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Should You Really Have to Fill Out a Woke Pre-Surgery Questionnaire at the Hospital?

Should You Really Have to Fill Out a Woke Pre-Surgery Questionnaire at the Hospital?

“What on earth does this have to do with cancer surgery?”

John A. Lucas is a veteran and also a cancer patient. He describes a crazy experience he had recently at a hospital in Virginia.

He writes at Substack:

My Experience With Government-Required Wokeness

Almost overnight the evangelists of the religion of wokeness have converted many of the key players in some of our critical industries and institutions, from small businesses to the World Bank. The practitioners of this religion now prostrate themselves before the golden calf of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.” It has infected such safety-critical functions as airlines and even the military. The contagion dominates our colleges and universities where it has spread to the hard sciences, including STEM courses such as mathematics and engineering. Casting aside long-established scientific and biological realities, as Professor William Jacobson has shown at Legal Insurrection, Critical Race Theory has even contaminated the medical schools, from where it has spread to hospitals and medical clinics. The most recent manifestation of this trend is the adoration of one of its patron saints, so-called transgenderism. It, too, has metastasized to medical providers at the behest of the U.S. government.

I recently experienced my own personal encounter with this propaganda when filling out a pre-surgery questionnaire at my hospital. This is the story.

I am a cancer patient. Since last January I have been diagnosed with two types of cancer that have necessitated three surgeries so far. For my most recent surgery, I was referred to an oncological surgeon at the VCU Medical Center, which is associated with Virginia Commonwealth University.

At this point, I must add a personal advisory note: The VCU Medical Center enjoys a superb national reputation. Other members of my family have been treated there and have received superb care. Nothing I say here is intended to disparage any of the individual care-givers at the hospital in any way. All, from my surgeon to the kind lady who escorted me to my car after my overnight stay, were uniformly kind and professional. Any criticism I may have is directed at the government-sponsored infection of the medical system with the WOKE virus, not at any individual physician or other medical or support staff.

When I checked in at the hospital for my pre-surgery consultation, because I was a new patient for them, they gave me the usual medical history form to complete. After completing it, I turned to a second two-page form. I printed my name at the top and, rather unthinkingly, began to fill it out. I was in a bit of a hurry to complete it before I was called back to see my surgeon, so at first I did not pay a great deal of attention to it. So, I dutifully answered the first question, which asked, “What is your “Sexual Orientation?” That should, however, have been an immediate red flag, causing me to wonder, “What on earth does this have to do with cancer surgery?” But out of habit and without thinking, I checked the block for “Straight (Not lesbian or gay).” Had I read it closer and given it a moment’s thought, I would have been nonplussed by the other answers on the menu: “Lesbian,” “Gay,” “Bisexual,” “Something else,” or “Don’t know.”


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That is your complaint?
You can’t see any possible medical reason they might want to know your sexual orientation?

I agree that for cancer surgery it’s probably meaningless.

If an infectious disease specialist were called in to consult on your case, they would consider your sexual orientation important when considering possible diagnoses of AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases etc.

Gastrointestinal doctors might be interested in possible rectal problems.

Did they ask any other questions a little more problematic?

    they would consider your sexual orientation important when considering possible diagnoses of AIDS
    BWAHAHAHAHA! Where have you been for the last 30 years?

    Did they ask any other questions a little more problematic?
    Go read the linked substack essay and see. (Hint: They do.)

    Another blogger brought up a huge point regarding “gender identity” on medical forms, particularly in places where by law the “gender identity” must be treated as fact (it’s a “bias crime” to do anything else).

    It’s only a matter of time before someone comes into a hospital, and the doctor says something like, “Well, the screening and tests would indicate prostate cancer, but your intake forms are marked ‘female’, so it can’t be that. Here’s a prescription for antibiotics for a UTI, and make sure you drink plenty of water.”

    Is that “problematic” enough to be worrisome?

    drsamherman in reply to docduracoat. | August 30, 2023 at 8:04 pm

    As the granddaughter of the person who bears this account, I am an infectious diseases physician. If any question of possible HIV infection were to be raised, it would be placed under “Pre-existing conditions” or similar verbiage. HIV+ does not always mean homosexuality, as it can be transmitted by heterosexual sex, tainted blood, cross-sharing of contaminated needles or accidental exposure through a needle stick (in a health care environment, for example). The question is being asked as part of an invasive movement to know more about the patient than is medically necessary. Hormone replacement or other “gender transition” is addressable by other questions within the process.


Hello, Doc Duracoat. No, that is not the extent of my complaint. For some reason, what you see on this is just the opening part of what I wrote. If you click on the Substack link at the top, it will take you to the full article. When you do that, I think it will answer most (all?) of your questions.
Thanks for your interest.

John Lucas
Bravo Blue

I had a similar experience when I was referred to the Imaging Clinic at my local hospital. My pulmonologist ordered a CT scan of my chest. The receptionist handed me a similar questionnaire containing many of the suspect questions the author highlights. When I handed it in, she reviewed it and said, “You didn’t answer these questions, Sir.” My response was “I know I didn’t answer those.” That ended the exchange, and I got the CT scan without further comment.

Oh, it gets worse

In the NICS Firearm Transaction form, question #14 asks “Male, Female, Non-binary.” Gender Dysphoria is considered a mental disorder. Do we really want someone with a mental disorder to buy a firearm?

Here in San Francisco we don’t need government edicts to go woke at our state funded hospitals. At UCSF the bios published for the docs feature their pronouns and some name tags do the same.
The check in paper work has the usual litany of sexual and gender preference questions. True some information may be helpful for a doctor to be alerted to the infirmities of the various marginalized groups but that is also found in the conventional medical history and often
obvious by the persons appearance.
So it goes.

I have it on good authority (from a medical ethicist) that it’s appropriate to answer a lot of these non-pertinent questions with, “Boundary violation”.

Just like when they ask, as the AMA recommends, how many guns you have in your home. If I’m in the ER because I was in a car wreck, what does that have ANYTHING to do with it?

Other than to get that number into the EHR — Electronic Health Record — that is accessible by HHS (a.k.a. the federal government), that is.

Nope. None of their business, and in any other context would be considered unprofessional and unethical to operate “outside one’s lane”.

“Boundary violation”.

The most simple answer to the question in the header is “No”, you should not be asked such questions.

In answer to the sexual orientation question, it is only relevant in certain situations and can be a question asked by practitioner during the exam.

Asking biological sex is mandatory since you can do major harm without that information.

Never answer the petty tyrant questions like how many guns and such other BS. If you don’t like Boundary Violation then “None of your F’ing business you petty woke tyrant.” Would also be appropriate.

The AMA’s CRT at it again—trying to see that care is prioritized to minorities first and to whites last in the name of “equity”. Rather than trying to improve care for all, AMA (which represents <15% of all allopathic physicians (MDs) in the USA) chooses to turn its usual rectocranial impactions into policy instead of trying to get the proper surgery to correct that problem.

Questionnaire I filled out when going to a clinic for a skin condition included such relevant questions as:
“Do you own any firearms”
“Do you wear a seatbelt when in a car”
“Does your home have a fire extinguisher and/or smoke detector”
There were 30 or so of these and I didn’t answer any. Handed it back in and the receptionist asked why I didn’t answer them. Because it’s none of your business and has nothing to do with treatment. She told me the doctor might not be able to see me and I told her she had 5min to find out. Doctor saw me.