Finland: Helsinki Set To Become ‘Sanctuary City’ For Illegal Migrants
The new right-wing government plans a crackdown on illegal immigration and migrant gangs.

Helsinki and other leftist-run cities in Finland have proposed to become ‘sanctuary cities’ for illegal migrants as the country’s right-wing government brings new laws to curb immigration. These cities will provide free services to illegal immigrants and shield them from deportation, news reports suggest.
In June, Finland elected a four-party coalition government, including the right-wing Finns Party, which came to power on the promise of stopping illegal migrants from swarming the Scandinavian country.
The move to make the country’s capital Helsinki a ‘sanctuary city’ comes in response to Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s government’s decision to deport immigrants who are unemployed and depend on social welfare. The proposed amendment to the immigration law will roll back the provisions to provide social benefits to people who are illegally in the country.
The French TV network Euronews reported:
Helsinki could become a ‘sanctuary city’, as the new right-wing government continues to crack down on undocumented migrants.
The latest move by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s coalition government, which includes the far-right anti-immigrant Finns Party, would roll back legislation brought in at the start of the year by ex-PM Sanna Marin, which required local authorities to provide free basic healthcare for paperless migrants wherever they are in the country.
Now, the new government is set to undo that law, leaving cities to decide whether to continue on their own treating migrants who don’t have a legal right to be in the country and access the public healthcare system.
It’s part of a new package of measures aimed at creating a ‘hostile environment’ for migrants, including cutting access to social services and benefits, and exploring the possibility of deport them to a third country if they cannot go back to their home country. (…)
At Helsinki City Hall the move to continue providing free services could put the administration on a collision course with the national government. Both the Mayor of Helsinki, and deputy mayor in charge of healthcare, come from Prime Minister Orpo’s National Coalition Party – known locally as Kokoomus – and they’re now marching out of step with the PM’s wishes on this issue.
Unregulated immigration not only strains the country’s welfare system, it has also led to a surge in gang-related crimes on the streets of Finland, the ruling right-wing coalition believes. The government “plans to crack down on street gangs, aiming to increase penalties for gang activity and introduce new legislation that makes street gang activity a separate aggravating offence,” the TV channel France24 noted.
Neighboring Sweden has seen a surge in imported crime wave, with parts of its migrant-dominated areas turning into no-go-zones for ordinary Swedes and law enforcement. Many Finns fear that they, too, will lose control over their streets as illegal migrants keep pouring into the country. “The Finns have been warning for years that by repeating Sweden’s mistakes in immigration policy, Finland will get Sweden’s problems,” Mari Rantanen, a lawmaker of the Finns party (PS), warned earlier this year.
Finland’s government pushes back against mass-migration as the European Union is working on a new ‘Migration Pact’ which includes possible migrant quotas for settling refugees, mostly men from Muslim-majority North Africa and the Middle East, to resettle in European countries regardless of the wishes of the native population or their elected governments. “If a country refuses to accept a quota, the proposal states that they must pay around EUR 22,000 for each person they refuse to accept,” Polish state TV Telewizja Polska reported in June.

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The Antifa symbol in the “Welcome” tells you everything you need to know about what these bleeding hearts’ true agenda is.
It seems like the whole helsinki community should be deported.
Neither the Finns nor their potential illegal immigrants are native English speakers, yet the banner is almost entirely in English.
This is pure virtue signalling.
None of these people are ‘migrants‘. They are immigrants.
“Migrants” move about from place to place, generally with the seasons. They do not permanently settle in the places across which they roam.
“IMmigrants” move to a place to settle.
Don’t help the destroyers of language with this.
Heck, call them what they are in most places: illegal aliens.
Fish food.
Also, doesn’t this give us new places to send people? If they’re sanctuary cities, then NYC can pass their immigrants along (heck, they’ve even got an international airport they can use!) so they can take in more new ones. Right?
Enjoy your military age male muslim “migrants”, Finland.
I imagine the Finns will enjoy all the raping and bombing just as much as the Swedes.
“Hell-Sink-Hole should be a better name.
I find it amazing the EU hasn’t gotten youTube to ban all the history channels with videos about the various battles with the Ottomans over several hundred years.
Good bye Finland, enjoy Islam laws
Gotta love how they use the term “far right” to try to demonize anyone who doesn’t bow down to the left.
I’d wager the “far-right” are the right wing of the Finnish Social Democrat Party. Essentially clearheaded socialists.
Excellent point. The mainstream media of all Western countries appears to be owned by the tyrannical elite class striving to destroy Western civilization and replacing it with the elite’s New World Order.
I have finally concluded that all this CRT stuff and open borders is pushed by the ultimate white supremacists. They have sugar coated the early 20th century eugenics movement and brought it in through the back door. They hate lower IQ whites as much as blacks. This new white aristocracy attend the best schools, don’t intermarry and live in isolated rich communities. They want to brown 99% of the population through mass immigration and intermarriage. This dumbing down results in a compliant population to rule over.
Lol Euro News. And no, fifty antifa protesters in Helsinki or Tampere or Vyborg will not win this. The Finns see what’s going on in Britain and the US. They might be socialists but they aren’t suicidal fools. Not now, not ever.
Not. Gonna. Happen.
Helsinki > Rwanda. Someone tell Rishi Sunak.
May the Finland residents enjoy many woke blessings bestowed upon them by the unaccountable EU.
Good. Now we can send ours to “Finnish-ing” school.