As if I needed more reasons to hate Ohio. (Go Blue!)
Ohio voters chose to add abortion to its state Constitution:
News Center 7 previously reported Issue 1 would “Establish in the Constitution of the State of Ohio an individual right to one’s own reproductive medical treatment,” according to the ballot language.
This includes decisions about abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, and continuing pregnancy.
A “yes” vote also supports allowing the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, which happens around 24 weeks. There is an exception for when it’s necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.
As of 9:39 PM ET, the YES leads the NO, 56% to 44%.
Our “devout” Catholic president is happy. From a news release via email:
Tonight, Americans once again voted to protect their fundamental freedoms – and democracy won. In Ohio, voters protected access to reproductive health in their state constitution. Ohioans and voters across the country rejected attempts by MAGA Republican elected officials to impose extreme abortion bans that put the health and lives of women in jeopardy, force women to travel hundreds of miles for care, and threaten to criminalize doctors and nurses for providing the health care that their patients need and that they are trained to provide. This extreme and dangerous agenda is out-of-step with the vast majority of Americans. My Administration will continue to protect access to reproductive health care and call on Congress to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade in federal law once and for all.
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
This abortion issue is coming back to bite us in the states. Abortion plays well among young voters. We may very well lose many state seats because of it.
Well, sometimes standing up for important principles like the right to life is more important than winning elections.
This lopsided result is disgusting and disheartening and indicative of the gullibility of the average American voter.
I hear you but to young voters it is a ‘right’ issue. To them morality plays no part in it unless an R wants to deprive them of their ‘right’ which in their view is immoral. Abortion is now a political issue since the SC tossed it back to the voters. .
Ignorance IS bliss.
Reasonable middle ground has to be found because if you’re not in power, you don’t get any say. Keep standing up for principles at the expense of political office and you end up marginalized, ignored and women can waddle into an abortion clinic as long as they’re not in active labor and kill their kid.
Except that this state amendment isn’t “reasonable middle ground” as it eliminates any reasonable state regulation of the abortion industry and hands all authority and decision making regarding abortions to the for-profit abortion industry and the abortionist doctors that run the abattoirs.
Ohio voters have just authorized unregulated abortions for all at any stage up to and including the day of birth. Hope they’re effing proud of themselves.
It was largely authored by Planned Parenthood.
I agree on a move to middle ground. It was a mistake for many of the red states to move so quickly to outright bans or 6 weeks limits. It was too radical of move after the Dobbs decision. I want to get there eventually but it takes time and education/information to get those who may buy into the “choice” marketing campaign to understand what that choice really means.
6 week limits seem perfectly reasonable. At the very least, “if the pregnancy can be terminated with a live baby, it should be”
}}} 6 week limits seem perfectly reasonable.
No, it does not. I’m no fan of it, but most of the anti-abortion arguments rest on specious grounds, or religious grounds. The Law should not be open to religious arguments, **period**, because if you want that, you’re opening it up to Sharia.
You want a muslim majority anywhere in the USA to be able to institute Sharia?
I certainly don’t. Religion should never be a basis for Law.
The rest of the arguments are specious at best. “Looks human”. Yeah, so does a wax dummy from Madame Tussauds. “Could be a human”? Well, it has this quality as soon as the egg is fertilized (and arguably, is true of the sperm and the egg before that point), so 6 weeks can’t be justified. And so on.
The BEST assertion is actually about 12-13 weeks, because, at that point, the fetus has independent brain waves from the mother’s, and that argues for an independent mind operating in the fetus.
But hey, let’s give the liberal idiots of the USA every reason to reject all the other important issues, because THIS is something the liberal power elite can make BANK on.
Intellectually I agree with you, but practically I don’t. The election in 2024 is going to decide the fate of our country and we simply cannot do what women do on the abortion issue, and that is to commit suicide over an emotional issue. Most young women will not get an abortion in their lifetime but it is a fundamental right that they do not want to surrender. There are many thousands of older women who feel the same way. To lose control of our country over this issue is stupid. We must come to a reasonable solution that will not destroy us in 2024. I believe this issue has severely hurt DeSantis in his quest for the nomination. He knew it and went with it anyway out of courage but he failed. Trump is much cagier and has refused to be pinned down on the matter and deflects as any R should. If we stand fast on this issue we will lose to the worst president in history! Think about it. On this one issue that only affects half of the population, our country can be destroyed. If the moron Roona McDaniel had any ability she would have a national campaign to counter the Dems constant threat to women over this.
