‘Abandoned Twice’: Daughter of Freed Hostage in Critical Condition Rips Apart Red Cross
“The Red Cross refused to bring her her medications.”
Elma Avraham, 84, a freed Hamas hostage, remains in critical condition.
Tali Amano, her daughter, ripped apart the Red Cross for not bringing her mom the medications she needed. From The Times of Israel:
“My mother didn’t deserve to return like this,” she says. “My mother was medically neglected. The Red Cross refused to bring her her medications. She arrived with a heart rate of 40 bpm and a body temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, on the verge of losing consciousness and injured all over.
“She was abandoned twice — once on October 7, and a second time by all the organizations that should have saved her,” Amano charges.
“I hope they haven’t managed to defeat her,” she says, in an expression of hope that she’ll recover.
“We pulled ourselves together real quick, managed to get her medication list together, and they made our lives really tough. They personally brought the medications to my brother, he went to meet with the Red Cross rep to hand over the meds, and they said no.” She added, “A few days later, we were protesting in front of the Red Cross building, and again we got turned away. My mom shouldn’t have come back like this. I don’t know how she’s going to get through the next few days.”
'My mother was on the brink of death when she came to us'
Tal Amano, daughter of Elma Avraham, 84-year-old freed from #Hamas says her mother was abandoned twice. First on #October7 and then by all the organizations whose responsibility it was to save her pic.twitter.com/XRhMpXag2u
— i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) November 27, 2023
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It will be a great day when the world in general and Americans in particular stop seeing the Red Cross as some magical organization.
My mom used to tell me a story about how her father went to the Cape to volunteer to dig out the Hurricane of 1938, and the Red Cross would not give them any food etc.
She remained adamant about never giving a penny to the Red Cross.
My mom also railed against the Red Cross…. ‘follow the money’ she would say. Does the head of a ‘charity’ really need to be making in excess of $800K a year?
Criticism of the Red Cross is hardly new. They were also criticized during WWII for not doing their jobs and taking credit for what other NGOs like the Salvation Army were doing.
Would also change the soldiers for providing paper and postage so they could send letters home.
Yeah. My dad, a WW II Navy vet, used to say that you could always get a cup of coffee from the Red Cross . . . for a nickel.
I was told coffee was for officers only on Tarawa.
Hubby was USAAC pilot in WWII. He once flew a Red Cross employee up to Bari, Italy, to pass out donuts. She gave him one upon departure, then went on to spread her joy amongst the troops. She came back with several donuts and hubby politely asked her for another. “No,” she scolded. “You’ve already had one,” to which Dick replied, “You don’t recognize me, do you? I’m the guy who flew you here. How are you planning on getting back?”
He got his donut and became a lifelong supporter of the Salvation Army.
I remember collection boxes in schools in the 50’s, the little Red Cross pins we all got
As a nurse, I wanted to volunteer with them upon retirement
When did it all go so wrong, or was it always?
I have no way of confirming what I heard, but, knowing the Red Cross, I’d not be surprised if this is true: When Sept 11 happened, the Red Cross collected funds specifically earmarked for 9/11 relief. What actually happened was some of the funds were used for diversity training, and a nice shiny new phone system for their US headquarters.
9/11 was my cut-off as well. Not because of Grizzly’s thoughts, but that what ever money they collected because of 9/11 had issues.
1) they were SUED by family/survivors because RC had not dispersed all the money collected. Their reasoning made sense to me – they keep money in their account for current needs and the “latest thing” funding goes to replenish what they have already sent out on that. That makes sense to me, the whole point of the RC is to have funds available BEFORE the next crisis.
2) the families/survivors WON the lawsuit that they claimed was supposed to help them recover financially from the loss of jobs and family. And some immediately went out and spent it on “retail therapy.”
Therefore, I decided that I am not going to give money to an org that can be sued to act not in the best interest of their mission.
As time has gone on, however, I have heard little rumblings here and there, little things like Griz mentioned, about their “philanthropy” and not been happy.
aside: one day at Costco they were doing their “support the Red Cross” fundraiser, with an undertone of “you big meany if you say no” and I decided that this time when I say No, I was going to add “I do not think the RC is a wise use of my charitable funds.” The Costco lady smiled and said quietly “me neither.”
i gave to the Red Cross after 9/11, and I understood that the money was going into a general fund. I assumed 9/11 was the forem0st crisis of the time, but I didn’t expect all money collected to go strictly to 9/11 issues. I remember seeing Elizabeth Dole, who was head of the Red Cross, on TV making appeals for donations. I know that the Red Cross was heavily criticized aftwards, and I believe Elizabeth Dole resigned over this matter. But it was always clear to me that the money was not solely for 9/11. I think there was a caveat in the comnercials, because I understood it.
The American Red Cross is a bureaucracy with political appointments at the top of the organization. It exists to fundraise and provide jobs for a Democrat voting bloc. As a result, the RC is more concerned with books and records to survive external audits because the auditors never review operations or actual fieldwork. So, yes, it’s a sham.
This isnt specifically about Red Cross but this actress hits a home run
Read her full tweet
I love Patricia.
