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‘Pro-Palestinian’ Students Arrested at Dartmouth College for Trespassing After Threat

‘Pro-Palestinian’ Students Arrested at Dartmouth College for Trespassing After Threat

“You have until the first day of the winter term to publicly address our demands and outline a plan to meet them. If you fail to do so, we will escalate and take further action”

These students issued demands because that has worked so many times before now.

The College Fix reports:

Pro-Palestinian students arrested after threat, trespassing at Dartmouth

Police arrested two pro-Palestinian students for criminal trespassing at Dartmouth College early Saturday after administrators reported receiving a threat.

The students, Roan Wade and Kevin Engel, allegedly erected a tent on the lawn in front of Parkhurst Hall in violation of a college policy that forbids the overnight use of grounds and non-residential facilities, The Dartmouth Review reports.

Two students, believed to be Wade and Engel, also threatened to “escalate” and take “physical action” against administrators in a document titled the “Dartmouth New Deal,” according to the report.

Among other things, the document demands the school collaborate with students from the Palestine Solidarity Coalition and divest from “Israeli apartheid.”

“You have until the first day of the winter term to publicly address our demands and outline a plan to meet them. If you fail to do so, we will escalate and take further action,” the document states.

Responding Saturday, Dartmouth President Sian Leah Beilock told the campus community in an email that its Safety and Security office is required to interpret “physical action” as a violent threat.

Beilock said campus leaders spent six hours trying to “deescalate” the situation before contacting the local police department, which later arrested Wade and Engel.

In a video posted on X by the student newspaper, one of the students can be heard singing, “Rise up” and “They try to stop us, but we keep coming back,” as police arrest him.

The Dartmouth Review editors pushed back against claims the administration was violating students’ free speech by having the two students arrested, noting how the leaders have allowed pro-Palestinian students to protest freely and peacefully for more than a week on campus.

“In fact, the Administration’s handling of the protest demonstrates President Beilock’s commitment to free speech—provided it remains speech,” they wrote. “We at The Review applaud the Administration’s response to the threats of violence, and we endorse the president’s efforts to ensure that protest and dialogue at this institution remain peaceful.”


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SeiteiSouther | November 3, 2023 at 2:01 pm

Didn’t find too much on Engel, but Wade’s about what you expect.

I’d have let those midwits camp out until winter break then arrested them. Gets pretty chilly Thanksgiving time around that neck of the woods. Oh, and throw both out for making terroristic threats.

Evict them for campus facilities. Force them off campus. Tell them they can only take online courses. If they set foot on campus, arrest them for trespassing, and expel them.

Problem solved.

    LeftWingLock in reply to smooth. | November 4, 2023 at 3:10 pm

    Agree 100% except for the online course part. Now is the time to expel them. I think if schools come down hard on some of the leaders, the pinks (as opposed to the reds) will be much less likely to participate.

Have they been expelled yet? No excuse if not. These colleges need to start expelling students without hesitation and start setting some examples.

The Gentle Grizzly | November 4, 2023 at 1:11 pm

Where’s the Ohio National Guard when you really need them?

We need to develop some kind of database of these idiots so that employers don’t knowingly hire them, and the rest of us don’t knowingly associate with them