I hear you about women and abortion. I have a Jewish friend from high school and her page has been nothing but “support Israel” and the kidnapped children etc. and she thanked me for posting some pro Israel stuff, and changing my profile pic. I know she is fairly conservative from way back, but didn’t like Trump. Oh well. And her page yesterday, “Way to go Ohio!” Ugh!
Mass insanity is voting for death and thinking it’s a good thing.
I was agreeing with what you wrote. You said, “This lopsided result is disgusting and disheartening and indicative of the gullibility of the average American voter.” I agree.
“Gullibility of the average American voter.” Well, yes absolutely. I gave you a thumbs up.
2,186,962 people in Ohio voted for this. They thought it was a good thing. They added abortion to their state constitution. But they were really voting for death.
I think that is mass insanity. It’s a play on words. You will notice I used two words. So I wasn’t referring to your name which is one word.
So when you said, “Well, sometimes standing up for important principles like the right to life is more important than winning elections.” You are correct! I agree with you! Thumbs up!
The problem is that the RTL people got Roe V Wade overturned and then disappeared.
They are bad political allies.
They didn’t disappear – they were never really there to begin with.
A lot of them grandstanded on abortion, but it didn’t matter as long as Roe was good law. The moment it wasn’t, that grandstanding bit them in the ass.
Probably mail in votes by the hundreds of thousands and illegals giving “back”
Another reason why donating to elections should be restricted to citizens of that state.
Ashamed of the voters of my state.
What you propose is so important yet no one dares bring it up. I don’t know if it should be a federal law or a state law but it is ruining our elections. Here in GA, between Stacey Abrams and Warnock, almost all of their money came from outside the state. He doesn’t represent the citizens of the state of GA and she never won as she claimed. Without outside money neither would have had a chance.
Next up: the “right” to kill Jews.
Voters don’t see it that way, particularly women.
particularly liberal women
I think enough “conservative” women voted for this too.
That’s right. When people, over decades of being lied to, can callously defend the right to kill a helpless baby, they can also be deceived into thinking certain other people groups have no rights either.
These people claim that people like me are science-deniers, while ignoring the science of life in the womb. Although the larger issue is God’s standard of right/wrong being ignored.
I also think one thing coming up soon will be “since it’s a right the taxpayers have to fund it and if you don’t you hate women and want them to die horribly”.
I would rather have States vote on this for themselves than have the Federal government cram it down onto the nation. At least you can move if you are that angry over it much like the exodus of blue states over taxes, crime and gun rights.
Agreed. Abortion has always been a state’s right that was initially perverted by SCOTUS.
Abortion was only regarded as a “right” when it was found in those penumbras. Even prior to Roe states that had more liberal abortion laws did not enshrine them in their constitution as rights. We need to stop using the language of the pro abortion side.
It is no more right than euthanasia, owning slaves, vigilantism, and spousal rape should be. A right is not based on whether one person shall have total power over another. If it was many laws placing restrictions of such should be scuttled and turned over to voters to make into rights.
Babies can’t move.
True. It is also true that there is no Nationwide political majority for eliminating abortion.
Abortion is IMO, a moral failure outside very narrow circumstances:
1. Life of Mother
2. Pre pain development of the fetus
Once the fetus has developed to feel pain any injury much less the deliberate infliction of torture to kill that person should be a crime. Unfortunately my view isn’t the majority opinion of the Nation.
Leave the issue to the States. Let Mississippi adopt the statutes that reflect the culture of its Citizens and let Massachusetts adopt statutes that reflect the culture of its Citizens.
That said, in leaving the issue to States it also should mean leaving funding of abortion to the States. So if the States choose to set up an alternative funded healthcare system which offers abortion that is their business. However, zero Federal taxpayer dollars should be used for it. They can set up a totally separate health insurance and healthcare delivery system to include insurance, administrative services and yes hospitals/clinics to provide abortion services. None of the currently existing networks should continue to be eligible for Medicaid or any other Federally subsidized program.
