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Gaza: Hamas Using Biden Admin-Backed ‘Humanitarian Corridor’ to Sneak Terrorists Over to Egypt

Gaza: Hamas Using Biden Admin-Backed ‘Humanitarian Corridor’ to Sneak Terrorists Over to Egypt

Ynet News: “IDF has information suggesting that the terrorist organization utilized the ambulance for transporting terrorists and weaponry.” 

As Israeli ground troops fight their way to the terrorist stronghold of Gaza city, Hamas is using the Biden administration-backed ‘humanitarian corridor’ to sneak terrorists to Egypt. “Hamas tried to smuggle out its people among wounded to Egypt,” the Jerusalem Post reported Saturday, citing an unnamed senior Biden White House official. 

The so-called Gaza ‘humanitarian corridor’ with neighboring Egypt was created at the insistence of the Biden White House, which has been calling on Israel to halt its military operation against the Islamic terror group Hamas. 

The admission comes as Israeli military exposed that Hamas was using Gaza medical services to move terrorist and weapons across the battlefield. Israeli news website Ynet reported Saturday that “the IDF has information suggesting that the terrorist organization utilized the ambulance for transporting terrorists and weaponry.” 

Hamas’s use of hospitals and medical facilities for terrorist activities is well documented. According to a recent report by the DC-based think tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), the Gaza-based terrorist group “uses civilian areas, including hospitals, to store and launch rockets and spread propaganda. In violation of international law, Hamas also uses hospitals to hide command centers and shield operatives.”

Biden officials slams Israel’s cutting of Palestinian funding on terror-financing grounds

The Biden White House official also slammed Israel for cutting the tax revenue transfer to the Palestinian Authority, which uses that money to pay allowances to terrorists and their families. The senior Biden staffer declared that “this is not the time to withhold funds from the Palestinian Authority – the opposite should be done.” 

The remarks are in line with recent actions by the Biden administration. Days after Hamas carried out the worst massacre in Israel’s history, President Joe Biden announced additional ‘humanitarian aid’ worth $100 million to the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. 

The Jerusalem Post reported: 

A senior White House official said on Saturday in a press briefing that the evacuation of the wounded and foreign citizens from Gaza was delayed because Hamas had tried to take some of its wounded fighters through the Rafah crossing to Egypt for treatment, Hebrew media sourced the official as saying.

“A third of the people who were on the list that Hamas submitted turned out to be Hamas fighters,” said the official. (…)

The White House official also said that “this is not the time to withhold funds from the Palestinian Authority – the opposite should be done.” The Biden administration opposes the cabinet’s decision from Thursday to offset part of the tax money that Israel transfers to the Palestinian Authority.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday rejected President Biden’s call for a ‘pause’ in the IDF operation against the jihadist group as it holds more than 240 Israeli hostages. 

IDF encircles Gaza city, eliminates terrorist fighters

After a week-long ground offensive, the Israel tanks and infantry have swept deep into Hamas-controlled territory of northern Gaza. The IDF has encircled the terrorist-stronghold of Gaza city, the Israeli defense ministry confirmed on Friday. The ground troops were searching the terrorist-infested area for terrorist hideouts and weapons cache. 

The IDF soldiers face sneak attacks from terrorists entrenched in tunnels. Hamas has built a tunnel network running over 300 miles underneath Gaza, an area the size of Las Vegas. Some of the tunnels went down to 80 meters and were equipped with electricity and telephone lines. They are used for the movement of terrorist fighters and for stockpiling rockets and weaponry.  

Noting the developments on the ground in Gaza, the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported Saturday:

In a significant operation yesterday, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers took control of a Hamas military stronghold in northern Gaza, signaling a sharp escalation in the ongoing conflict between Israel and the militant organization. The IDF’s incursion into the area allowed them to conduct thorough searches, which led to the discovery of crucial intelligence material linked to Hamas operations.

The materials uncovered at the site included a range of operational orders directly tied to Hamas, detailed operational maps, sophisticated means of communication, and extensive command and control charts. Perhaps most strikingly, personal details of Hamas commanders and individuals identified as terrorists were among the documents found.

