CAIR Executive Director: ‘I was Happy to See’ Hamas Terror Attack on Israel on October 7
“And yes, I was happy to see people breaking the siege and throwing down the shackles of their own land, and walk free into their land, which they were not allowed to walk in.”

CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) Executive Director Nihad Awad gushed over Hamas and the massacre of Jews at the American Muslims for Palestine convention in Chicago.
Awad disguised his admiration for Hamas by using “Gaza” and the vague word “people” to describe the terrorists.
“The people of Gaza only decided to break the siege, the walls of the concentration camp, on October 7,” boasted Awad. “And yes, I was happy to see people breaking the siege and throwing down the shackles of their own land, and walk free into their land, which they were not allowed to walk in. And yes, the people of Gaza have the right to self-defense, have the right to defend themselves, and yes, Israel, as an occupying power, does not have that right to self-defense.”
CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad at AMP Convention: I Was Happy to See the People of Gaza Break the Siege on October 7; They Were Victorious; the People of Gaza Have the Right to Self-Defense – Israel Does Not #Hamas #Gaza #Palestinians @CAIRNational @NihadAwad
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) December 7, 2023
AWAD: “It’s truly honoring to be here another time to speak of a platform that I believe is probably the widest and most effective platform for American Muslims and people of other faith traditions and the pro-Palestine movement to honor support the work for Palestine in the United States. The recent month and a half has shown the importance of what we can do, what we have done, and what needs to be. The subject of this discussion is Gazan context. The transformation that affected the region. I would like to let Dr. Osama Abu Irshaid (ph) to focus more on the region, on the transformation in the region. And I’m sure he will touch on issues and areas beyond the region. I would like to acknowledge the following. That when we talk about Gaza and it transformed the region I believe it also has transformed the world. The world beyond its borders. But I don’t want Gaza to stay abstract in people minds. Gaza — I would like to break it down to the following. Gaza, the people. Gaza, the men. Gaza, the women. Gaza, the children. Gaza, the leadership. Gaza, the history. The people of Gaza who we have, and many people around the world, started to learn are not only under siege, they’re not in the largest open prison in the world but they are in the largest concentration camp in the world. And that would break any society, would break any people, will starve any people, will destroy the morale and hope of any people. Sixteen years, thirty years, fifty six years, in fact, as deep — as deep in history as 75 years old since 1946, the people of Gaza more than any part of Palestine have endured the most, the harshest, the most destructive weapon system that has been created by superpowers, including the United States. The people of Gaza by any material calculation, they would have been history, they would not have resisted, they would not have stayed alive, they would not have done what they have done for so many decades. So, I hope, unlike so many people who only woke up to October 7th, the people of Gaza have been aware and living every day of October 6th, 5th, 4, 3, 2, 1 and September 30th and all the way to 1956. The people of Gaza only decided to break the siege, the walls of the concentration camp, on October 7. And yes, I was happy to see people breaking the siege and throwing down the shackles of their own land, and walk free into their land, which they were not allowed to walk in. (Cheering and Applause) And yes, the people of Gaza have the right to self-defense, have the right to defend themselves, and yes, Israel, as an occupying power, does not have that right to self-defense. (Applause) And this is not me emotionally speaking. This is what the international law says. That an occupying power has no self-defense from the territory it occupies, while we hear the entire world, hypocritical world is denying occupied the right to self-defense and granting the right to be aggressive to the occupier.”
The White House condemned Awad’s comments.
White House just put out a response to CAIR executive director's speech Nihad Awad that he was 'happy to see' the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack.
No mention of CAIR in the WH response.
From Biden spox @AndrewJBates46:
"We condemn these shocking, Antisemitic statements in the…
— Josh Kraushaar (@JoshKraushaar) December 7, 2023

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The comments of Nihad Awad are not only shocking for what he said (e.g. “Israel, as an occupying power, does not have that right to self-defense.”) but also for what he did not say as well as the audible audience reaction to his spoken remarks.
He did not mention the destructive focus of Hamas on the militarization of Gaza when those $Bs could have been much better spent on improving the lives of the locals.
He did not mention the gleeful brutality of the Hamas criminals when they murdered, raped, tortured, and kidnapped civilians but only vaguely mentioned freedom as if it was a walk in the park (e.g.. “I was happy to see people breaking the siege and throwing down the shackles of their own land, and walk free into their land, which they were not allowed to walk in”)
Until the Arabs (people, leadership, and foreign supporters) focus their energy on the betterment of the Palestinians and recognize that Israel is a legitimate nation, then there is no hope for lasting peace.
Also, watch Steve Emerson’s “Jihad in America: The Grand Deception” documentary, remember that this was before 9-11.
Seems plain enough. Keep in mind the Biden WH is partnering with CAIR to ‘combat Islamophobia’. This organization is the SPLC in a shemagh.
Sounds like hate speech to me, no?
Dear IDF: Need a new target?
A Nazi by any other name. Truth in advertising.
That was the first thing that entered my mind while reading the article. Biden and his ilk like to claim Trump is a Nazi, when the reality is sitting in the WH right now.
Not really even another name; CAIR is affiliated with the Moslem Brotherhood, which was founded in 1928 and consciously based on the German Nazi Party.