Let these pro abortion States foot the entirety of the costs for their immoral choices.
No tax dollars, period. If you want to kill your baby, go ahead. I should not have to pay for it, directly or indirectly.
I agree and that should be case at the Federal level. If you want to deny State taxes within your State you gotta get a majority coalition to support it. Easier in some States than others.
IMO the last thing we should do is push for Nationwide legislation at this point, other than to expand the Hyde amendment to deny Federal funds to entities that practice abortion.
Dobbs overturned Roe. That was our 50 year goal and that win is a big deal, we should take the W and consolidate our victory before picking more fights that we probably can’t win just yet. Proposing restrictions Nationwide is gonna undercut our political power and will provide d/prog solid majorities in Congress.
Babies are not in favor of abortion. Babies wants to live. Any adult in favor of abortion should be aborted—I suggest a synthetic womb be constructed large enough to fit adults—and then abort everyone in favor of abortion.
I agree. The states should should be in charge of the issue which means the people decide and that is what is happening. Abortion is a hot issue among young women who vote D and it is a hot issue for young men who will do anything to curry favor with the same young women.
No, states shouldn’t even have the choice to decide if murder is a right. Some things should be beyond even states to do.
So what? Enshrined murder in your constitution is not something to compromise on.
“This abortion issue is coming back to bite us in the states.”
And Teh Donuld — THE PRESIDENT WHO JUST HELPED OVERTURNED ROE — is running from it like he’s Mitt Romney.
Let that sink in.
Is he? I never thought DJT was big on culture war issues.
He’s. Not.
When all else fails
Blame President Trump
An abortion is really not “reproductive medical treatment”. Ending the reproductive process for no medical reason is not “treatment”. And the mother not wanting to have a baby is not a medical reason.
Shooting someone dead is not “[life] medical treatment”.
The abstract concepts you note are beyond the mouth breathing Ohio electorate. I’m surprised they can muster the brain power to breathe.
>>An abortion is really not “reproductive medical treatment”.<<
No, it isn't. But the liberals need to frame the issue as something other than "killing unborn babies" as that might not have resonated with the liberal sheeple as does "reproductive medical treatment". They simply use that phrase, or similar, to obscure the fact that abortion indeed does kill an unborn child. But the ones pushing for unlimited abortions at any stage know this fact, and try and hide it from the voters
I hate the decision but glad it is on the 2023 ballot and not 2024. I always figured that when Roe V Wade was overturned that a number of states would have permissive abortion laws.
I just don’t think that states with a combination or mix of large cities, significant number of college age women or affluent suburban women are going to vote for restricted abortion.
They’re not. They will never give up that get out of jail free, card.
True, though this may have unintended consequences. As an example if there is a constitutional right to make this ‘reproductive’ health decision possessed exclusively by women then there is zero further need for these women to receive any financial support.
After all this Constitutional amendment makes very plain that this is exclusively their right to decide so it is now their exclusive responsibility to provide financially for the child. No rights can truly exist without responsibility and it is past time these people were reminded of that.
Planned Parenthood and its vile supporters didn’t draft this obscenity to limit abortion. The 24 weeks cited above is a lying media distortion. It is not in the language of this amendment. This monstrosity basically allows for no limits on abortion A newborn is viable only if it can survive outside the uterus without “reasonable measures.” Interesting choice of words, a whole lot of newborns in need of some neonatal care will find themselves out of luck in Ohio. But that’s not even the worst of it. The women has a constitutional right to abort if it affects her “health,” and that includes mental health which means anything. Oh and parental notification. Yeah, that’s gone. I really blame the Ohio voters. Either they’re blithering idiots or support abortion on demand. Either way, I don’t much care for them.
All Ohio voters did not vote for this. Blame the illiterate, poorly reared products of the public schools. And of course, those who get rich off the process.
Abortion appeals to specific groups, so be it. Those people will not procreate.
That won’t stop them from brainwashing your children.
