbrose in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | December 12, 2023 at 12:56 am


      … but lost once the margins from NY and Cali were taken out. Put another way, some states are perfectly happy to impose their preferences on others, through federal govt. And they’re loud when they don’t get their way. Some people ditto, and ditto.

      Related, there’s a wonderful book — The Thirteen American Arguments — that includes this sliding tension between more consolidated vs. less, plus a dozen other running tensions.

      It’s hard to make everyone sanguine about electronic home power meters when that same utility has been profoundly screwing up billing and payments for several years, now. Worse for the controligarchs, Solzhenitsyn’s work got out before there was the consumer internet, ubiquitous access, and everybody carried a supercomputer in their pocket.