Trump Georgia Case: Lawyer Jenna Ellis Takes a Plea Deal
“Ellis pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings.”

Attorney Jenna Ellis took a plea deal in the Fulton County election interference case:
In exchange for her cooperation, Ellis pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings. The count stems from her testimony before a Georgia Senate subcommittee on Dec. 3, 2020. Along with co-defendants Rudy Giuliani and Ray Smith, Ellis “knowingly, willingly, and unlawfully” made false statements about election fraud in Georgia, according to her new charging document.
Under the terms of the agreement, Ellis must serve five years probation, 100 hours of community service and pay $5,000 in restitution to the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. She agreed to testify truthfully when called, provide documents and other evidence, refrain from posting about the case on social media and to pen an apology letter to Georgia voters.

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Remember people, Donald Trump is a risk to OUR democracy!
By our, I mean Democrats and by Democracy, Democrats mean maintaining THEIR power.
And Trump is a danger to Global stability! He could disrupt everything with all of his Peace and Prosperity!
Boy, this is a whole lot of plea deals for people charged with multiple felonies trying to destroy Democracy! Or, they were all overcharged in a political stunt and now Naughty Nanni Fanni is desperate to not have any get to trial.
Exactly my thinking. Set up a strawman monster lie, tag a bunch of people associated with the one guy standing in their way of destroying America, run the associates through the grinder because all of them don’t have the Eff-U money PDJT does. Then, when enough pressure has been applied…poof…offer a plea deal on non-criminal charges pumped up to look like real unlawful acts.
And The Bar or Congress does nothing…because they are in on the grift and the LawFare continues unabated by reprobate DA’s.
Special place in Hell for these un-American’s wreaking havoc.
Well, that’s disappointing. When is someone actually going to fight the spurious charges?
Lawyers cost money and the state can bankrupt you just by going through the process, because legal fees mean nothing to the state. Couple that with corrupt DA and a tainted jury pool, Ellis and Co. are staring down the barrel a gun.
Until the favor is returned and leftists start facing prison time and bankruptcy, no right-leaning person should go to trial in a blue district if the charge is even slightly
One can fight this sort of thing if one has the money for counsel. We have a justice system that is two tier: those who can afford it and those who cannot.
Agreed, but it should be pointed out that Trump seems uninterested in providing financial support for the litigation efforts of his closest allies.
You don’t think he had hundreds of millions to pay, 4 states, fed indictments, 700 years in jail?
For loving America
Do you go out of your way to portray yourself as a blindly devoted member of the Trump Cult?
Why yes, she does. Thank you for noticing.
The state uses everyone’s money to target a person. The best answer is that the state must provide equal value to the defendant’s case.
When someone doesn’t get the same deal she just got. There are some practical realities to consider that exist in Georgia that wouldn’t exist in other ‘red states.’ For one, like several other former Confederate states, the Georgia in Governor is constitutionally weak. Because of this, Kemp does not enjoy the power of pardon/clemency. That power is vested in a Board of Pardons. Because of the political makeup of that board, it’s a forgone conclusion that NONE of these people who may be convicted in this case will ever be pardoned.
If you’re facing the potential of 7, 15 or even 30-years in prison if convicted on the felonies and have an opportunity to pay a few grand and some community service, why would any sane, rational person take that chance particularly when they know a pardon won’t ever be on the table?
‘Governor in Georgia’…not ‘Georgia in Governor.’ Edit button, please.
You got that wrong it’s Edit Button!!!!!.
I am against an edit button. Especially if you can edit after other people reply to your original statement.
Lol you actually think Kemp is going to pardon these people if he had the power?
No, I don’t. But, there’s some chance that the next GOP governor could…if they had the power, which they don’t.
Do you have a spare million dollars or so to fight the state of GA? Pleading guilty is what smart people are doing. You not only have to pay for your lawyer’s time but all of the depositions and interviews of witnesses plus their travel. There is no way for a normal person to fight either a state or federal lawsuit.
Trump will because he has to, if he cops a plea he is politically finished
They don’t want a guilty plea from Trump.