Sadly not true. Many women, particularly Millennials and Gen Z but also the younger Gen X cohort have become extremely narcissist. They crave validation and demand those around them affirm them. Same sort of women who claim they wear makeup and dress provocatively not for attention but for ‘themselves’. Same sort who post endless selfies to the IG accounts.
This sort has become the majority of women under 50. The ones who buy the lefty lies of feminism, tell us they are a Princess buy also strong/independent and ‘don’t need a man’. Then they hit age 30 or so and the sexual attention they used to receive begins to decline so they look around for a husband, get married to someone they can sort of tolerate, have a child or two. Then about 6-8 years in they decide they are bored, file for divorce and seek sole custody, child support and alimony. These are the women fueling the no fault divorce rates where 50%+ of marriages end in divorce and women file 80%+ of all divorce. These filings are not for abuse/infidelity but 90% of the time for ‘irreconcilable differences’ aka no fault divorce which is short hand for she got bored. This is part of the reason that 85% of ‘single parent households’ are in fact headed by women.
They had a guy on Twitter lamenting the fact that women in their early 30s, who really want children, have not been able to find a partner. Then, went on to say, sub rosa, that it’s the man’s fault… Somehow. Multi paragraphs of BS.
I responded, “That’s a lot of words to express the concept of blame shifting of women’s choices and attitudes onto men. They wanted it this way (don’t need no man) and now are shocked Pikachu when it comes to fruition.”
IMO there’s two real dynamics at play today in preventing formation of relationships/marriage.
1. The men have observed their Fathers, Uncles, male mentors getting hammered in divorce where our family court system is still operating on presumptions held over from 5-7 decades ago. Women initiate 80%+ of divorce proceedings and the overwhelming majority of those are not for clear reasons such as abuse. Instead these filings are based on ‘irreconcilable differences’ which seems to boil down to the Wife got bored and decided the grass was greener elsewhere. It’s a huge financial risk for men today and until the ROI changes men are not gonna be marrying at high rates. Which given the sexual revolution why would they?
2. The social media era has boosted hypergamy in Women to ridiculous levels. Many modern women actively ignore perfectly good men who match their ‘level’ and hold out for the perfect dude. The problem is the very small # of men who fit the common profile of 6ft +tall, $100K+ income, in shape and posses classic masculine features and/or facial symmetry have huge options. Those of us in this zone can date pretty much whoever we want and move on to the next. That leaves the majority of men who don’t fit the bill lonely b/c that female ‘6’ on their level won’t give their male equivalent ‘6’ a second glance b/c she’s in a situationship with a guy way above her level. Sometimes these women figure it out about 30 years old when the amount of attention or validation from men declines but by that point some of them have had so many sexual partners as to be damaged. They have so much emotional trauma and baggage that it impacts their ability to form a committed relationship.
Am I wrong in thinking great whoring usually precedes the fall of a civilization?
Widespread moral laxity does seem to be a historical indicator of a society on the precipice of a decline. IMO it is just a symptom of the argument that good times create weak people. Those weak people inevitably create bad times and those bad times create strong people. The strong people create good times…. and the cycle continues.
They still procreate but bring forth their offspring dead.
Leftist states [I am really glad that I did not move to Ohio decades ago like my dad wanted me to] are going to be Leftist. Which means in today’s America that they will push abortion like Muslims push conversion to Islam. It is a basic difference in the view of the world. One could almost say that this as a social issue will divide states as much as slavery did the north and the south in 1861. It could be the public issue, like in the civil war, that is used for a shorthand for the differences between the social contracts in states that differ irreconcilably.
Subotai Bahadur
I see it that way too
Mod it allows us to form a more perfect Nation and be rid of these monsters
Let’s roll
More proof that the Dobbs decision wasn’t the “great victory” people have made it out to be.
Dobbs was correct law, which is always a great victory.
It was not “correct law”. The right to life is fundamental, not to simply be taken away by any government, federal or state.
The Dobbs decision presumes that the states should have such authority.
It was a great victory, even if it has negative electoral consequences. People who focus too much on winning elections forget why that’s important. Why do we care about winning elections, if not to achieve victories like Dobbs?
