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Report: Boston University Loaned $600K to Trust Run by Ibram Kendi’s Brother-in-Law

Report: Boston University Loaned $600K to Trust Run by Ibram Kendi’s Brother-in-Law

“People like to get loans at banks, not at universities. It raises a fundamental question of why did you not get a loan from a bank?”

This might be one of the reasons that Kendi’s think tank is being examined for possible mismanagement of funds.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Boston University Loaned $600K to a Mysterious Trust Run by Ibram Kendi’s Brother-In-Law

In September of 2020, just weeks after Ibram X. Kendi launched the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, the school approved a $600,000 mortgage to an unnamed professor. The university won’t say which professor that loan went to, but it was doled out to a trust controlled by Ibram X. Kendi’s brother-in-law, Macharia Edmonds.

The mortgage helped to cover the down payment for a $4.56 million luxury penthouse triplex that boasts the “best of sophisticated Boston living.” Public real estate records obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show the trust is controlled by Edmonds, a former Obama campaign official and attorney who now serves as a Global Content Policy Lead for YouTube in San Francisco.

Edmonds’s only apparent affiliation with Boston University is through Kendi, who is married to his sister, Sadiqa, also an associate professor at Boston University. Edmonds controls the trust on behalf of its unnamed beneficiary. While it’s not uncommon for universities to provide sweetheart loans and mortgages with below-market rates to poach star professors from their competitors, experts told the Chronicle of Higher Education in 2009 that the IRS strongly discourages such transactions.

Dean Zerbe, a former senior counsel to the Senate Finance Committee, raised questions about why Boston University is doling out loans to its professors in the first place. “There are institutions that actually do provide loans. They’re called banks,” Zerbe told the Free Beacon. “People like to get loans at banks, not at universities. It raises a fundamental question of why did you not get a loan from a bank?”


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It is nothing here to worry about, all is going exactly as expected. There is only one final requirement to release the money to you our agent in US customs asking for a mere $8,000 to release the package to you. Understand that he puttig his career at risk and so deserves something for his help you. I will make sure he is paid when you send this money to me.

Curt Reynolds #22 | October 8, 2023 at 4:38 pm

How proud the B.U. community of scholars must be to add this latest remarkable achievement to their list of accomplishments.

Howard Stern


Is anybody aware of anything positive that B.U. has contributed? In the past 5 years? 25 years? Ever?

I’m pretty sure just asking a question like that is racist, or something. 🙄