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National Institutes of Health Funds Used for Program Pairing “LGBT Adults With Teens for Online ‘Mentoring’ Without Parental Consent”

National Institutes of Health Funds Used for Program Pairing “LGBT Adults With Teens for Online ‘Mentoring’ Without Parental Consent”

“University of Nebraska-Lincoln Professor Katie Edwards created the pilot program with the help of $203,050” from NIH.

Can you imagine being a parent and finding this out after the fact? It’s an outrage.

The College Fix reports:

Professor matches LGBT adults with teens for online ‘mentoring’ without parent consent

Teenagers who struggle with gender confusion or homosexual inclinations can get an adult mentor online — without their parents knowing.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Professor Katie Edwards created the pilot program with the help of $203,050 from the National Institutes of Health.

She is a professor of educational psychology and works at the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families, and Schools, a university initiative.

This program differs from others that are in-person and require the permission of a parent or guardian, according to the grant summary.

A flaw in other programs for other LGBT teens is they “often require guardian permission; generally occur in person via community organizations which precludes TGMY in high stigma, rural areas of the United States from accessing such programs.” This pilot instead will “complete feasibility and pilot testing of a synchronous, group-delivered eHealth mentoring and skill-building program.”

The program will recruit 140 LGBT youth from social media sites and LGBT organizations. Half will then be paired with a mentor, while the other 70 will be put on a waitlist as the control group.

The College Fix contacted Edwards twice via email in the past several weeks to ask about the vetting and recruitment process for mentors but she has yet to respond.

Edwards also studied “intimate partner violence” and its link to a campus’s “Pride Index.”

An ethicist at the Ethics and Public Policy Center raised concerns about the program, particularly because it does not require parental permission.

“Deliberately pairing adult strangers with children without parental knowledge, let alone consent, is a bad idea especially because these adult mentors are to be recruited online and are apparently not required to have any special training or skills other than a transgender identity,” Nathanael Blake told The Fix.


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The Gentle Grizzly | September 26, 2023 at 10:22 am

Setting aside the sexual aspects for a second, this is just further proof that we have far too many agencies, commissions, bureaux, and departments looking for something to do.

Were I elected President, I would ask the leaders of both houses to hold hearings where each of the above-cited would need to justify their existence.

    Vivek Ramaswamy gave a speech explaining why he believes the president has the ability to power down these agencies and reassign / fire their workers, unilaterally. He’s a well educated lawyer, so his legal opinion is worth listening to.

    No need to go to Congress for something that Democrats would never approve. Just do it.

“She is a professor of educational psychology”

Shouldn’t that be “educational psychology studies?”

The state has been pushing into families way too far, for 40+ years now. They’re faster to look at “intimate partner violence”, things that happen between married couples at their home, than violence out on the street between strangers. They amplify the former and frequently minimize the latter. They step in at difficult moments with investigations and enforcement powers, when the family needs time to work things out on their own and come to their own arrangements.

If this were all meant to destroy families, they would do it exactly like this.

Does the phrase “transgender adult mentors” translate into “sexual predators” in Realspeak?