I agree strongly. We just have to understand that it’s a victory, not the end of the war.
My concern is not about electoral consequences, but about abortion itself. Life is one of the unalienable rights, endowed by the Creator, specifically mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. Neither the federal government nor the state governments should have the power to deem abortion legal.
With the Supreme Court punting on the issue and leaving it to the states, we now have many states codifying abortion into law. Even with some states banning abortion, the most Dobbs has done to end the terrible practice is to require the extra step of some travel for those seeking abortions to a state that allows them.
This is no “great victory”.
SCOTUS could still throw this out.
How? On what grounds?
not going to happen
it is and always has been a
STATES right … not federal.
let the state choose.
I have always believed this.
Unless congress passes a law. That would override all state laws and constitutions.
It is not a “states right”. The right of a human being to live is fundamental, and not subject to the whims of any government, federal, state, or local.
Yes, it was. But you are not going to undo a half century of brainwashing in a few months.
Dobbs was a great legal victory, but the political response to it from Republican run states – gee, let’s now ban all abortions simply because we can – has been a disaster. Abortion is a religious issue, which means it is ultimately all or nothing. Voters will always vote for all rather than nothing. This should have been very predictable, as I remember scares back in the 1990s where Virginia voters swung to the Democrats because they were afraid that Roe was going to be overturned. I was very predictable what the response would be when it was actually overturned.
For any people to choose to enshrine murder in their constitution, as Ohio has, is a horrifying step.
Actions have consequences though. How will Ohio suffer?
I knew it would pass. I heard the lying ads they put out. I’ve never been more ashamed of my home state.
It took me a little bit to find the actual text of the Ohio amendment. It’s odd. It keeps saying “reproductive medical treatment, including but not limited to abortion”. Again, abortion is not “reproductive medical treatment.
It allows it up until the umbilical cord is cut, it seems. Pretty monstrous.
On the positive side, it uses the term “unborn child”. However, it uses the term “pregnant woman” instead of mother. I guess they are trying to imply that a mother has no connection to her child until it is delivered and all around decide that the child is allowed to live. … for a while, at least. The kid is on probation for the first couple of years, say …
The clause about “burdening” is pretty broad and could be used to arrest someone who gives a disapproving look to a woman talking about having an abortion. And that’s not a joke.
Pretty bad law, this amendment, and that is aside from its truly monstrous content. Ohio is crazy. Truly insane.
Oops. MY MISTAKE on the burdening part. I had forgotten what that paragraph was about. That is a directive to the State not to burden, so, not bad, so far as law goes. Though I do think this might even drive the state to have to fund abortions on demand, at some point.
Sorry about that.
Even if it hadn’t said that, it couldn’t be used “to arrest someone who gives a disapproving look to a woman talking about having an abortion”, because the first amendment would override it.
This access to abortion issue election victory in Ohio last night was pure evil. Quoting Biden and his masters, “Americans once again voted to protect their fundamental freedoms – and democracy won.”
Adopting a statewide constitutional right to kill a baby for any reason confirms that this was never about protecting women’s health, it is about using liberal women as a voting bloc to win elections and retain political power. Unfortunately,, Ronna McDaniel is too stupid to see why Republicans lost badly in 2022, and now a repeat in VA and OH in 2023.
With abortion, Democrats are on cruise control to winning elections in swing states.
That’s what I’m afraid of. In my state of NC, the only thing that might bail us out next year is the recent electoral map(s) which if allowed to stand, should net us 3 more Rs.
Not just ‘liberal’ women. A large number of otherwise fairly conservative women on other issues have fallen for the siren song of feminism and abortion rights are a big part of that.
When the term “abortion rights” is used it assumes that abortion is a right. The only debate being whether how it should be protected via a state constitution. We need to stop using the language of the pro abortion side.
Unfortunately in Ohio the electorate has just passed a Constitutional amendment to enshrine abortion as a right.
Nothing defines the love of life than the option to end one.
What’s next, up to one year after birth?
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that’s not the end goal. They’ll sneak it in after they shove euthanasia through under the guise of end of life elder “care”.
You can bet the farm on that thought. B
Soylent Green will be here in no time!