The IDF disclosed the details of nighttime operations in a Saturday morning press briefing: 

Over the past day, there were numerous attempted attacks on IDF troops from tunnel shafts and military compounds in the northern Gaza Strip. IDF troops operated in the area and killed terrorists, located Hamas weapons, and uncovered tunnel shafts that were used for terror purposes.

During combat with terrorists yesterday, IDF troops engaged with 15 terrorists in the northern Gaza Strip, killing several of them, and directed tank fire to destroy three Hamas observation posts.

Also overnight, in a targeted raid in the southern Gaza Strip, IDF armored and engineering corps operated to map out buildings and neutralize explosive devices. During the operation, the troops encountered a terrorist cell exiting a tunnel shaft. In response, the troops fired shells toward the terrorists and killed them.

IDF hits Hezbollah positions after rocket fire

The Israeli air force targeted Hezbollah posts after renewed rocket fire into northern Israel. The Israeli airstrike came day after terrorist group’s chief Hassan Nasrallah threatened to open a new front on Israel’s north amid the ongoing Gaza ground operation. 

The Times of Israel reported Saturday: 

Footage shows Israeli airstrikes against Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon, in response to repeated rocket and missile fire on northern Israel.

Clips shared online show massive plumes of smoke near the Lebanese village of Rmeish.


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Is anyone surprised? That was expected

    JohnSmith100 in reply to gonzotx. | November 4, 2023 at 6:04 pm

    t pains me to read about so many Israeli soldiers injured or killed. It seems to me that use of large thermobaric weapons and flooding of tunnels with the proper mixture of flammable gas or powders (even flower) and air, would result in fewer Israeli causalities’.


Almost like the administration that funds Iran is helping Iran’s proxies. But that’s crazy talk.

One can almost hear the whispers of the Globalists (or whoever is actually the group working for the demise of all free countries, which to date has been America and Israel.

What’s being said is that this group wants is the World population down by 75% at a MINIMUM.

Today: CBS News. One female dual passport holder with three children arrived Cairo. Two children without American citizenship. She’s not the only woman evacuated with unregistered children sans husband. A number of British women evacuated. All with lots of children. Brood mares.

She’s clearly tied to Hamas, otherwise why live in Gaza City and subject her children to third world living standards. CBS never bothered to ask why her husband is not with the family. Single mothers with dual US citizenship do not loiter in middle eastern locales. It’s obvious she’s a stay at home mom. She’d be paid far more in welfare here in the US. So, she’s Hamas,

She’s very caucasian in appearance. Like lily Irish white. Semitic people are sometimes fair-skinned but the base is olive skin, not pasty white scots-irish. She’s shown hiding behind very large framed sunglasses.

Joe Biden said Thursday the U.S. brought home 74 dual-citizen Americans from the Gaza Strip who will join other Palestinians in NYC who are protesting calling for death of all Jews.

Biden called the development good news. These poor these poor Gaza-Americans had to leave behind their dear sons and brothers who are in Hamas fighting Israel. They are concerned for their saftey and have asked Biden for a pause in the fighting against their family member in Hamas.

Astounding that they think Israel should fund terrorists.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to geronl. | November 4, 2023 at 6:14 pm

    Israel needs to cut all welfare to Arabs in Palestine permanently, maybe America should do the same, only supporting work for food.

A lot of masks are dropping from the faces of anti-Semites. If America still is a righteous country, the Dems will be punished for their obvious anti-Semitism in 2024. If not then this is not the country I grew up in and love. If this doesn’t convert Jews to conservatism nothing will.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to inspectorudy. | November 4, 2023 at 6:24 pm

    It is hard for people to come to to grips with being so wrong.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to inspectorudy. | November 4, 2023 at 8:00 pm

    >>. . . the Dems will be punished for their obvious anti-Semitism in 2024.<<<

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA . . . snicker . . . snort . . . deep cleansing breath . . .

    Sorry, couldn't help myself. But this ain't the country you grew up in and love. Nor is it the one that I grew up in and love. democrats don't have a thing to worry about in this upcoming 2024 election year. The democrats are never held accountable for there vile and often times illegal acts and actions. I predict they’ll proudly trumpet their antisemitism to democrat sheeple and they’ll just love it. And the rest will be history.