Mayo Clinic Suspends Medicine Prof Who Said ‘Testosterone Improves Athletic Performance’
“proved problematic in the media and the LGBTQI+ community at Mayo Clinic”

It’s stunning to see people punished for saying things that are obviously true.
The College Fix reports:
Mayo Clinic professor suspended after saying testosterone improves athletic performance
A Mayo Clinic College of Medicine professor was recently suspended — and remains under the threat of termination — after he told a news outlet his stance on trans-athletes in women’s sports and plasma treatments for COVID-19.
Administrators suspended Professor Michael Joyner without pay for a week, citing his “use of idiomatic language” and comments he made in a June 2022 New York Times article as justification for the disciplinary actions, according to a March 5 disciplinary letter that recently came to light.
The memo also told him to refrain from speaking to the media unless given permission.
The college expressed that Dr. Joyner’s opinions “proved problematic in the media and the LGBTQI+ community at Mayo Clinic,” according to a letter Joyner received from the college, which was recently published by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression.
In June 2022, Joyner told the Times that, when it comes to telling the difference between biological males and females, “you see the divergence immediately as the testosterone surges into the boys,” he said. “There are dramatic differences in performances.”
The “idiomatic language” the college could be referring to comes later in the New York Times article when Joyner stated “there are social aspects to sport, but physiology and biology underpin it… testosterone is the 800-pound gorilla.”
Inside Higher Ed reported this interview prompted headlines featuring Joyner’s statements such as “Doctors confirm trans swimmer Lia Thomas DOES have an unfair advantage even after taking testosterone suppressants” and “Doctors Verify the ‘Scientific Evidence’ Proves Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas’ Unfair Advantage Over Females.”
More recently, in January, Joyner spoke to CNN about the benefits of convalescent plasma as a treatment for immune-compromised individuals who contract COVID-19 and expressed his frustration with the government and other medical professionals who discount plasma as an effective course of treatment.

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Leftists doing what they do best: censoring opposing (but usually true) opinions. How many people were censored, but who were ultimately correct, for expressing opinions running counter to government/Leftists thought during the Wu-flu panic? Now we have the same insanity on the Left regarding gender, with people who have opposing opinions again getting censored. This is not the America I was born into. It is more like a dystopian nightmare.
There’s a reason why the Olympics and other professional or competitive sports test for testosterone as a performance enhancing drug.
This is all so jejune to a generation that grew up using the phrase “East German women’s team” as a punchline.
“Strong like bull”
It speaks ill of the Mayo Clinic College’s administration.
Apparently administrators there are like administrators nearly everywhere.
“In This House, We Believe Science Is Real”
Um, nope, you don’t. You’re not only a science denier but a reality denier. Actually, you’re mentally ill and probably should be confined for your own protection.
I for one am getting sick of everyone tiptoeing around these freaks for whom reality itself is ‘dangerous.’ Sick to death of it. How do we get this garbage shut down?
In that case they should tell WADA to remove testosterone from its biological passport standard. I doubt they’ll get any traction.
In other words, testosterone doesn’t give an athletic advantage, people with low levels of testosterone, idiomatically called women, just don’t try hard enough.
Can a college demand that a professor shut up?
When the backlash against the Alphabet People comes – and it certainly will – it will be fierce.
Don’t any of them realise what they’re letting themselves in for?
It is truly scary that the Mayor Clinic School of Medicine would discipline a prof for saying that non-woke language. Just crossed the Mayo Clinic off my list of trusted medical providers. They are idiots.