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Activists at Harvard Disrupt Ice Cream Social to Demand Creation of Ethnic Studies Department

Activists at Harvard Disrupt Ice Cream Social to Demand Creation of Ethnic Studies Department

“Hey, President Gay! We need ethnic studies today!”

We have raised a generation of babies who think they can get whatever they want if they just cry loudly enough.

The College Fix reports:

Harvard activists disrupt ice cream social to whine about ethnic studies

This past Tuesday, activists at Harvard University crashed President Claudine Gay’s ice cream social to demand the creation of an ethnic studies department.

Members of the Harvard Ethnic Studies Coalition shouted “Hey, President Gay! We need ethnic studies today!” and eventually got to chat with the new president for a bit, The Crimson reports.

Gay has been quite sympathetic to the ethnic studies cause; in 2021 as dean she helped with the hiring of several ethic studies tenured faculty, saying those who specialize in race and ethnicity can “make the world a better, more humane, and more just place.”

Two years prior, Gay had noted the university had a “strong institutional commitment” regarding creation of an ethnic studies program.

Nevertheless, at the protest sophomore Aaryan Rawal criticized Gay for her alleged lack of accessibility.

“How many other times has the president come out to the Harvard community to speak to the students?” Rawal (pictured) said. “The reality is that even today, this wasn’t a genuine commitment to speak to students.”

As proof, Rawal noted the social was scheduled during working hours when “every single student who’s on campus [has] a job right now or they have research.”

Rawal said it was “disappointing” that Harvard “had not listened to ’51 years of student concerns’” regarding ethnic studies, and added it was “more important than ever” now that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled affirmative action unconstitutional.


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Here’s some glue.
Go find yourself a wall while we enjoy some ice cream.

“Ethnic Studies”? In my day, we called that “sociology”. Or maybe “history”.

And annoying* people is never a good way to convince them to accept your point of view. Something the children on the Left have never learned.

* Stronger term deleted in the interests of good taste.

The Gentle Grizzly | July 16, 2023 at 12:58 pm

Would it not be more demomstration-y to chant “Hey, hey, President Gay”?

If you’re a perpetual student, and whiner, you never take a day off from complaining–they should just sit down and enjoy some ice cream for a change

Antifundamentalist | July 16, 2023 at 3:44 pm

All of these colleges and universities need to read over and start to enforce their Student Code of Conduct. After a few dozen expulsions, the environment would improve for everyone.

    Neva happen

    In the old days, faculty and administration had some concern re: the developing character and maturity of students

    Not today.

    Today? They could not possibly care any less

    The administration knows that if they punish the activists in any way, vast numbers of useful fool students will support the activists to the point of shutting down the university. It costs the administration nothing to capitulate.

Grievance Studies by any other name would still be a waste of resources.

There are some people in this world who truly deserve an All-American a** kicking. These self-absorbed Harvard twerps are excellent nominees for said action.

    gibbie in reply to MarkJ. | July 17, 2023 at 10:43 am

    This might be temporarily satisfying, but it’s what the core leftists want. It would get them the sympathies of the useful fool students, and get the kickers the negative attention of law enforcement.

    The best approach is to reduce enrollment and funding for such places, and to create alternatives.

      Jacques in reply to gibbie. | July 17, 2023 at 12:00 pm


      Did someone say “alternatives?”

      With apologies for my repetitiveness, redundancy ,and gratuitous duplicative-ness:

      Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School? The case for helping them leave, chart their own paths, and prepare for adulthood
      Author: Blake Boles
      Year: 2020

      The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money
      Author: Bryan Caplan
      Year: 2018

      The Teenage Liberation Handbook (Third Edition): How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
      Author: Grace Llewelyn
      Year: 2021

      Inside American Education: The Decline, The Deception, The Dogmas
      Author: Thomas Sowell
      Year: 1992

      In other words, plenty of viable alternatives already exist

      In 2023, you gotta be a little wacko to send your kid to places like Harvard Michigan Stanford and too many others

      Maybe not wacko. Just in a heap of denial

        gibbie in reply to Jacques. | July 17, 2023 at 2:02 pm

        Good list! But how many of them offer an education in mechanical engineering?

          Jacques in reply to gibbie. | July 17, 2023 at 2:47 pm

          Your point is well taken. If your goal is mechanical engineering or really any engineering then go to college and blessings to you. Seriously.

          But—As best I can determine from a twenty minute internet search:

          In the USA:

          Approx 15,000,000 total undergrads annually

          Approx 130,000 engineering degrees conferred annually

          Approx 30,000 mechanical engineering degrees conferred annually

          So, allowing for all kinds of approximations and rounding errors and other inevitable reporting inaccuracies …… undergraduate mechanical engineering students make up something like ~1% of American college graduates each year.

          Give or take.

          And so , respectfully, my absolutely totally unsolicited advice to American teens and their parents remains:

          Wake up.
          Accept reality in America in 2023
          Those books above aren’t a terrible place to start imho

          : )

          gibbie in reply to gibbie. | July 17, 2023 at 10:54 pm

          Jacques, I agree! Even if ones goal is engineering, one must choose ones school carefully, and once there, navigate obstacles and traps well.

          Dimsdale in reply to gibbie. | July 18, 2023 at 11:16 am

          The major is great, but the brainwashing occurs in the mandatory “core” courses, now with improved “gender studies” etc.

          Prepare your children before they go. Heads down, mouth shut.

Q: What did you do during the War on Child Sex Trafficking?

A: I disrupted an ice cream social. About departmental administrative matters.

Q: What about all the Harvard student outrage re: child sexual trafficking in America and around the world?

A: What Harvard student outrage re: forced child prostitution in America and around the world

If it was so important to them, why didn’t they go to a school that had it already?

“We have raised a generation of babies who think they can get whatever they want if they just cry loudly enough.”

They are correct. The activists will escalate until the university capitulates.