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University of Iowa Grad Students Shut Down Board Meeting Demanding ‘Emergency’ Pay Raise

University of Iowa Grad Students Shut Down Board Meeting Demanding ‘Emergency’ Pay Raise

“Unionized grad workers and their allies are at the @IowaRegents meeting to demand an emergency wage increase and a more equitable Iowa university system for ALL!”

The left has become way too comfortable behaving in this way and making demands.

The College Fix reports:

U. Iowa grad students shut down board meeting, demand ‘emergency’ 25 percent raise

Graduate students disrupted a University of Iowa Board of Regents meeting Wednesday to demand their salaries be increased by 25 percent to reflect the growing cost of living.

About 30 students and union leaders attended the Iowa City meeting to make their demands, shouting and chanting long enough that the regents ended the meeting early, the local chapter of the Campaign to Organize Graduate Students union wrote on X.

“You know what they say, ‘if we don’t get it, SHUT IT DOWN,’” COGS wrote, posting photos from the meeting.

Many protesters wore black COGS union T-shirts and carried signs calling for a “living wage.” One sign read, “I can’t afford veggies,” and another told the university leaders to “get a brain,” photos show.

“Unionized grad workers and their allies are at the @IowaRegents meeting to demand an emergency wage increase and a more equitable Iowa university system for ALL!” the union continued on X.

A few students signed up to speak to the regents during the public comment period, but the protesters’ chants to “shut it down” succeeded in ending the meeting before anyone had the opportunity, The Gazette reports.

Responding afterward, university leaders said the students already received a 3 percent raise that they negotiated, and their salaries are “highly competitive with other Big Ten institutions in the Midwest.”


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If you are not independently wealthy, you’ve got no adult rationale for attending grad school.

You’re living in a past … that will never return.

I say this with all compassion and kindness:

Grow up.

Get through your Shock & Denial, your Anger, your Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance of the realities of life as of 2023 and beyond.


Youall are behaving like children.


Grow up.

    LeftWingLock in reply to Spit Spot. | October 3, 2023 at 2:04 pm

    You have lumped all graduate degrees together. What I I am getting a docterute in a marketable skill like Gender Studies. Would that change your mind?

On the other hand, now is the time on Sprockets Clown World when we laugh.
Universities arduously teaching their charges to be good little “trained Marxists.”
So of course they form trade unions to harass and bleed their capitalist employers, the universities!
“Oh no, we have created a monster!”
“Die, capitalists, die!”
“Power… to the PhDeople (chunk, chunk)!”

angrywebmaster | October 3, 2023 at 6:42 pm

Here’s the correct response to their demands.

“You’re fired.”

Key questions:
1) How long has the graduate student union been recognized?
2) Do they have a current collective bargaining agreement?
3) Is this “emergency” requested salary hike in addition to the terms of the existing collectiive bargaining agreement?
4) Is disrupting a board meeting of the employer and unfair labor practice?
5) Since the Univ. of Iowa is a public university, these are public employees. Who regulates public unions in Iowa? Do they have the legal right to strike?
6) How much in union dues does each grad student have to pay?