Nor will he give one I think. Unlike the others he has the money to fight. The others are smart to take the plea although I wish at least one would demand a trial
Be nice to see some courage against this harassment, although I admit that a corrupt DA and indifferent judiciary are tough to fight. And there’ll be absolutely no help coming from the republicans in Congress. Quite the opposite. The new speaker will probably pile on.
This case is brought by the DA of Fulton County GA. What are the specific actions to ‘help’ that you want the GoP members of Congress to do bearing in mind that the Senate is controlled by the d/prog and Biden is in the WH?
The propaganda machine has been having the vapers about her testifying against TURmp. The same issue happened with Hillbully and we got nothing.
So long as she testifies to the truth, Trump ought to have nothing to fear. Unless he really did commit a crime, but that doesn’t seem likely.
This is brilliant. Pull your enemies off the street. Threaten them with decades in prison if they don’t cop to a minor plea. You turn an opponent into an ally and get great press for very little effort. It’s better than liquidation.
Maybe she is playing 3D chess eh? Oh she will be truthful alright…saying that they believed what they were saying was the truth (which wont be a lie) and they believed the election was stolen (which again wont be a lie).
So well done her! 🙂
“saying that they believed what they were saying was the truth (which wont be a lie) and they believed the election was stolen (which again wont be a lie).”
“one count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings.”
Seems to imply to me that the Costanza Defense was a non-starter here.
I’m actually surprised any of these lawyers are taking plea deals since a guilty finding probably will put their law licenses in jeopardy.
They are pleading to misdemeanor charges which typically do not endanger their law licenses.
Ellis and Chesebro plead to felonies
The 5 years of probation has them on a permanent Federal no-gun list though.
It’s a badge of honor at this point
“Voting machines” is gone. “Fake electors” is out. At this rate, there won’t be anything left to charge Trump with except making a phone call.
my favorites are Acts 22 & 101 of the indictment, telling people to watch television
Well, we get it.
The state will bring hundreds of felony charges against you, true or not. You will then be bankrupt for defending yourself. Innocent or not.
The state should be obligated to explain why they charged so many counts, and settled on just misdemeanors. If these people are such a threat to Democracy, the bitxh should have to show cause
And Michael Cohen testified (ie. perjured himself) against Trump, say he was asked to arbitrarily over-value holdings. What a POS, trying to save his sullied reputation and sorry rear-end in order to shorten his stint in cushy prison camp.
Cohen was pressed to plead guilty on a non-crime (i.e. paying off a blackmailer with personal funds instead of campaign funds) because the prosecution had him dead to rights on a felony tax evasion charge involving the taxi medallions, which they got by indicting his business partner and forcing him to testify against Cohen. Anything he says now is written by the Trump-hating attorneys in the prosecution who have him on a string they don’t intend on untying. If the current corrupt DOJ doesn’t have something to get you on, they will indict somebody next to you and get them to repeat their claims or go to prison forever.
How much community service would they allow Trump?
The money being wasted in using law as a political weapon is criminal.
He’s already volunteering to do four years straight of 24/7 community service.
Deep State pulling in defendants, gun point at their heads to attack DJT
The law against that would seem to be unconstitutional. But obviously it would cost her more to challenge it than it’s worth; they made her an offer she couldn’t afford to refuse, so she took it.
This is why we should never assume that someone who has pled guilty to a crime actually committed it.
Not to mention the ‘false’ in this charge seems to be ‘whatever we say it is and you can’t actually look at the merits of the claim because.’ Elections are guilty until proven innocent, i.e. every step of an election needs to be verified and checked in order for it to be honest. Leave a step out, fail to follow the law in one regard that *could* change the results of the election and the whole thing needs to be redone right. States hate that. It costs money. It could result in the ‘wrong’ people getting elected. It calls their legitimacy into question, and they’re willing to do just about anything to say “No problems here, vote is over, this candidate won, too bad, so sad.”
The infinite power of the State was deployed to ‘turn’ a lawyer for the Trump campaign so they can get their real target.