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Tufts Revolutionary Marxist Students Post Open Letter About ‘Palestinian Liberation and the Death of Imperialism’

Tufts Revolutionary Marxist Students Post Open Letter About ‘Palestinian Liberation and the Death of Imperialism’

“Broad historical ignorance and the outright lies that are fed to us by dominant Western media about Palestine and the present conditions on its ground facilitate the repression of pro-Palestine voices here in the U.S. and beyond.”

The last two weeks have made it seem like higher education in the United States is beyond reform. How does one even respond to something like this?

This was published at Tufts Daily:

Op-ed: Looking toward Palestinian liberation and the death of imperialism

An open letter to The Tufts Daily, the Tufts Board of Trustees, President Sunil Kumar and the Tufts community:

We must first commend the statements of both Tufts Students for Justice in Palestine and the coalition of anonymous South Asian students and alumni in their willingness to stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine in the face of backlash from a unified coalition of universities — including our own — the media and government perpetrators of genocide. These students have rightfully indicted Israel’s war of eradication on Palestine as well as the campaign being waged both locally and around the world, to silence those who stand against it.

We condemn in the strongest way possible Kumar’s disgraceful “personal note,” which he sent in an email to the Tufts community on Oct. 11. As already denounced by our peers, in this note Kumar uses abhorrent and racist “War on Terror” rhetoric that functions to dehumanize any attempt at Palestinian defense of their homeland as “pure barbarism” and justifies Israel’s ongoing slaughter of Palestinians. Kumar’s statement recalls Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s description of the Palestinian people as “human animals” and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s since-deleted tweet, in which he presents Israel’s genocidal war on Palestine as one against the “children of darkness” furthering “the law of the jungle.”

Kumar’s response has arrived in the wake of ongoing university campaigns condemning those students calling for an end to the Israeli apartheid regime. In the last week, a truck on Harvard’s campus began displaying the names and faces of pro-Palestinian students, who have since faced death threats. Meanwhile, several U.S. CEOs and business leaders called for the public release of the names of Harvard students who had signed onto a statement made by the university’s undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee, intending to bar future employment opportunities. This statement rightfully holds responsible the illegitimate Israeli state for all unfolding violence. A recent New York Times article has exposed the numerous Wall Street financiers and university donors who are pressuring elite universities like Harvard to denounce student criticism of Israel. This coordinated attack on free speech is even worse in Europe, where France and Germany have outright banned Palestinian solidarity protests…

Broad historical ignorance and the outright lies that are fed to us by dominant Western media about Palestine and the present conditions on its ground facilitate the repression of pro-Palestine voices here in the U.S. and beyond. For this reason, we must stand against these ahistorical narratives and critically examine the press.


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They’re revolutionary marxists. This is a surprise?

Just what is an “ahistorical narrative” in the empty, vacuous heads of these indoctrinated little spoiled rich brats? They love using the $5 words, however they use them in such ridiculous ways!

The Gentle Grizzly | October 25, 2023 at 11:33 am

Probably not a STEM or other serious major taken by any of them.

I’m wondering what the admission requirements are for Tufts University. A check that doesn’t bounce? Contempt for society? An affinity for dashing revolutionaries who dare to attack the helpless? Fantasies of rampant rape, broken bodies a testament to one’s masculinity? We need more answers here.

Marxists are unfamiliar with the Bible so they have to clue that Jews have a 5000 year history in Israel. Meanwhile, Muslims have only been around since the 7th century. Get it?

    George_Kaplan in reply to Jasonn. | October 25, 2023 at 10:27 pm

    And even that 7th century figure is generous given Palestine was invaded, conquered, and integrated into the Caliphate, but Arabs were either forbidden from settling for some reason or disinclined to. They were poor settlers, more often nomadic tribesman, soldiers, or officials who lived off jizya and kharaj taxes on non-Muslims in return for protection. It was thus not in the interest of the new overlords to convert the remaining indigenous folk, or the descendants of ‘Roman Christian settlers’ who now formed the majority in their conquered territories. Indeed it wasn’t until after the Crusades and the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1099–1291) that efforts to turn the region Muslim Arab seem to have been pushed.

The Real Truth | October 26, 2023 at 10:40 am

These ignorant Marxists know absolutely NOTHING about real History, and they just follow blindly, what they have heard. In this case, they are defending the WRONG people. To stand up for people who have Brutally massacred 1400 Men, Women, and children is the height of stupidity and ignorance.

Marxists: Marxing you for death.