“In 2015, “Je Suis Charlie” was on everyone’s lips and social media platforms after the murder of innocents in Paris, particularly at the Charlie Hebdo magazine offices. What has changed?”
Whatever stance the MSM takes, the lemmings fall in line. Ask instead why the MSM was on one side in 2015 and is on the other side now.
It will be an even greater day when Israel delivers a strike to rid the world of vermin.
Meanwhile, the Pali supporters on X were busy claiming that the hostages bid Hamas a friendly goodbye, even though they were caught on camera instructing the hostages to wave.
Oh, yes, and the Red Cross claimed they had “No evidence” that there was a terrorist hangout underneath the hospitals, despite this being public knowledge for at least the last five years.
Israel should take it to unconditional surrender.
Amanpour was shocked, shocked when the former Israeli PM she was interviewing said they knew there were bunkers under the big Gaza hospital, because they, the Israelis, had built them.
Her question went: “What do you say to people, who say that you have not produced sufficient evidence of bunkers under the hospital?”
A fellow employee’s wife worked for Red Cross. She developed cancer that took her life. Early on in the fight, her job was “eliminated”.
The International Red Cross failed the Jews in World War II. So why would anyone expect anything different now?
That’s a specious argument. The American Red Cross was not established as a pro-Jewish organization. And no one foresaw the Holocaust. I get angry when assertions are made that the US should have made the main issue saving the Jews. Their main focus HAD TO BE on winning the war. We are the only nation that ever won wars fought on two fronts at the same time. Ever. So thank the men who fought and the women who manned the factories at home to make those victories possible. Real Americans made real sacrifices during WWII.
I very specifically said, the International Red Cross. I would not expect the American Red Cross to be involved in any of this.
You did. I missed that. Sorry.
My real American grandparents (who all served in the military as did my father at Okinawa) lost relatives to the Holocaust…if saving millions of peoples’ lives from Hitler wasn’t a focus for the RC, then they were truly useless
Since they would have had to work under Nazi rules, I don’t see how they could have done that. Once countries were occupied, the Nazis controlled access. Officials who did manage to save European Jews did so by faking visas and passports. They lied and cheated to do so, and they put their lives on the line.
I would like to see the condemnation of Hamas from this woman, though. The Red Cross was saying no because the Palis were saying no, I’m guessing.
The Red Cross, for a bunch of years now, has been beholden to 1) Progressivism and 2) to other people’s feelings/directions about providing help.
This woman can’t speak to what was going on with the Red Cross and Hamas on this. She interacted with the Red Cross.
“Why’d you do that?” would be a fine question for the Red Cross from the individual she spoke with, through the local admin, up to their executives, board, and sponsors.
This lady gives no reason for the Red Cross’s refusal. But we all know that the Red Cross does not set the rules for their presence in Gaza. We have all read that Hamas has refused to allow semis full of humanitarian aid into the area. If this woman’s mother dies – as well she might – it will be the fault of Hamas, not the Red Cross.
The Red X, having been around for a while, has aligned to serving the connected; people from in-groups like themselves, as happens to all institutions over time.
The next step is the official explanation that the family was doing it wrong.
It’s not like they would know — who’s the professionals here; who knows how this works? Who’s dishing out help? If the family couldn’t do it right, your help was insufficient.
Of course their help was insufficient. They could/can only do what Hamas allows.. The Red Cross probably jumped through hoops to be allowed access at all . Would things be better without any Red Cross intervention? Given the ceriticism they’re receiving, I’m not sure why they’re doing it at all.
The ICRC collaborates with the “Palestinians”. Always has. For decades it refused to allow Magen David Adom to join it and get the protection of international law for its ambulances, but it did allow the “Palestinian Red Crescent” in, and gave it those protections. The pretext, believe it or not, was that PRC uses one of the organizations official symbols: cross, crescent, or lion, and MDA doesn’t! If that wasn’t an official statement that “We hate Jews”, I can’t imagine what would be.
And I think they have an eye on the future. That they are making sure they will be welcome into the next crisis area. I wonder how some of the commentators here think things happen. Do they think Hamas takes the Red Cross presence as a given? That they just opened the gates for them and said, come on in? I have no idea who Magen David Adom is, but I believe the Red Crescent was created in response to the Red Cross. It obviously behooves the Red Cross to cooperate with them. Or the Red Cross will have no access at all. Perhaps that would be better. Perhaps it would be better if they foicused their efforts on western countries only, and let the rest deal as best they can.
My wife and I used to donate to the Red Cross every year until they called their donors racist. That killed it for us. They, like most organizations, are now run by a younger crowd with leftist ideals. They are not a neutral organization any longer but have left-wing ideology guiding their decisions. It appears that they are pro-Palestinian and their actions prove it.
Did you know that when your employer hits you up for your annual United Fund donation you can write your check directly to any participating charity?
I think of the “Red Cross” as a money laundering operation for the U.N. WHO or whatever such opportunities as may present and permit. It would not surprise me if they were a contributor to Planned Parenticide, PBS and NPR.