A man who can be quoted paragraph after paragraph, and then claim to have had his comments “taken out of context”.
I’ve got your “context” right here.
Can I go pillage through his house then if he thinks it’s all a great idea?
If a muslim did it to your house, he’d support it.
No, but if someone else does it you’re free to express your support.
I don’t know why this is shocking to anyone, it’s the same evil they have been spewing for decades.
He should be deported.
Crazed rabid animal
Ahh down voted by a crazed rabid animal no doubt
Well well
If one says out loud- they hate you and want to kill you, there’s a few things you should understand.
1- They mean it.
2- They don’t care about the consequence / They don’t believe there will be consequences or they are not even a consideration in their thinking NOR a deterent.
3- They have adequate social backing to do as they say and say as they do.
4- They believe you lack will, voracity, guts, means to respond with the requisite response (because they are probably right).
Craftier minds might believe this can end peacefully or be held at bay by some nuclear deterrent.
I’m a simple man.
Throughout history, those committing genocide generally did not ask permission, seek world approval nor were deterred by the lack of either.
Yeah, that.
Its one thing to express sympathy for children in gaza caught in the cross fire of war. But endorsing Hamas makes CAIR a terrorist org. It is the front office for Hamas. Shut it down.
CAIR rose from the ashes of:
My drill instructor years ago said that sympathy falls between syphyllis and shit in the dictionary. And I would get none of them.
I have no sympathy for the children in Gaza until the children of Israel are safe in their homes.
An unforgiveable truth is that there are many Jewish children who will never be safe in their homes, because they are dead, horribly dead. If those who supported this do not die, then no child will be safe.
Endorsing terrorism doesn’t make it a terrorist organization.
If CAIR engaged in terrorism, it would be shut down under RICO. If there were convincing evidence that it had given Hamas material support it would have been shut down ~20 years ago and its officers thrown in prison. It was not indicted because prosecutors believed there wasn’t enough evidence to convince a jury of it.
CAIR is an advance force, understand their history. Thye should be shut down and jailed.
Is this man a Muslim?
The question is important, and I am not the first to ask it.
Pope Benedict asked about violence by Muslims in his Regensburg Address, and asked if our oh-so-secular countries would understand the answer:
And Muslim scholars answered.
On October 13th 2006, one month to the day after Pope Benedict XVI’s Regensburg address of September 13th 2006, 38 Islamic authorities and scholars from around the world, representing all denominations and schools of thought, joined together to deliver an answer to the Pope in the spirit of open intellectual exchange and mutual understanding. In their Open Letter to the Pope , for the first time in recent history, Muslim scholars from every branch of Islam spoke with one voice about the true teachings of Islam.
They said Islam is an Abrahamic religion, and relies on two core Commandments. The second of these is “Love Your Neighbor.”
HAMAS repudiates this fundamental principle of Islam, in both word and action. Their founding document, the Hamas Covenant is a pledge to commit genocide, and specifically excludes the possibility of peace. Ever. This is an expurgated translation.
They have repeatedly affirmed their intent, which is genocide, and is not limited to Jews.
They have made a point of, not merely killing their neighbors, but also escalating the obscenity of their actions toward their neighbors,
and using their own civilians as human shields,
The old Saudi King recognized what HAMAS is,
As has Mosab Yousef, a son of one of the founders of Hamas
Like the Iraqis, Israeli Arabs are starting to conclude “these are not Muslims.”
“Can you tell me what Islam we are talking about?”
That question is asked by an Israeli Arab man whose wife was killed by Hamas
Israeli Arab schools American
Is this guy from CAIR a Muslim? It doesn’t sound like it. Is Hamas a Muslim group? It doesn’t sound like it, to me.
If “Love your neighbor” is a core principle of Islam, it seems quite clear that both Hamas and Nihad Awad repudiate a core principle of that religion.
So, are they Muslims, or are they Muslim heretics?
“So, are they Muslims, or are they Muslim heretics?”
“The devil can quote Scripture for his purpose; An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek, A goodly apple rotten at the core.”
From The Merchant of Venice, among other things about the treatment of … wait for it … Jews.
CAIR has revealed itself to be a supporter of feral savagery. Basta—.
May the Mossad pay him a visit.
I guess we should all be glad when the IDF removes Palestinians from Gaza.
After all, “From the River to the Sea, Israel shall be free!”
See how that works?
Of course he celebrated. I’d be shocked and say he’s lying if he didn’t admit doing so.
I want to see the donor lists and cash amounts flooding into CAIR’s coffers for October and November. I’d like to catch Tlaib and Omar and the rest donating to CAIR.
CAIR donates to them
And Hamas is stealing the humanitarian aid….
There is literally nothing anyone can do to a believing Muslim that they didn’t deserve
Note I said believing
Where is the Mossad when you need them?
CAIR = Committee to Avoid Islamic Responsibility
CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) — an organization for telling the US how to relale to the Islam they front. for their sponsors’ benefit, on presumes.
Should we have expected Awad or anybody from CAIR to condemn Hamas for Oct 7? CAIR is an ally of Hamas. They are a despicable organization.