I’m Canada they already are allowing the murder of one year old infants
I’m Canada they already are allowing the murder of one year old infants
Very weird , I’m not Canadian
I was thinking more along the lines of age 18. which the person is then an adult, if they do it then … its murder.
so 1 day before the 18th birthday
it wud be legal. /sarc.
Given the 13-point victory last night in Ohio, expect “Abortion Rights” as a constitutional right to now be on the 2024 presidential ballot in every swing state.
Democrats will use the access to abortion issue as a plank referendum to drive turnout, and when coupled with ballot harvesting, so Biden can safely cruise to re-election victory..
The key to winning the 2024 Presidential election: liberal colleges and universities towns in swing states. (See map)
It not only drives turnout but moves Republican women to vote democrat, unless there’s constitutional protection from dogmatic Republicans on the abortion issue.
Those darn dogmatic Republicans who oppose murder.
Good. Now women can vote republican safely because the constitution protects them from fundamentalists. Say they want low taxes and less wokeness, it’s no longer at the cost of losing abortion rights.
It was the Republicans’ fault for passing a heartbeat law. Too short a time to find out you’re pregnant, so it’s way below the consensus time of about 15 weeks where you’d get majority votes, adding together votes of both sides.
Your theory will be tested when Florida chooses their next governor.
Testing theories is good.
Many more FL voters are past the age where they care about abortion than is true in other states. Still, DeSantis waited until he was safely reelected before passing a 6-week ban.
For whatever reason, the legislature decided that there should be no exception for rape or incest, and this was hammered home in every ad that ran. I don’t know how it would have turned out without that, but it certainly gave the abortionists all the ammo they needed. That and the fact that abortion is a very lucrative industry meant that for every no ad, there were around 10 yes ads.
Philosophically/logically once you claim that a fetus is an innocent baby then that innocent baby must be protected from harm regardless of the reason someone wants to harm or kill them.
If two unborn innocent babies are waiting to have their fate decided and one was convinced in rape and the other in a one night stand/hook up NEITHER was convinced in love or with the goal of procreation. IMO, both are equally innocent and deserving of life and the protection of their life.
Politically my position isn’t close to holding a majority. IMO this issue is best left to each State to resolve based on the culture of their State. I would also eliminate federal funding for any institution or entity to include clinics, hospitals or insurance schemes which offers abortions. Force the pro abortion States set up and fund in their entirety a separate insurance system and delivery system for their choice. As a practical matter that means no Medicare/Medicaid funding going to those entities.
I learned from the Hobby Lobby case there are roughly 15 different techniques to prevent or terminate a pregnancy. It is depressing that voters consistently vote to enshrine in state constitutions the most barbaric method.
I may be trying to rationalize the result, but I want to believe for the sake of sanity that the result is ineffective messaging. I just can’t comprehend why it is so important to people that pregnant mothers have the “right” to kill the innocent human life they created either by poison, decapitation, dismemberment or other acts of barbarism. It’s human sacrifice on a scale never seen in human history.
If you are NOT religious, then it is just as important to pass on your genes than it is for the religious. If you are not religious, then the universe is purposeless. In a purposeless universe, the ONLY reason for you to exist is to do whatever you have to do to live long enough to procreate to keep your genes part of the genetic pool. That’s it.
If you do manage to live long enough to conceive a human life, but choose to kill it, then philosophically why do YOU exist? There’s no justification for YOU to exist, either.
Was there ever any doubt between ignorant voters and rigging how could the left lose?
Two points. First, wasn’t this debate the intent of the Dobbs decision? To return the matter of abortion to the States, the elected officials therein, and their electorate to decide? Kudos to the Supreme Court.
Second, the people are speaking. The Republicans can no longer win with a tough abortion stance. The bellwether of public sentiment has shifted. Abortion restrictions earlier than 26 weeks and those restrictions that exclude rape and incest are not acceptable to the vast majority of the electorate. There can be healthily debate of restrictions between 15 and 26 weeks. However, forget ever banning abortions! It will not happen. Move on, Republicans….or loose. That is the Republican’s burden from the Dobbs decision.
