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VIDEO: IDF Shows Hamas Command and Hostage Center Underneath Rantisi Hospital in Gaza

VIDEO: IDF Shows Hamas Command and Hostage Center Underneath Rantisi Hospital in Gaza

This still won’t be enough to convince the pro-Hamas/anti-Jew people.

In his latest video, IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari walks through a Hamas tunnel…that leads to Rantisi Hospital.

There is evidence of Hamas used this tunnel to hold hostages, too. Remember, the terrorist group still has around 240 hostages, including a 3-year-old American toddler.

A baby bottle is on a World Health Organization box.


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This confirms in great detail what has been reported on since 2014-where were the hostages moved to and how many are still alive? Even the Red Cross states that a hospital used for military purposes loses its non combatant status and renders it a legitimate military target

This is great, but Israel’s enemies abroad will ignore it because they are either convinced that Hamas’s war is justified or they just hate Jews or both. That is what has to be addressed. They will deny that 1 + 1 = 2 if it means countering Israel.

Hamas’s war is justified because Palestinians have an average IQ of 83 and they’re not white. The entire civilized world is their oppressor but Israel is handy.

Show the pic from the Hamas parliament. The IDF is cleaning up and moral people everywhere are pleased.

This calls for celebration!!

Destory Hamas and set the Palestinians free—the dreams of all Palestinians and protestors world wide—is finally being realized.

Thank you Israel.

It won’t matter one little bit, the Communists will still support the terrorist because that’s just what they do. They have no morals or ethics

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Ironclaw. | November 13, 2023 at 7:27 pm

    They really are dumb F s. I wonder what percentage it would take of dead Pales to make them actually want peace?

God’s speed, BiBi. Make them pay and leave no doubt.

From Don Surber’s substack. 11/7, you’ll have to find it yourself for the rest.

When Palestinians attacked Israel on October 7 — raping, torturing, beheading and even burning to death civilians — Biden waited 48 hours before finally addressing the atrocities, perhaps delaying in the hope of Israel doing something so he could blame both sides. Israel did not provide that opportunity for a yabut response to the rape, torture and slaughter of civilians by the Palestinian military.

So instead, Biden said, “In this moment, we must be crystal clear: We stand with Israel. We stand with Israel. And we will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself, and respond to this attack.”

He posted a couple of aircraft carriers in the area — the Reagan and the Ford — and offered an aid package to Israel, although that aid was just wrapping for his next gift to his ATM, Ukraine, as the popularity of this war declines.

This infuriated the anti-Semitic racist who put Biden in the Oval Office, Barack Hussein Obama, who is now seeking to oust Biden and install Kamala Harris as president via the next stolen election. Anyone else would be an admission by Democrats that they screwed up in 2020. She’s an idiot? Doesn’t matter.

Whats the end game for the hamas death cult?

They are going to blow themselves up with hostages underneath hospital, as IDF closes in?