And for you cheering women out there, I would ask you to look in the mirror and reflect on the fact that you are voting, in many cases, in support of medically terminating an otherwise viable human being. That’s not something to be overly proud of… Just saying!
But it is the harpies and their acolytes who demand unreasonable terms in the abortion debate. Most Conservatives do realize there are certain instances where abortion should be legal at least in the early stage of pregnancy. The Harpies demand abortion without restriction or cost up to birth without even the usual regulations placed on other “medical” procedures.
They know the reality of this would not pass muster so they rely on very confusing language and worse case scenarios to get the votes they want. There is big money at stake here. Which is why so much money was poured into the campaign. Dead babies are profitable.
Rather than return the matter to the states, the Supreme Court should have struck down abortion entirely.
Life is a fundamental right, not to be taken by any government.
Soon incest and necrophilism will be likewise enshrined.
You got a downvote, but there is no sexual perversion the Left has not refused to support.
When we told these deviants and fencesitters if we sanctioned homosexuality as a valid lifestyle that other deviant sex acts would not be far behind, we were scoffed at and mocked. Now, everybody is surprised we are having to stand against pedophilia as the Left is openly supporting that.
It starts with the fact these idiots don’t believe in God, therefore they fear nothing
This is on the families
This is where the war is and why the left is trying to destroy the very concept of famil
It is a good thing that angels face no challenge in lifting millstones otherwise the grinding of the souls who relished the slaughter of innocents would soon leave them with no time for other divine callings.
The very, very cynical part of me wonders why legalizing infanticide is not put to the voters. After all honesty demands we admit the argument for late term abortion certainly can carry well past birth. Say up to the age of 2.
The Canaanite voters of Ohio have spoken.
So 56% of Ohio approve of child sacrifice? 56% just showed everyone else that they are evil, vile people that worship the devil and the burnt offerings of abortions. Next up the old, feeble, the mentally retarded, Christians, Jews, conservatives or the flavor of the month enemy of the “state” to kill.
I don’t know why anyone is assuming this election, or any other, were
free of election fraud.
There have been almost no efforts to ensure safe elections, and we know that Dems continue to double down on their efforts to cement power.
In Ohio, there were almost no TV ads for a clear NO vote (thank you RNC), and I know at least a couple Ohio conservatives who weren’t sure what a Yes or a NO vote signified, because the language was deliberately vague.
You can, if you wish, assume that everybody is pro-abort and pro-Dem, rather than that Dems have increased the velocity of the electoral cheat.
Good luck with conceding ground to the left on the critical moral issue of our time; it won’t be long before the same is being done with free speech rights, 2A rights and whatever other form of liberty we have left.
Some are saying that this amendment provides a constitutional right to have transgender procedures performed at all ages.
Issue 1
A Self-Executing Amendment Relating to Abortion and Other Reproductive Decisions
Proposed Constitutional Amendment
Proposed by Initiative Petition
To enact Section 22 of Article I of the Constitution of the State of Ohio
A majority yes vote is necessary for the amendment to pass.
The proposed amendment would:
Establish in the Constitution of the State of Ohio an individual right to one’s own reproductive medical treatment, including but not limited to abortion;
Create legal protections for any person or entity that assists a person with receiving reproductive medical treatment, including but not limited to abortion;
Prohibit the State from directly or indirectly burdening, penalizing, or prohibiting abortion before an unborn child is determined to be viable, unless the State demonstrates that it is using the least restrictive means;
Grant a pregnant woman’s treating physician the authority to determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether an unborn child is viable;
Only allow the State to prohibit an abortion after an unborn child is determined by a pregnant woman’s treating physician to be viable and only if the physician does not consider the abortion necessary to protect the pregnant woman’s life or health; and
Always allow an unborn child to be aborted at any stage of pregnancy, regardless of viability if, in the treating physician’s determination, the abortion is necessary to protect the pregnant woman’s life or health.
If passed, the amendment will become effective 30 days after the election.
Shall the amendment be approved?[18]
” protect the pregnant patient’s life …”
Patient, not woman.
For the states that have already gone south on this issue, they might be able to at least get support on no government funding of abortion, perhaps even enshrined in their constitutions.